With a British battery at the front: the tense moment when an order arrives by field telephone from the observation officer, 1914-19 (litho), Matania, Fortunino (1881-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Women at work that men might fight: busy scene in one of the munitions workshops in the summer of 1915, 1914-19 (litho), Matania, Fortunino (1881-1963) / Bridgeman Images
Moving a Battery from mountain to mountain, illustration from 'Newnes Pictorial Book of Knowledge', c.1920 (litho), Matania, Fortunino (1881-1963) / Bridgeman Images
The Duchess of York signs the Register in Westminster Abbey, 26th April 1923 (pencil, black chalk, pen & black ink and grey wash heightened with white, on board), Matania, Fortunino (1881-1963) / Bridgeman Images