Illustration for the poem 'Delle morte stagioni' by Italian poet Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888 - 1970), Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
The painter and the model (Il pittore e la modella), by Giacomo Manzù, 1962, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 160 x 120 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
Landscape of Love (Paesaggio d'amore), by Giacomo Manzù, 1931, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 65 x 45 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
The painter and the Model (Il pittore e la modella), by Giacomo Manzù, 1957, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 71 x 57 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
The Painter and the Model (Il pittore e la modella), by Giacomo Manzù, 1958, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 302 x 198 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
The family united in peace, love, work and savings ( La famiglia unita nella pace, nell'amore, nel lavoro e nel risparmio), by Giacomo Manzù, 1970, 20th century, bronze, 265 x 789 x 20 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
Study for a Portrait of Pope John XXIII (Studio per un ritratto di papa Giovanni XXIII), by Giacomo Manzù, 1960, 20th Century, gouache on paper, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
Tebe in Armchair (Tebe in poltrona), by Giacomo Manzù, 1980, 20th Century, bronze, 140 x 99 x 149 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
Pope John and Monsignor Capovilla (Papa Giovanni e Monsignor Capovilla), by Giacomo Manzù, 1961, 20th Century, tempera on paper, 42 x 30 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
The Painter and The Model (Il pittore e la modella), by Giacomo Manzù, 1958, 20th Century, oil on canvas, 72 x 58 cm, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
Study for San Martino II (Model for the door of Salisbury Cathedral), 1958 (bronze with brown patina), Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images
The death of Pope John XXIII, Doors of Death, Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy, 1964, Manzu, Giacomo (1908-91) / Bridgeman Images