Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) Assets (120 in total)
Play Don Juan by Moliere: Don Juan with the statue of the Commander, 1870 (colour litho), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Group of workers discussing retirement at the age of 65 and tax deductions on salary to fund state pensions, cartoon from 'L'Assiette au Beurre', 8 July, 1902 (colour litho), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” "L'Assiette au Beurre"””, number 260, Satirique en N & B, 1906_3_24: Social, Mines, Accidents Disasters, Mail, Accidents du travail - Worker, Miners (lithograph), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 66, Satirique en couleurs, 1902_7_5: Anticlericalism, Social - Eg avec reactionaries, Eg pro patrons - Patron/Bourgeois, Cures (lithograph), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Les Hommes du jour””, Satirique en N & B, 1909_10_2: Parrot, Cochery Georges (1855-1914) - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” The Men of the Day””, Satirical in N & B, ca. 1908: Anarchist Anarchism, Workers' Movement - Faure Sebastien (1858-1942) - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Les Hommes du jour””, Satirique en N & B, 1908_10_3: Mirbeau Octave (1848-1917) - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Les Hommes du jour””, Satirique en N & B, 1909_5_10: Pataud Emile (1869-1935) - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Les Hommes du jour””, Satirique en N & B, 1909_8_25: Fabre Emile (1869-1955) - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 257, Satirique en couleurs, 1906_3_3: Retired, President of the Republic - Millerand Alexandre (1859-1943), Patron/Bourgeois (lithograph), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 275, Satirique en couleurs, 1906_7_7: Antimilitarism, Armee, Repression, Conseil de guerre - Sabre et pin, Journal La Croix (lithograph), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Les Hommes du jour””, number 10, 1908, Satirique en N & B: Emile Combes (1835-1921) - Anticlericalism, Religion - Failure of the Church - Combes Emile, Ravens - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” Les Hommes du jour””, Satirique en N & B, 1908: Jean Jaures - Portrait, Tribun - Jaures Jean Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
L'Assiette au Beurre, number 134, Satirique en couleurs, 1903_10_24: Mines, Speculation, Accident du travail - Worker, Boss/Bourgeois (lithograph), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Dirty Linen: "I'm finished! They are criticising me for having abused my political situation by accepting a free ride in a hot air balloon at the local fete!, engraved by the artist from 'L'Assiette Au beurre', pub. May 1908 (litho), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” "L'Assiette au Beurre"””, number 66, Satirique en Colours, 1902_7_5: Anticlericalism, Social - Cures (lithograph), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images
Cover of “” The Men of the Day”” number 27, January 1, 1908, Satirique en N & B: Social, Workers' Movement - Pouget Emile (1860-1931) - Illustration by Aristide Delannoy (1874-1911), Delannoy, Aristide (1874-1911) / Bridgeman Images