'Now When Jesus', from The Four Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ According to the Authorized Version of King James I, 1931 (wood engraving), Gill, Eric (1882-1940) / Bridgeman Images
The Four Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ According to the Authorized Version of King James I, 1931 (wood engraving on vellum), Gill, Eric (1882-1940) / Bridgeman Images
'I am Black but Comely' (Nigra Sum Sed Formosa) illustration from 'The Song of Songs' (Canticum Canticoram Salomonis) 1929 (woodcut), Gill, Eric (1882-1940) / Bridgeman Images
David, illustration from Gill's 'That Which Pleases the Sight' (Id Quod Visum Placet) 1926 (engraving), Gill, Eric (1882-1940) / Bridgeman Images