The Praca do Commercio, Lisbon, from Hutchinson's Picturesque Europe published by Hutchinson & Son, c.1930 (colour litho), Finnemore, Joseph (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images
Boer prisoners in the Palace Hospital at Simonstown, illustration from'After Pretoria: The Guerilla War', 1902 (litho), Finnemore, Joseph (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images
So he began jumping and shaking the bough at which the bear began to totter (colour litho), Finnemore, Joseph (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images
The Boers destroying their waggons at Spitzkop, illustration from'After Pretoria: The Guerilla War', 1902 (litho), Finnemore, Joseph (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images
Sobraon: Sir Joseph Thackwell leading the 3rd Light Dragoons in single file through some Sikh earthworks, illustration from 'British Battles on Land and Sea ', 1915 (litho), Finnemore, Joseph (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images