He struck true and strong before the iron paw could fall, right on the muzzle of the monster (colour litho), Orr, Monro Scott (1874-1955) / Bridgeman Images
"This was not forged by mortal man!" he said. "This is the work of enchanters!". (colour litho), Orr, Monro Scott (1874-1955) / Bridgeman Images
The King's little daughter ran into the courtyard to meet her father as he returned from the chase (colour litho), Orr, Monro Scott (1874-1955) / Bridgeman Images
Away They Went Over Stock and Stave from 'The World's Fairy Tale Book' pub. by G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., London (colour litho), Orr, Monro Scott (1874-1955) / Bridgeman Images