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CH985386: An Interesting Story, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH985386
An Interesting Story, (oil on canvas)
Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932)
CH89273: Baiting the Line (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH89273
Baiting the Line (oil on canvas)
CH985474: A Quiet Time, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH985474
A Quiet Time, (oil on canvas)
CH985056: Women in a Rowboat, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH985056
Women in a Rowboat, (oil on canvas)
CH984925: Friends, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH984925
Friends, (oil on canvas)
CH822815: In the Parlour, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH822815
In the Parlour, (oil on canvas)
CH822868: Sunny Window, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH822868
Sunny Window, (oil on canvas)
CH985475: The Forbidden Kiss, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH985475
The Forbidden Kiss, (oil on canvas)
CH96158: Springtime (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH96158
Springtime (oil on canvas)
NAD3530495: Running for Home, 1889 (pen & ink with graphite on cream illustration board), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NAD3530495
Running for Home, 1889 (pen & ink with graphite on cream illustration board)
CH650418: Baiting the Line, (oil on canvas), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH650418
Baiting the Line, (oil on canvas)
KWE2619197: Pulling down the Vendôme Column during the Paris Commune, Paris, France in 1871, from 'The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine', published 1884 (wood engraving), Jones, Francis Coates (1857-1932) / Bridgeman Images
ID: KWE2619197
Pulling down the Vendôme Column during the Paris Commune, Paris, France in 1871, from 'The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine', published 1884 (wood engraving)