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44824 Search Results for $Xle or $XLF or $XLA

'The Bachelors'
'The Bachelors'

XLA3748029: 'The Bachelors' / Bridgeman Images

'David Copperfield'
'David Copperfield'

XLA3748110: 'David Copperfield', Moreland, Arthur (1876-1951) / Bridgeman Images


XLA3748317: 'Herbal' / Bridgeman Images

Corneille - Le Cid
Corneille - Le Cid

XLA3749689: Corneille - Le Cid / Bridgeman Images

Robert Louis Stevenson, 1913 (illustration)
Robert Louis Stevenson, 1913 (illustration)

XLA3748826: Robert Louis Stevenson, 1913 (illustration), Boyd, Alexander Stuart (1854-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Fires of youth by Evelyn Waugh
Fires of youth by Evelyn Waugh

XLA3751252: Fires of youth by Evelyn Waugh / Bridgeman Images

Robert Browning 's The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Robert Browning 's The Pied Piper of Hamelin

XLA3751388: Robert Browning 's The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Robinson, Thomas Heath (1869-1954) / Bridgeman Images

'Cavalcade' by Noel Coward
'Cavalcade' by Noel Coward

XLA3752149: 'Cavalcade' by Noel Coward / Bridgeman Images

'Hold my Hand'
'Hold my Hand'

XLA3752180: 'Hold my Hand' / Bridgeman Images

Henry V and Katherine of France, Act II Sc. II in 'Henry V' by William Shakespeare (engraving)
Henry V and Katherine of France, Act II Sc. II in 'Henry V' by William Shakespeare (engraving)

XLA3752868: Henry V and Katherine of France, Act II Sc. II in 'Henry V' by William Shakespeare (engraving), Dicksee, Frank (1853-1928) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Wife of Bath by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Wife of Bath by Geoffrey Chaucer

XLA3753280: The Wife of Bath by Geoffrey Chaucer, English School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Pierre de Ronsard
Pierre de Ronsard

XLA3753288: Pierre de Ronsard / Bridgeman Images

Elizabeth I and her attendants out hawking, 1575 (engraving)
Elizabeth I and her attendants out hawking, 1575 (engraving)

XLA3754660: Elizabeth I and her attendants out hawking, 1575 (engraving), English School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Bartholomew Fair
Bartholomew Fair

XLA3755035: Bartholomew Fair, Rowlandson, Thomas (1756-1827) / Bridgeman Images

Naboth 's Vineyard  -Bible
Naboth 's Vineyard  -Bible

XLA3754434: Naboth 's Vineyard -Bible, Dixon, Arthur A. (1892-1927) / Bridgeman Images

Sir John Fielding, Bow Street Police Court
Sir John Fielding, Bow Street Police Court

XLA3755464: Sir John Fielding, Bow Street Police Court / Bridgeman Images

J. M. Barrie 's 'Peter Pan'
J. M. Barrie 's 'Peter Pan'

XLA3755900: J. M. Barrie 's 'Peter Pan', Hudson, Gwynedd M. (1882-1932) / Bridgeman Images

Hugo von Hofmannsthal -
Hugo von Hofmannsthal -

XLA3756287: Hugo von Hofmannsthal - / Bridgeman Images

Hamlet, with John Gielgud and Jessica Tandy, 1935
Hamlet, with John Gielgud and Jessica Tandy, 1935

XLA3757126: Hamlet, with John Gielgud and Jessica Tandy, 1935 / Bridgeman Images

'Daisy Miller' by Henry James, 1878 (print)
'Daisy Miller' by Henry James, 1878 (print)

XLA3757584: 'Daisy Miller' by Henry James, 1878 (print) / Bridgeman Images

Sarah Bernhardt French actress
Sarah Bernhardt French actress

XLA3757619: Sarah Bernhardt French actress / Bridgeman Images

Flight of townspeople into
Flight of townspeople into

XLA3757680: Flight of townspeople into / Bridgeman Images

Sherlock Holmes and his career
Sherlock Holmes and his career

XLA3750724: Sherlock Holmes and his career, Paget, Sidney (1860-1908) / Bridgeman Images

J M Barrie 'The Admirable Crichton'
J M Barrie 'The Admirable Crichton'

XLA3750066: J M Barrie 'The Admirable Crichton', Thomson, Hugh (1860-1920) / Bridgeman Images

Treasure Island
Treasure Island

XLA3750282: Treasure Island / Bridgeman Images

Treasure Island
Treasure Island

XLA3750280: Treasure Island / Bridgeman Images

Edith Wharton as a debutante, c. 1862
Edith Wharton as a debutante, c. 1862

XLA3754187: Edith Wharton as a debutante, c. 1862 / Bridgeman Images

Theodore Dreiser c. 1918
Theodore Dreiser c. 1918

XLA3754201: Theodore Dreiser c. 1918 / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Abélard
Pierre Abélard

XLA3758084: Pierre Abélard / Bridgeman Images


XLA3758142: Calvin / Bridgeman Images

Galileo - portrait, 1933 (print)
Galileo - portrait, 1933 (print)

XLA3773467: Galileo - portrait, 1933 (print), Unknown Artist, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

'Little Women' by Louisa
'Little Women' by Louisa

XLA3774622: 'Little Women' by Louisa, Copping, Harold (1863-1932) / Bridgeman Images

William Shakespeare 's play
William Shakespeare 's play

XLA3774061: William Shakespeare 's play / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Charlotte von Stein, 1933 (print)
Portrait of Charlotte von Stein, 1933 (print)

XLA3773727: Portrait of Charlotte von Stein, 1933 (print) / Bridgeman Images

'La vida es sueno' - play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca
'La vida es sueno' - play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca

XLA3760823: 'La vida es sueno' - play by Pedro Calderón de la Barca / Bridgeman Images

A Christmas Carol - novel by Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol - novel by Charles Dickens

XLA3760594: A Christmas Carol - novel by Charles Dickens, Browne, Hablot Knight (Phiz) (1815-92) / Bridgeman Images

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