Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) Assets (149 in total)

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The Deposition of Christ, 1525-28 (panel) (for detail see 82734)
The Deposition of Christ, 1525-28 (panel) (for detail see 82734)

BEN80052: The Deposition of Christ, 1525-28 (panel) (for detail see 82734), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation, c.1530 (fresco) (see 208284 & 60439 for details)
The Visitation, c.1530 (fresco) (see 208284 & 60439 for details)

BEN60438: The Visitation, c.1530 (fresco) (see 208284 & 60439 for details), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Deposition, 1528 (oil on panel)
Deposition, 1528 (oil on panel)

LRI4576009: Deposition, 1528 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Two Friends (oil on panel)
The Two Friends (oil on panel)

CPH60817: The Two Friends (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Self Portrait (red chalk on paper)
Self Portrait (red chalk on paper)

BEN100345: Self Portrait (red chalk on paper), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Goldsmith (oil on panel)
Portrait of a Goldsmith (oil on panel)

XIR94963: Portrait of a Goldsmith (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Supper at Emmaus, 1525 (oil on panel)
The Supper at Emmaus, 1525 (oil on panel)

XAL50327: The Supper at Emmaus, 1525 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

St. Anthony Abbot (c.251-356) c.1518-19 (oil on canvas)
St. Anthony Abbot (c.251-356) c.1518-19 (oil on canvas)

SCP54021: St. Anthony Abbot (c.251-356) c.1518-19 (oil on canvas), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Cosimo (Cosimo de Medici), known as Cosimo the Ancient Medici (1389-1464), 1518-19 (painting)
Portrait of Cosimo (Cosimo de Medici), known as Cosimo the Ancient Medici (1389-1464), 1518-19 (painting)

LRI4610129: Portrait of Cosimo (Cosimo de Medici), known as Cosimo the Ancient Medici (1389-1464), 1518-19 (painting), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Maria Salviati, 1543 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Maria Salviati, 1543 (oil on canvas)

BEN160888: Portrait of Maria Salviati, 1543 (oil on canvas), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation, detail of an angel to the left of the altar, 1528-30 (fresco)
The Visitation, detail of an angel to the left of the altar, 1528-30 (fresco)

BEN208950: The Visitation, detail of an angel to the left of the altar, 1528-30 (fresco), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Noli me tangere (Painting , c.1530)
Noli me tangere (Painting , c.1530)

LRI4598392: Noli me tangere (Painting , c.1530), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Maria Salviati with Giulia de' Medici, c.1539 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Maria Salviati with Giulia de' Medici, c.1539 (oil on panel)

XWM204670: Portrait of Maria Salviati with Giulia de' Medici, c.1539 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Lunette from the interior of the villa depicting, Vertumnus and Pomona (fresco)
Lunette from the interior of the villa depicting, Vertumnus and Pomona (fresco)

BAT97497: Lunette from the interior of the villa depicting, Vertumnus and Pomona (fresco), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, detail of the Virgin, c.1527 (fresco) (detail of 57520, see also 94964)
The Annunciation, detail of the Virgin, c.1527 (fresco) (detail of 57520, see also 94964)

PWI94965: The Annunciation, detail of the Virgin, c.1527 (fresco) (detail of 57520, see also 94964), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Cosimo, known as Cosimo the Old Medici (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Cosimo, known as Cosimo the Old Medici (oil on canvas)

JLJ4579871: Portrait of Cosimo, known as Cosimo the Old Medici (oil on canvas), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of a Woman with a Basket of Spindles, c.1514-17 (oil on panel)
Portrait of a Woman with a Basket of Spindles, c.1514-17 (oil on panel)

XAL50416: Portrait of a Woman with a Basket of Spindles, c.1514-17 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Alessandro de Medici, 1534-35 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Alessandro de Medici, 1534-35 (oil on panel)

PHL2905963: Portrait of Alessandro de Medici, 1534-35 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Alessandro de' Medici, 1534-35 (oil on panel)
Alessandro de' Medici, 1534-35 (oil on panel)

XCC2970202: Alessandro de' Medici, 1534-35 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation, detail of Elizabeth to right of the altar, 1528-30 (fresco)
The Visitation, detail of Elizabeth to right of the altar, 1528-30 (fresco)

