Italy, Trentino Alto Adige, Taio, Apples Harvesting (b/w photo)
Summer garden with house, 1910 (oil on canvas), Dietrichson, Mathilde (1837-1921) / Bridgeman Images
ID: OVR3822514
Summer garden with house, 1910 (oil on canvas)
Dietrichson, Mathilde (1837-1921)
Victorian Christmas and New Year card of three children playing in an apple orchard c.1880 (colour litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CFA3603918
Victorian Christmas and New Year card of three children playing in an apple orchard c.1880 (colour litho)
English School, (19th century)
Bag of Apples and Crinum, 2008 (oil and tempera on panel), Patrick, Emily (b.1959) / Bridgeman Images
ID: EMI742264
Bag of Apples and Crinum, 2008 (oil and tempera on panel)
Patrick, Emily (b.1959)
Sweets on a tazza, narcissi in a glass vase, breadsticks in a jar, and apples, jelly and a lemon on a draped table (oil on canvas), Barbieri, Paolo Antonio (1603-49) / Bridgeman Images
ID: CH486604
Sweets on a tazza, narcissi in a glass vase, breadsticks in a jar, and apples, jelly and a lemon on a draped table (oil on canvas)
Barbieri, Paolo Antonio (1603-49)
Old Woman Waving a Stick at a Boy, 1793 (oil on canvas), Morland, George (1763-1804) (follower of) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PFA188088
Old Woman Waving a Stick at a Boy, 1793 (oil on canvas)
September, 1928 (etching), Drury, Paul (1903-87) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XYC285528
September, 1928 (etching)
Drury, Paul (1903-87)
White still life (oil on canvas), Scouller, Glen (b.1950) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SCL294684
White still life (oil on canvas)
Scouller, Glen (b.1950)
A Summer Sonata (oil on canvas over panel), Henriques, Ben / Bridgeman Images
ID: UES3956733
A Summer Sonata (oil on canvas over panel)
Henriques, Ben
A Woman Preparing Fish in her Kitchen, Coveyn or Covyn, Reinier or Reynier (1636-p.1667) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BAL64500
A Woman Preparing Fish in her Kitchen
Coveyn or Covyn, Reinier or Reynier (1636-p.1667)
Fruit in a Basket with Black Background, 1990 (acrylic), Watts, E.B. / Bridgeman Images
ID: BD77379
Fruit in a Basket with Black Background, 1990 (acrylic)
Watts, E.B.
Still Life with a Fruit Bowl, 1933 (oil on canvas), Bonnard, Pierre (1867-1947) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR162399
Still Life with a Fruit Bowl, 1933 (oil on canvas)
Bonnard, Pierre (1867-1947)
Why Is He Called Bobby?, Hook, Richard (1938-2010) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LAL302152
Why Is He Called Bobby?
Hook, Richard (1938-2010)
Banana Skin Base of Blue Vase, 2005 (tempera on panel), Patrick, Emily (b.1959) / Bridgeman Images
ID: EMI741186
Banana Skin Base of Blue Vase, 2005 (tempera on panel)
Patrick, Emily (b.1959)
Apple Tree, 1963 (oil on panel), Packer, William / Bridgeman Images
ID: WPA3929047
Apple Tree, 1963 (oil on panel)
Packer, William
Mamma Dear,Give me a Apple, Don't say 'A Apple': Say 'An Apple', O! Welly Well! Then give me Two Napples, Mamma Dear (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLD5237214
Mamma Dear,Give me a Apple, Don't say 'A Apple': Say 'An Apple', O! Welly Well! Then give me Two Napples, Mamma Dear (engraving)
English School, (19th century)
Hungry Ghosts Festival (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LIT372787
Hungry Ghosts Festival (photo)
Studio window, 1934 (oil on canvas), Miller, Josephine Haswell (1890-1975) / Bridgeman Images