XEE4133715: The Marseillaise and the apple of love. The volunteers who came from Marseille to help the homeland on 30 July 1792 brought with them the national anthem and tomatoes, both hitherto unknown in Paris. Engraving in “” La cuisine des familles”” from 1905-1908., Unknown Artist, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5136237: No one will believe him. But there he was, quietly fishing at Longleat, Lord Bath's place in Wiltshire, when these two hippos appeared. Nasty-looking brutes. Wouldn't take the worm. Just yawned. Or laughed. Well, they're vegetarians, aren't they? Next time though, he will try an apple - and a heavier tackle. 13th August 1972 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
PCT4297860: GAFA (or GAFAM) and NATU - Represented by the names of a board game bearing letters, here are the acronyms (acronyms) of “Web giants”, an expression that designates the great American players in the Internet and digital economy (digital): Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft on the one hand and Netflix, Airbnb, Tesla - Uber on the other hand trade electronics, computing, the march of new technologies, financial power - photo Patrice Cartier - / Bridgeman Images
FLO4610803: Common banana (Musa sapientum) - Lithography, illustration by Jean Gabriel Pretre (1780-1885) edited by Pierre Jean Francois Turpin (1775-1840), extracted from the “Dictionary of Natural Sciences” by Antoine de Jussieu (1686-1758) - Apple banana - Handcoloured copperplate engraving, illustration by J. G. Pretre (1780-1845), directed by P. J.F. Turpin, from Jussieu's “” Dictionary of Natural Science,”” Paris, 1837 / Bridgeman Images
FLO4566037: Datura stramoine or stramoine officinale. Coloured copper engraving from a drawing by Isaac Russell from William Baxter's book “English Botanical Phenomenes””, 1834. William Baxter (1788-1871) was the curator of the Oxford Botanical Garden from 1813 to 1854. Thorn apple, Datura stramonium. Handcoloured copperplate engraving of a drawing by Isaac Russell from William Baxter's “” British Phaenogamous Botany”” 1835. Scotsman William Baxter (1788-1871) was the curator of the Oxford Botanic Garden from 1813 to 1854. / Bridgeman Images