Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) Assets (31 in total)

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Lat 18014 f.42v The Adoration of the Magi, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)
Lat 18014 f.42v The Adoration of the Magi, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)

PHD30952: Lat 18014 f.42v The Adoration of the Magi, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Virgin and Child, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)
Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Virgin and Child, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)

BLY159988: Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Virgin and Child, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Elevation of the Host, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)
Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Elevation of the Host, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)

BLY159991: Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Elevation of the Host, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Vespers, The Flight into Egypt, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Vespers, The Flight into Egypt, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67622: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Vespers, The Flight into Egypt, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum) (detail of 159990)
Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum) (detail of 159990)

BLY267651: Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum) (detail of 159990), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Crucified Jesus, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)
Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Crucified Jesus, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)

BLY159989: Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Crucified Jesus, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 John, Duc de Berry on his knees between St. Andrew and St. John, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 John, Duc de Berry on his knees between St. Andrew and St. John, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67613: MS 11060-11061 John, Duc de Berry on his knees between St. Andrew and St. John, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Matins, The Annunciation, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Matins, The Annunciation, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67616: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Matins, The Annunciation, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Tierce, The angels appearing to the shepherds, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Tierce, The angels appearing to the shepherds, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67619: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Tierce, The angels appearing to the shepherds, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 The Virgin suckling the infant Jesus, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 The Virgin suckling the infant Jesus, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67614: MS 11060-11061 The Virgin suckling the infant Jesus, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Tierce, The Flagellation of Christ, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Tierce, The Flagellation of Christ, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67627: MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Tierce, The Flagellation of Christ, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Sexte, Adoration of the Magi, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Sexte, Adoration of the Magi, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67620: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Sexte, Adoration of the Magi, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 18014 fol.38 The Nativity, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)
Ms Lat 18014 fol.38 The Nativity, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)

BNP58596: Ms Lat 18014 fol.38 The Nativity, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Prime, The Birth of Christ, from the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, early 15th century (vellum) (detail of 67618)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Prime, The Birth of Christ, from the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, early 15th century (vellum) (detail of 67618)

STC259702: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Prime, The Birth of Christ, from the Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, early 15th century (vellum) (detail of 67618), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 11060-61, Flight into Egypt, from 'Tres Belles Heures du duc de Berry', c.1409 (vellum)
Ms 11060-61, Flight into Egypt, from 'Tres Belles Heures du duc de Berry', c.1409 (vellum)

XIR387317: Ms 11060-61, Flight into Egypt, from 'Tres Belles Heures du duc de Berry', c.1409 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Sexte, Christ Carrying the Cross, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Sexte, Christ Carrying the Cross, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67628: MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Sexte, Christ Carrying the Cross, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Prime, The Birth of Christ, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum) (259702 for detail)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Prime, The Birth of Christ, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum) (259702 for detail)

STC67618: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Prime, The Birth of Christ, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum) (259702 for detail), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: None, The Presentation in the Temple, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: None, The Presentation in the Temple, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67621: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: None, The Presentation in the Temple, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Christ Carrying the Cross, from the Grandes Heures de Duc de Berry, 1409 (vellum)
Christ Carrying the Cross, from the Grandes Heures de Duc de Berry, 1409 (vellum)

XIR97192: Christ Carrying the Cross, from the Grandes Heures de Duc de Berry, 1409 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Compline, The Coronation of the Virgin, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Compline, The Coronation of the Virgin, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67623: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Compline, The Coronation of the Virgin, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Laudes, The Visitation, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Laudes, The Visitation, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67617: MS 11060-11061 Hours of Notre Dame: Laudes, The Visitation, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: None, Jesus on the Cross, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: None, Jesus on the Cross, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67629: MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: None, Jesus on the Cross, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Frontispiece with John, Duc de Berry, St. Andrew and St. John praying in front of the Virgin, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Frontispiece with John, Duc de Berry, St. Andrew and St. John praying in front of the Virgin, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67615: MS 11060-11061 Frontispiece with John, Duc de Berry, St. Andrew and St. John praying in front of the Virgin, French, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Matin and Laudes, The Betrayal by Judas, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Matin and Laudes, The Betrayal by Judas, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67625: MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Matin and Laudes, The Betrayal by Judas, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Prime, Christ in front of Pilate, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Prime, Christ in front of Pilate, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67626: MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Prime, Christ in front of Pilate, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Vespers, the Descent from the Cross (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Vespers, the Descent from the Cross (vellum)

STC67630: MS 11060-11061 Hours of the Cross: Vespers, the Descent from the Cross (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Offices of the Dead: funeral ceremonies (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Offices of the Dead: funeral ceremonies (vellum)

STC67632: MS 11060-11061 Offices of the Dead: funeral ceremonies (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)
Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum)

BLY159990: Ms Lat 18014 Jean de France (1340-1416) Duke of Berry Praying Before the Eternal Father, from Les Petites Heures de Duc de Berry, c.1385-90 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

Fr 13091 f.106 The fool, from the 'Psalter of Jean de Berry', c.1386 (vellum)
Fr 13091 f.106 The fool, from the 'Psalter of Jean de Berry', c.1386 (vellum)

PHD37369: Fr 13091 f.106 The fool, from the 'Psalter of Jean de Berry', c.1386 (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 11060-11061 Psalms of Penitence: Christ in Majesty, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)
MS 11060-11061 Psalms of Penitence: Christ in Majesty, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum)

STC67624: MS 11060-11061 Psalms of Penitence: Christ in Majesty, from the 'Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry' (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

MS 66060-66061 Hours of the Cross: Compline, The Entombment (vellum)
MS 66060-66061 Hours of the Cross: Compline, The Entombment (vellum)

STC67631: MS 66060-66061 Hours of the Cross: Compline, The Entombment (vellum), Hesdin, Jacquemart de (fl.1380-1411) / Bridgeman Images

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