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FHL266531: Anglesey, Tide Going Out, 2004 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266531
Anglesey, Tide Going Out, 2004 (oil on panel)
Hamel, Francis
FHL146510: Cooked Breakfast, 2000 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL146510
Cooked Breakfast, 2000 (oil on panel)
FHL266568: Rhoscolyn, Tide Going Down with Blue Sky (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266568
Rhoscolyn, Tide Going Down with Blue Sky (oil on panel)
FHL266533: Wellingtonia Avenue at Night, 2005 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266533
Wellingtonia Avenue at Night, 2005 (oil on panel)
FHL146625: The Green Man, 1999 (oil on board), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL146625
The Green Man, 1999 (oil on board)
FHL266539: The Road Dividing, 2004 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266539
The Road Dividing, 2004 (oil on panel)
FHL146505: The Great Cedar, 1999 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL146505
The Great Cedar, 1999 (oil on panel)
FHL266511: Outside the King's Arms, Oxford, 2002 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266511
Outside the King's Arms, Oxford, 2002 (oil on linen)
FHL266556: Chestnut Tree in Winter, 2004 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266556
Chestnut Tree in Winter, 2004 (oil on panel)
FHL159535: Cedar Tree, 2001 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL159535
Cedar Tree, 2001 (oil on panel)
FHL6373871: Looking up Towards Bellosguardo, 2015 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6373871
Looking up Towards Bellosguardo, 2015 (oil on linen)
FHL75335: Twelve Pears (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL75335
Twelve Pears (oil on panel)
FHL266525: Woodland with Seed Heads, 2006 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266525
Woodland with Seed Heads, 2006 (oil on panel)
FHL159540: Wooton, 2000 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL159540
Wooton, 2000 (oil on panel)
FHL6374316: Winter Tree, 2012 (pencil on paper), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6374316
Winter Tree, 2012 (pencil on paper)
FHL6373942: Winter Flowers, 2011 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6373942
Winter Flowers, 2011 (oil on panel)
FHL266534: Noah's Ark, 2005 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266534
Noah's Ark, 2005 (oil on linen)
FHL266563: Poplars in front of Camerino, 2005 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266563
Poplars in front of Camerino, 2005 (oil on panel)
FHL6374030: St Giles in winter sunshine, 2012 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6374030
St Giles in winter sunshine, 2012 (oil on linen)
FHL266542: Snowdonia from Anglesey, 2004 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266542
Snowdonia from Anglesey, 2004 (oil on panel)
FHL266545: Oak on Wootton Road, 2003 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266545
Oak on Wootton Road, 2003 (oil on panel)
FHL266523: Wellingtonias Reflected, 2005 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266523
Wellingtonias Reflected, 2005 (oil on panel)
FHL266528: Oak Tree with Hard Frost, 2005 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266528
Oak Tree with Hard Frost, 2005 (oil on panel)
FHL266571: Longhorn Cow, 1999 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266571
Longhorn Cow, 1999 (oil on panel)
FHL6374242: Blue oak, 2018 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6374242
Blue oak, 2018 (oil on linen)
FHL6374248: Great Cedar Tree, 2016 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6374248
Great Cedar Tree, 2016 (oil on linen)
FHL6374265: Emerald Oak, 2018 (oil on linen), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL6374265
Emerald Oak, 2018 (oil on linen)
FHL266507: Cherwell Valley, 2003 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266507
Cherwell Valley, 2003 (oil on panel)
FHL75334: Kitchen Window (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL75334
Kitchen Window (oil on panel)
FHL266537: Cardiganshire, 2003 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266537
Cardiganshire, 2003 (oil on panel)
FHL266543: Cow Castle in the Snow, 2003 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266543
Cow Castle in the Snow, 2003 (oil on panel)
FHL146503: Longhorn Bull, 2000 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL146503
Longhorn Bull, 2000 (oil on panel)
FHL159538: Cedar Tree with Longhorn Cattle, 2001 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL159538
Cedar Tree with Longhorn Cattle, 2001 (oil on panel)
FHL159541: Dandelions, 2001 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL159541
Dandelions, 2001 (oil on panel)
FHL266500: Aristotle Lane Allotments (Wheelbarrow) 2003 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266500
Aristotle Lane Allotments (Wheelbarrow) 2003 (oil on panel)
FHL266503: Blenheim Oak, 2003 (oil on panel), Hamel, Francis / Bridgeman Images
ID: FHL266503
Blenheim Oak, 2003 (oil on panel)