Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) Assets (231 in total)

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Woman in summer clothes, France, 17th century, from a print by Jean de Saint-Jean.
Woman in summer clothes, France, 17th century, from a print by Jean de Saint-Jean.

FLO5855368: Woman in summer clothes, France, 17th century, from a print by Jean de Saint-Jean., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Venetians wearing bauta masks, 18th century, Italy, from a painting by Canaletto.
Venetians wearing bauta masks, 18th century, Italy, from a painting by Canaletto.

FLO5855373: Venetians wearing bauta masks, 18th century, Italy, from a painting by Canaletto., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Venetian gondolier, 18th century, Italy, from a painting by Antonio Canaletto.
Venetian gondolier, 18th century, Italy, from a painting by Antonio Canaletto.

FLO5855377: Venetian gondolier, 18th century, Italy, from a painting by Antonio Canaletto., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Peasant woman of Milan, 18th century, Italy, from a print by Francesco Londonio.
Peasant woman of Milan, 18th century, Italy, from a print by Francesco Londonio.

FLO5855378: Peasant woman of Milan, 18th century, Italy, from a print by Francesco Londonio., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Fashionable woman, France, 18th century.
Fashionable woman, France, 18th century.

FLO5855383: Fashionable woman, France, 18th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Guillemardet, Ambassador of the French Republic, France, 18th century.
Guillemardet, Ambassador of the French Republic, France, 18th century.

FLO5855386: Guillemardet, Ambassador of the French Republic, France, 18th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Fashionable woman Merveilleuse, France, 18th century, from a print by Carle Vernet.
Fashionable woman Merveilleuse, France, 18th century, from a print by Carle Vernet.

FLO5855388: Fashionable woman Merveilleuse, France, 18th century, from a print by Carle Vernet., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Representant du peuple, France, 18th century, from a contemporary print.
Representant du peuple, France, 18th century, from a contemporary print.

FLO5855389: Representant du peuple, France, 18th century, from a contemporary print., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Louise de Savoie, Louise of Savoy (1476|1531)
Louise de Savoie, Louise of Savoy (1476|1531)

FLO5855244: Louise de Savoie, Louise of Savoy (1476|1531), Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Valet to the hounds under Francis I
Valet to the hounds under Francis I

FLO5855254: Valet to the hounds under Francis I, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Young woman of Venice, 16th century
Young woman of Venice, 16th century

FLO5855265: Young woman of Venice, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Halberdier, 16th century
Halberdier, 16th century

FLO5855267: Halberdier, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Louise de Montmorency (1496|1547)
Louise de Montmorency (1496|1547)

FLO5855271: Louise de Montmorency (1496|1547), Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Francois de Lorraine, Duke of Guise (1519-1563)
Francois de Lorraine, Duke of Guise (1519-1563)

FLO5855277: Francois de Lorraine, Duke of Guise (1519-1563), Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

English Man of Arms, 16th century
English Man of Arms, 16th century

FLO5855278: English Man of Arms, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Young woman of Ravenna 16th century
Young woman of Ravenna 16th century

FLO5855279: Young woman of Ravenna 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Spanish noble, 16th century
Spanish noble, 16th century

FLO5855282: Spanish noble, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Flemish military attendant, 16th century
Flemish military attendant, 16th century

FLO5855289: Flemish military attendant, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

German mercenary, 16th century
German mercenary, 16th century

FLO5855292: German mercenary, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Walloon soldier, 16th century
Walloon soldier, 16th century

FLO5855293: Walloon soldier, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

King James IV of Scotland (1473-1513)
King James IV of Scotland (1473-1513)

FLO5855297: King James IV of Scotland (1473-1513), Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

German man competing in a sleigh race, 16th century
German man competing in a sleigh race, 16th century

FLO5855300: German man competing in a sleigh race, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Isabella d'Este, Countess of Mantua (1474-1539)
Isabella d'Este, Countess of Mantua (1474-1539)

FLO5855301: Isabella d'Este, Countess of Mantua (1474-1539), Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Italian noblewoman, 16th century
Italian noblewoman, 16th century

FLO5855308: Italian noblewoman, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Venetian noblewoman, 16th century
Venetian noblewoman, 16th century

FLO5855309: Venetian noblewoman, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Lady of Florence, 16th century
Lady of Florence, 16th century

FLO5855310: Lady of Florence, 16th century, Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Archduchess Isabel Clara Eugenia (1566-1633)
Archduchess Isabel Clara Eugenia (1566-1633)

FLO5855313: Archduchess Isabel Clara Eugenia (1566-1633), Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

French woman from the reign of King Henry III, 16th century.
French woman from the reign of King Henry III, 16th century.

FLO5855319: French woman from the reign of King Henry III, 16th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

French labourer, 16th century.
French labourer, 16th century.

FLO5855323: French labourer, 16th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Heinrich Schmid, Swiss halberdier, 16th century.
Heinrich Schmid, Swiss halberdier, 16th century.

FLO5855326: Heinrich Schmid, Swiss halberdier, 16th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Spanish bishop, 16th century, from a painting by Murillo.
Spanish bishop, 16th century, from a painting by Murillo.

FLO5855327: Spanish bishop, 16th century, from a painting by Murillo., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Valet, England, 16th century, attributed to Holbein.
Valet, England, 16th century, attributed to Holbein.

FLO5855340: Valet, England, 16th century, attributed to Holbein., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Gentleman and woman, England, 16th century.
Gentleman and woman, England, 16th century.

FLO5855344: Gentleman and woman, England, 16th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Antoine de Saint-Chamans, France, 17th century, from a print in the Bibliotheque Imperiale.
Antoine de Saint-Chamans, France, 17th century, from a print in the Bibliotheque Imperiale.

FLO5855347: Antoine de Saint-Chamans, France, 17th century, from a print in the Bibliotheque Imperiale., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Officer from the Low Countries, 17th century, from a painting by David Teniers in the Louvre.
Officer from the Low Countries, 17th century, from a painting by David Teniers in the Louvre.

FLO5855351: Officer from the Low Countries, 17th century, from a painting by David Teniers in the Louvre., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

Standard bearer for a company of arquebusiers, 17th century.
Standard bearer for a company of arquebusiers, 17th century.

FLO5855360: Standard bearer for a company of arquebusiers, 17th century., Lechevallier-Chevignard, Edmond (1825-1902) / Bridgeman Images

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