White Teapot with Two Chestnuts, White Grapes and a Pear (oil on canvas) (b/w photo), Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Simeon (1699-1779) / Bridgeman Images
Still life: grape basket with three apples, a pear and two marzipans, 1764 (oil on canvas), Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Simeon (1699-1779) / Bridgeman Images
Self, portrait called portrait a green lampshade Pastel, 1775 (oil on canvas), Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Simeon (1699-1779) / Bridgeman Images
Portrait of the painter Jacques Andre Joseph Ave, known as the Camelot or Avet le Batave (oil on canvas), Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Simeon (1699-1779) / Bridgeman Images