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CH1152827: Panthere Noire Debout, c.1929 (litho, gouache & gold leaf on paper), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1152827
Panthere Noire Debout, c.1929 (litho, gouache & gold leaf on paper)
Jouve, Paul (1880-1973)
CH6326822: Sitting Tiger, c.1930 (wax crayon, w/c & gouache highlights on Imperial Japanese paper), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH6326822
Sitting Tiger, c.1930 (wax crayon, w/c & gouache highlights on Imperial Japanese paper)
CH985643: Two-panel lacquer screen depicting a Black Panther turning to defend itself against a Cobra, c.1925 (lacquered wood, ivory, gilt), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH985643
Two-panel lacquer screen depicting a Black Panther turning to defend itself against a Cobra, c.1925 (lacquered wood, ivory, gilt)
CH1195163: A Leopard, (lithograph on paper), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1195163
A Leopard, (lithograph on paper)
CHT162723: Paul Verlaine (1844-96) (oil on canvas), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CHT162723
Paul Verlaine (1844-96) (oil on canvas)
XIR234111: Monkey (bronze), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR234111
Monkey (bronze)
CSM74115: Body hanging from gallows from 'L'Assiette Au Beurre', pub. 23rd Nov. 1901 (pencil and wash), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CSM74115
Body hanging from gallows from 'L'Assiette Au Beurre', pub. 23rd Nov. 1901 (pencil and wash)
CH6326845: Resting Cheetah, c.1930 (oil on board), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH6326845
Resting Cheetah, c.1930 (oil on board)
STC407189: The bird of prey's end, 1915 (litho), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STC407189
The bird of prey's end, 1915 (litho)
CH6326823: The Hunt for Kaa, 1930 (w/c on Imperial Japanese paper), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH6326823
The Hunt for Kaa, 1930 (w/c on Imperial Japanese paper)
CH1195063: Two Lions, (oil on canvas), Jouve, Paul (1880-1973) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1195063
Two Lions, (oil on canvas)