Universal Exposition of 1900: Installation of the Star on Top of the Palace of Electricity (engraving), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images
In a Birmingham Ironworks, Tapping a Furnace and Running the Molten Metal into the Pigs (chromolitho), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images
The Return of Major Marchand to Paris, the Crowd outside the Cercle Militaire cheering the Explorer (litho), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images
The Pope's Ninetieth Birthday, assisting his Holiness to Kneel at the Mass in the Private Chapel (litho), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images
The Open-Air Cure for Consumption at Montana, the Post arriving at the Beauregard Sanatorium (litho), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images
The Open-Air Cure for Consumption at Leysin, meeting a Patient on the Arrival of the Funicular Train from Lausanne at the Sanatorium (litho), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images