"A group of bustling housewives," the kitchen of the Winnipeg Immigration Hall (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
"Nothing then remains but for him to drive his wagon-loads of wheat to the nearest elevator " (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Arrival at Quebec of a party of women immigrants conducted by the Salvation Army (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
St Paul stoned, illustration from'Harold Copping Pictures: The Crown Series', c.1920's (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
The rich man and Lazarus, illustration from'Harold Copping Pictures: The Crown Series', c.1920's (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
The Widow of Zarephath, illustration from 'Women of the Bible', published by The Religious Tract Society, 1927 (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Jeroboam's Wife, illustration from 'Women of the Bible', published by The Religious Tract Society, 1927 (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Joe Willet and Dolly Varden, illustrations for 'Character Sketches from Dickens' compiled by B.W. Matz, 1924 (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Dick Swiveller and the Marchioness, illustration for 'Character Sketches from Dickens' compiled by B.W. Matz, 1924 (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
The Lord of Burleigh, illustration for 'Children's Stories from Tennyson' by Nora Chesson (colour litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
"Sleep, then," said the Queen, "And I will wind you in my arms, oh, how I love you! how I dote upon you!" (litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Valentine told them, that he was a man crossed by adversity, that he was going into banishment (litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images
Ganimed and Aliena were strangely surprised to find the name of Rosalind carved on the trees (litho), Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images