Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) Assets (53 in total)

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'My crown is in my heart, not on my head', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)
'My crown is in my heart, not on my head', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)

IL274564: 'My crown is in my heart, not on my head', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

The Silver Gown (w/c on paper)
The Silver Gown (w/c on paper)

CW210997: The Silver Gown (w/c on paper), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

IL3435430: "And what sayest thou then to my love?" scene from 'Henry V' by William Shakespeare (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

William Shakespeare - Comedy of Errors
William Shakespeare - Comedy of Errors

XLA3758893: William Shakespeare - Comedy of Errors, Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

Hereward and Sigtryg, from 'Hero Myths and Legends of the British Race' by M.I. Ebbutt, 1910 (litho)
Hereward and Sigtryg, from 'Hero Myths and Legends of the British Race' by M.I. Ebbutt, 1910 (litho)

STC323660: Hereward and Sigtryg, from 'Hero Myths and Legends of the British Race' by M.I. Ebbutt, 1910 (litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

'I am determined to prove a villain, and hate the idle pleasures of these days', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)
'I am determined to prove a villain, and hate the idle pleasures of these days', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)

IL274563: 'I am determined to prove a villain, and hate the idle pleasures of these days', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

'How may I reverently worship thee enough?', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)
'How may I reverently worship thee enough?', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)

IL274565: 'How may I reverently worship thee enough?', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

Confidantes, 1896 (w/c)
Confidantes, 1896 (w/c)

FLF69035: Confidantes, 1896 (w/c), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

William Shakespeare - The Winter's Tale
William Shakespeare - The Winter's Tale

XLA3758877: William Shakespeare - The Winter's Tale, Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

'Richard lifted his head and gazed upon his wife', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)
'Richard lifted his head and gazed upon his wife', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)

IL274569: 'Richard lifted his head and gazed upon his wife', illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

Gaunt knew that he would never see his son again, illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)
Gaunt knew that he would never see his son again, illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho)

IL274570: Gaunt knew that he would never see his son again, illustration from 'Shakespeare's stories of the English Kings', published by George Harrap & Son, 1912 (colour litho), Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

Little Em'ly had stopped and looked up at the sky
Little Em'ly had stopped and looked up at the sky

IL1192267: Little Em'ly had stopped and looked up at the sky, Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

I saw her sitting at her work
I saw her sitting at her work

IL1192271: I saw her sitting at her work, Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

Thus, in this silent hour, I left him
Thus, in this silent hour, I left him

IL1192274: Thus, in this silent hour, I left him, Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

IL1192277: "Oh, my husband and father, break this long silence!", Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

IL1192279: "Heep, and only Heep, is the forger and the cheat!", Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

A Reverie, 1888 (w/c on paper)
A Reverie, 1888 (w/c on paper)

MAA619267: A Reverie, 1888 (w/c on paper) , Hammond, Gertrude E. Demain (1862-1952) / Bridgeman Images

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