Henri II (1519-59) Giving the Chain of the Order of Saint-Michel to Gaspard de Saulx (1509-73) Count of Tavannes, after the Battle of Renty, 13th August 1554, 1789 (oil on canvas), Brenet, Nicolas Guy (1728-92) / Bridgeman Images
Louis XVI (1754-93) swearing loyalty to the constitution on the altar of the homeland (oil on canvas), Brenet, Nicolas Guy (1728-92) / Bridgeman Images
Aethra Showing her Son Theseus the Place Where his Father had Hidden his Arms, 1768 (oil on canvas)
, Brenet, Nicolas Guy (1728-92) / Bridgeman Images
The death of Bernard du Guesclin (1320-1380) before Chateauneuf de Randon the 13/07/1380, 18th century (oil on canvas), Brenet, Nicolas Guy (1728-92) / Bridgeman Images
Allegorical scene around the Bust of Henri IV (1553-1610) King of France and the portrait medallion of Comtesse de Gramont, 1776 (oil on canvas), Brenet, Nicolas Guy (1728-92) / Bridgeman Images