Untitled Collage (Still-life No.22), 1962 (mixed media and collage on panel), Wesselmann, Tom (1931-2004) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH990739
Untitled Collage (Still-life No.22), 1962 (mixed media and collage on panel)
Wesselmann, Tom (1931-2004)
Two People: Deux Personnages, 1949 (gouache on paper), Dubuffet, Jean (1901-85) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH824002
Two People: Deux Personnages, 1949 (gouache on paper)
Dubuffet, Jean (1901-85)
From Ten Portraits of Jews of the 20th Century, 1980 (synthetic polymer paint & silkscreen on canvas), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: IMJ282460
From Ten Portraits of Jews of the 20th Century, 1980 (synthetic polymer paint & silkscreen on canvas)
Warhol, Andy (1928-87)
Pop singer Tina Turner, 1990 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MME4705945
Pop singer Tina Turner, 1990 (photo)
The Girl on the Flying Trapeze, 1969 (plaster, metal and rope), Segal, George (1924-2000) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH1771782
The Girl on the Flying Trapeze, 1969 (plaster, metal and rope)
Segal, George (1924-2000)
Nine A.M., 1999 (oil on canvas), Katz, Alex (b.1927) / Bridgeman Images