Frith, Francis (1822-98) Assets (61 in total)

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The Pyramids of Sakkarah, Egypt, 1858 (albumen print)
The Pyramids of Sakkarah, Egypt, 1858 (albumen print)

BST709391: The Pyramids of Sakkarah, Egypt, 1858 (albumen print), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, 1858 (albumen print)
The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, 1858 (albumen print)

IMJ284762: The Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, 1858 (albumen print), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Pyramids of El-Geezeh from the South West, 1858 (sepia photo)
The Pyramids of El-Geezeh from the South West, 1858 (sepia photo)

STC102675: The Pyramids of El-Geezeh from the South West, 1858 (sepia photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Pyramids of El-Geezah, from the South-West, 1858 (b/w photo)
The Pyramids of El-Geezah, from the South-West, 1858 (b/w photo)

STC136086: The Pyramids of El-Geezah, from the South-West, 1858 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Facade of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel, 1865 (sepia photo)
Facade of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel, 1865 (sepia photo)

SED876842: Facade of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel, 1865 (sepia photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Panoramic view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, printed in an elephant folio of prints published by James Virtue, 1860 (albumen print)
Panoramic view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, printed in an elephant folio of prints published by James Virtue, 1860 (albumen print)

STC232988: Panoramic view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, printed in an elephant folio of prints published by James Virtue, 1860 (albumen print), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Temple of El-Karnak from the South East, c.1856-59 (sepia photo)
The Temple of El-Karnak from the South East, c.1856-59 (sepia photo)

STC102684: The Temple of El-Karnak from the South East, c.1856-59 (sepia photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Bombay Hackerry, c.1875 (b/w photo)
Bombay Hackerry, c.1875 (b/w photo)

JHL696704: Bombay Hackerry, c.1875 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Pyramids of Dahshur, from the South West (b/w photo)
The Pyramids of Dahshur, from the South West (b/w photo)

STC135815: The Pyramids of Dahshur, from the South West (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The City Wall and Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, from 'Egypt and Palestine Photographed', 1858-60 (albumen print)
The City Wall and Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, from 'Egypt and Palestine Photographed', 1858-60 (albumen print)

EUL411110: The City Wall and Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem, from 'Egypt and Palestine Photographed', 1858-60 (albumen print), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561937: "Egypt and Palestine": ruins of the temple of Sobek and Haroeri of Kom Ombo, Upper Egypt, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561942: "Egypt and Palestine": view of Girgeh, Upper Egypt, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561947: "Egypt and Palestine": pavilion of Trajan in the monumental complex of Philae, Island of Agilkia, environs of Assuan, Egypt, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Kiosk of Trajan, Philae, Egypt, 1858 (b/w photo)
Kiosk of Trajan, Philae, Egypt, 1858 (b/w photo)

STC136084: Kiosk of Trajan, Philae, Egypt, 1858 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Black pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa (ivory)
Black pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa (ivory)

NAM5924129: Black pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa (ivory), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Dolly Varden, illustration from'The World's Library of Best Books', c.1940 (litho)
Dolly Varden, illustration from'The World's Library of Best Books', c.1940 (litho)

IL3037169: Dolly Varden, illustration from'The World's Library of Best Books', c.1940 (litho), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Northam Village, 1890 (b/w photo)
Northam Village, 1890 (b/w photo)

XIR178854: Northam Village, 1890 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561939: "Egypt and Palestine ": the ruins of the city of Hermonthis with the temple of Cleopatra in Armant (Erment) near Thebes, Egypt, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561941: "Egypt and Palestine": detail of the Osirian pilasters of Ramesseum, funerary temple of Ramses II, Thebes, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561944: "Egypt and Palestine": granite obelisk built by the pharoah Tutmosis I and the queen Hatshepsut in the great temple of Amon-Ra, Karnak, Egypt, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Entrance to the Suez Canal at Port Said, c.1856 (albumen print)
Entrance to the Suez Canal at Port Said, c.1856 (albumen print)

STC1144620: Entrance to the Suez Canal at Port Said, c.1856 (albumen print), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Interior Courtyard of The Biggin, Hitchen, 1903 (b/w photo)
The Interior Courtyard of The Biggin, Hitchen, 1903 (b/w photo)

JHL495419: The Interior Courtyard of The Biggin, Hitchen, 1903 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Elevated Railroad, New York, c.1860-70s (b/w photo)
Elevated Railroad, New York, c.1860-70s (b/w photo)

JHL495478: Elevated Railroad, New York, c.1860-70s (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

View of the Memnonium at Thebes, 1850s (b/w photo)
View of the Memnonium at Thebes, 1850s (b/w photo)

SXT2604291: View of the Memnonium at Thebes, 1850s (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Petroglyphs in the Near East, 1872 (albumen print from wax paper negative)
Petroglyphs in the Near East, 1872 (albumen print from wax paper negative)

XDM1070707: Petroglyphs in the Near East, 1872 (albumen print from wax paper negative), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Second Pyramid at El-Geezah, from the South East, 1858 (b/w photo)
Second Pyramid at El-Geezah, from the South East, 1858 (b/w photo)

STC136083: Second Pyramid at El-Geezah, from the South East, 1858 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Cairo, from the Citadel, c.1856-58 (albumen print) (see also 170812)
Cairo, from the Citadel, c.1856-58 (albumen print) (see also 170812)

STC170813: Cairo, from the Citadel, c.1856-58 (albumen print) (see also 170812), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561946: "Egypt and Palestine": ruins of the temple of Wady Kardassy, Nubia, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

FAF3561950: "Egypt and Palestine": pyramids of Kefren and tombs in the fortress at Giza, Upper Egypt, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

River landscape near Derwentwater in Great Britain.
River landscape near Derwentwater in Great Britain.

FAF3566506: River landscape near Derwentwater in Great Britain., Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The lake near Derwentwater in Great Britain.
The lake near Derwentwater in Great Britain.

FAF3566508: The lake near Derwentwater in Great Britain., Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The town of Ross-On-Wye, seen from a bank of the river. In the foreground a man standing on a row boat
The town of Ross-On-Wye, seen from a bank of the river. In the foreground a man standing on a row boat

FAF3571024: The town of Ross-On-Wye, seen from a bank of the river. In the foreground a man standing on a row boat, Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Ramesseum, Thebes, Egypt, 1858 (b/w photo)
The Ramesseum, Thebes, Egypt, 1858 (b/w photo)

STC136088: The Ramesseum, Thebes, Egypt, 1858 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Holborn, London, c.1895 (b/w photo)
Holborn, London, c.1895 (b/w photo)

SXT875857: Holborn, London, c.1895 (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Hypaethral Temple, Philae, Egypt, 1857 (albumen print from wet-collodion negative)
The Hypaethral Temple, Philae, Egypt, 1857 (albumen print from wet-collodion negative)

CIN403090: The Hypaethral Temple, Philae, Egypt, 1857 (albumen print from wet-collodion negative), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

Victoria Market, Manchester (b/w photo)
Victoria Market, Manchester (b/w photo)

SXT2604310: Victoria Market, Manchester (b/w photo), Frith, Francis (1822-98) / Bridgeman Images

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