BEN208951: The Visitation, detail of Elizabeth to right of the altar, 1528-30 (fresco), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Venus and Cupid (Venus and Cupid) Painting by Jacopo Carrucci dit il Pontormo (Pontormo) (1494-1556) 1532-1534 Dim 128x197 cm Florence, Galleria dell'accademia Italy
Venus and Cupid (Venus and Cupid) Painting by Jacopo Carrucci dit il Pontormo (Pontormo) (1494-1556) 1532-1534 Dim 128x197 cm Florence, Galleria dell'accademia Italy

LRI4579893: Venus and Cupid (Venus and Cupid) Painting by Jacopo Carrucci dit il Pontormo (Pontormo) (1494-1556) 1532-1534 Dim 128x197 cm Florence, Galleria dell'accademia Italy, Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Joseph with Jacob in Egypt, probably 1518 (oil on panel)
Joseph with Jacob in Egypt, probably 1518 (oil on panel)

XCF940: Joseph with Jacob in Egypt, probably 1518 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Study for 'Christ in Glory' and 'The Creation of Eve' in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence (chalk)
Study for 'Christ in Glory' and 'The Creation of Eve' in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence (chalk)

AII80184: Study for 'Christ in Glory' and 'The Creation of Eve' in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence (chalk), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, detail of an angel, c.1527 (fresco) (detail of 57520, see also 94965)
The Annunciation, detail of an angel, c.1527 (fresco) (detail of 57520, see also 94965)

PWI94964: The Annunciation, detail of an angel, c.1527 (fresco) (detail of 57520, see also 94965), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of St Mark - oil on panel, 1526
Portrait of St Mark - oil on panel, 1526

LRI4574035: Portrait of St Mark - oil on panel, 1526, Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

St. Jerome (chalk)
St. Jerome (chalk)

AII80194: St. Jerome (chalk), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Virgin and Child with St. Joseph and John the Baptist, 1521-27 (oil on canvas) (see also 80193)
The Virgin and Child with St. Joseph and John the Baptist, 1521-27 (oil on canvas) (see also 80193)

BOO226976: The Virgin and Child with St. Joseph and John the Baptist, 1521-27 (oil on canvas) (see also 80193), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation, 1528-30 (fresco) (detail of 60438)
The Visitation, 1528-30 (fresco) (detail of 60438)

BEN208284: The Visitation, 1528-30 (fresco) (detail of 60438), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Musician Francesco dell'Ajolle, c.1518 (oil on panel)
Portrait of the Musician Francesco dell'Ajolle, c.1518 (oil on panel)

SCP50417: Portrait of the Musician Francesco dell'Ajolle, c.1518 (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi, known as the 'Benintendi Epiphany' (oil on panel)
Adoration of the Magi, known as the 'Benintendi Epiphany' (oil on panel)

XOT351152: Adoration of the Magi, known as the 'Benintendi Epiphany' (oil on panel), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Road to Calvary, lunette from the fresco cycle of the Passion, 1523-6 (fresco)
The Road to Calvary, lunette from the fresco cycle of the Passion, 1523-6 (fresco)

BAT94727: The Road to Calvary, lunette from the fresco cycle of the Passion, 1523-6 (fresco), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Study for the Resurrection of the Dead (chalk on paper)
Study for the Resurrection of the Dead (chalk on paper)

BAT99679: Study for the Resurrection of the Dead (chalk on paper), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Study for a Group of Nudes (chalk on paper)
Study for a Group of Nudes (chalk on paper)

FTB96472: Study for a Group of Nudes (chalk on paper), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Visitation (detail of 60438), c.1530 (fresco)
The Visitation (detail of 60438), c.1530 (fresco)

KAB60439: The Visitation (detail of 60438), c.1530 (fresco), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

The Annuciation, detail of the Virgin, c.1527 (fresco)
The Annuciation, detail of the Virgin, c.1527 (fresco)

FAF308398: The Annuciation, detail of the Virgin, c.1527 (fresco), Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

Supper at Emmaus  - oil on canvas, 1525
Supper at Emmaus  - oil on canvas, 1525

LRI4575996: Supper at Emmaus - oil on canvas, 1525, Pontormo, Jacopo (1494-1557) / Bridgeman Images

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