Chinese man using a pair of chopsticks to eat a bowl of rice (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM5999082
Chinese man using a pair of chopsticks to eat a bowl of rice (colour litho)
English School, (20th century)
Children from the slum of Wiyoni department in the northern of the Lamu island in Kenya, 2020 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SRB6367237
Children from the slum of Wiyoni department in the northern of the Lamu island in Kenya, 2020 (photo)
Spotted hyena eating a wildebeest, Rift valley province, Maasai mara, Kenya, Africa (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LFG5057453
Spotted hyena eating a wildebeest, Rift valley province, Maasai mara, Kenya, Africa (photo)
Saint Roch Giving Alms to the Poor, 1594-95 (oil on canvas), Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SKD6318238
Saint Roch Giving Alms to the Poor, 1594-95 (oil on canvas)
Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
Chistopher Maloney and Owen Farrell protesting with placards on hunger strike in Whitehall, in a demonstration against the British government policy in Northern Ireland. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
ID: MPX5091182
Chistopher Maloney and Owen Farrell protesting with placards on hunger strike in Whitehall, in a demonstration against the British government policy in Northern Ireland. December 1969
"Food for the Hungry", tending Snow-bound Sheep on the Hills in Northumberland (litho), Charlton, John (1849-1917) (after) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LIP1043868
"Food for the Hungry", tending Snow-bound Sheep on the Hills in Northumberland (litho)
Charlton, John (1849-1917) (after)
Claudia Cardinale and Ugo Tognazzi in The Magnificent Cuckold, Italy, 1964 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2910177
Claudia Cardinale and Ugo Tognazzi in The Magnificent Cuckold, Italy, 1964 (b/w photo)
Chistopher Maloney and Owen Farrell protesting with placards on hunger strike in Whitehall, in a demonstration against the British government policy in Northern Ireland. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
ID: MPX5091219
Chistopher Maloney and Owen Farrell protesting with placards on hunger strike in Whitehall, in a demonstration against the British government policy in Northern Ireland. December 1969
Thieves stealing potatoes at night in Germany (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3097233
Thieves stealing potatoes at night in Germany (colour litho)
Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963)
Bread riot at the entrance to the House of Commons, 1815 (engraving), British School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PNP3245399
Bread riot at the entrance to the House of Commons, 1815 (engraving)
British School, (19th century)
Husband disappointed to find his wife has gone out to a Suffragette meeting (colour litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLE817846
Husband disappointed to find his wife has gone out to a Suffragette meeting (colour litho)
English School, (20th century)
Cooking in the street in the slum of Wiyoni department in the northern of the Lamu island in Kenya, 2020 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SRB6367240
Cooking in the street in the slum of Wiyoni department in the northern of the Lamu island in Kenya, 2020 (photo)
Feeding Time at the Park / Bridgeman Images
ID: VRM2223076
Feeding Time at the Park
Odds & Ends, In, Out, and About, The Great Exhibition of 1851, pub. 1851 (engraving), Cruikshank, George (1792-1878) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STC2655416
Odds & Ends, In, Out, and About, The Great Exhibition of 1851, pub. 1851 (engraving)
Cruikshank, George (1792-1878)
Escaped circus elephant devouring a greengrocer's produce in Norwich (colour litho), Ortelli, Alfredo (1889-1963) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3097228
Escaped circus elephant devouring a greengrocer's produce in Norwich (colour litho)
Little Tommy Tucker Sings for His Supper (colour litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3101449
Little Tommy Tucker Sings for His Supper (colour litho)
English School, (19th century)
Entertainment to Dock Labourers (litho), Almond, William Douglas (1866-1916) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LIP1626201
Entertainment to Dock Labourers (litho)
Almond, William Douglas (1866-1916)
The missing Breton cod trawler Christophe-Colomb found by the British steamer Gazelle (colour litho), Dufresne, Paul (1885-1956) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3097650
The missing Breton cod trawler Christophe-Colomb found by the British steamer Gazelle (colour litho)
Dufresne, Paul (1885-1956)
Hungry Rats in an Empty Barn, 1806 (coloured engraving), Williams, Charles (d.1830) / Bridgeman Images
ID: HRP2624931
Hungry Rats in an Empty Barn, 1806 (coloured engraving)
Women queuing for milk and flour, 1916 (b/w photo), Russian Photographer (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLR6033308
Women queuing for milk and flour, 1916 (b/w photo)
Russian Photographer (20th century)
Deux Mansardes (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM3644746
Deux Mansardes (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Two garrets, illustration from 'Le Magasin Pittoresque', Paris, 1855 (engraving) (b/w photo), Valentin, Henry Augustin (1822-86) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CHT286999
Two garrets, illustration from 'Le Magasin Pittoresque', Paris, 1855 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Valentin, Henry Augustin (1822-86)
Russia, 1950s: men sit on floor / Bridgeman Images
ID: AVE6328302
Russia, 1950s: men sit on floor
Retracts from the Butcher; Retracte de la Boucherie, 1951 (oil on canvas), Brauner, Victor (1903-66) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH655975
Retracts from the Butcher; Retracte de la Boucherie, 1951 (oil on canvas)
Brauner, Victor (1903-66)
A greedy cat. Illustrated alphabet (lithograph on a bistre background), French School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DUV4200351
A greedy cat. Illustrated alphabet (lithograph on a bistre background)
French School, (20th century)
Young Hobbinol and Ganderetta, c.1788 (oil on canvas), Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-88) / Bridgeman Images
ID: HEH416438
Young Hobbinol and Ganderetta, c.1788 (oil on canvas)
Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-88)
Warsaw, 1940s. Woman giving out food to the needy. / Bridgeman Images
ID: FRM563887
Warsaw, 1940s. Woman giving out food to the needy.
The old courtyard, 1930 (watercolour), Evgrafov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1904-1941) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5389180
The old courtyard, 1930 (watercolour)
Evgrafov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1904-1941)
Robin nestlings in a nest, Gower, South Wales (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: POV489458
Robin nestlings in a nest, Gower, South Wales (photo)
Up into the tree hur gets, illustration from 'Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century' by John Ashton, pub. 1882 (litho), English School, (18th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STC489663
Up into the tree hur gets, illustration from 'Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century' by John Ashton, pub. 1882 (litho)