The Lie, plate one from Intimacies, 1897 (woodcut), Vallotton, Felix Edouard (1865-1925) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XCC3500287
The Lie, plate one from Intimacies, 1897 (woodcut)
Vallotton, Felix Edouard (1865-1925)
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Seventh night: The parrot addresses Khujasta at the beginning of the seventh night, c.1560 (opaque w/c, ink and gold on paper), Mughal School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XCL5857398
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Seventh night: The parrot addresses Khujasta at the beginning of the seventh night, c.1560 (opaque w/c, ink and gold on paper)
Houston Street, 1917 (oil on canvas), Luks, George Benjamin (1867-1933) / Bridgeman Images
ID: STM620285
Houston Street, 1917 (oil on canvas)
Luks, George Benjamin (1867-1933)
Spring Blossom, 2018 (manipulated photography), White, Helen / Bridgeman Images
ID: ACQ3743146
Spring Blossom, 2018 (manipulated photography)
White, Helen
Jimmy Hoffa, surrounded by attorneys and newsmen, arrives at federal court in Washington DC to surrender and begin a prison term for jury tampering. March 7, 1967. / Bridgeman Images
ID: EVB2951386
Jimmy Hoffa, surrounded by attorneys and newsmen, arrives at federal court in Washington DC to surrender and begin a prison term for jury tampering. March 7, 1967.
High-handled drinking cup (kantharos), Asia Minor, Archaic Period (550-525 BC) (ceramic, black figure), Greek school, (7th-5th century BC) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BST261748
High-handled drinking cup (kantharos), Asia Minor, Archaic Period (550-525 BC) (ceramic, black figure)
Greek school, (7th-5th century BC)
Lessons for students of the Reconnaissance Pilot Training School in Braunschweig, 1939 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SZT3667604
Lessons for students of the Reconnaissance Pilot Training School in Braunschweig, 1939 (b/w photo)
Sunday Morning, 1901 (oil on canvas), Stott, William Edward (1859-1918) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MAN3526727
Sunday Morning, 1901 (oil on canvas)
Stott, William Edward (1859-1918)
Winter scene with a sledge in the foreground and figures gathering round a tent on the ice, 1653 (oil on panel), Goyen, Jan Josephsz van (1596-1656) / Bridgeman Images
ID: MAN3900340
Winter scene with a sledge in the foreground and figures gathering round a tent on the ice, 1653 (oil on panel)
Goyen, Jan Josephsz van (1596-1656)
The Journey of Jacob, c.1561 (oil on canvas), Bassano, Jacopo (Jacopo da Ponte) (1510-92) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ROC3706871
The Journey of Jacob, c.1561 (oil on canvas)
Bassano, Jacopo (Jacopo da Ponte) (1510-92)
Piazza IV Novembre Palazzo dei Priori, Perugia, Italy (manipulated photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BSI6325182
Piazza IV Novembre Palazzo dei Priori, Perugia, Italy (manipulated photo)
Sleight of Hand (engraving) (b/w photo), French School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XJF139029
Sleight of Hand (engraving) (b/w photo)
French School, (20th century)
Chinese jardinière, 19th century / Bridgeman Images
Postcard depicting 'The Puppets', c.1905-10 (colour litho)
Kirchner, Raphael (1876-1917)
Michael Faraday, Maclise, Daniel (1806-70) (after) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM457118
Michael Faraday
Maclise, Daniel (1806-70) (after)
Puppets (colour woodcut), Jelinek, Hans (1910-1992) / Bridgeman Images
ID: NAD3530190
Puppets (colour woodcut)
Jelinek, Hans (1910-1992)
Chinese jardinière, late 19th century / Bridgeman Images
ID: HRP5245666
Chinese jardinière, late 19th century
Chinese jardinière, 19th century / Bridgeman Images
ID: HRP5245693
Chinese jardinière, 19th century
St. Nicholas Cathedral, the bell tower, Ljubljana (manipulated photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BSI6325179
St. Nicholas Cathedral, the bell tower, Ljubljana (manipulated photo)
St. Nicholas Cathedral, the bell tower, Ljubljana (manipulated photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: BSI6325178
St. Nicholas Cathedral, the bell tower, Ljubljana (manipulated photo)
The Ventriloquists' Convention, 1988 (oil on linen), Krut, Ansel (b.1959) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FFA274442
The Ventriloquists' Convention, 1988 (oil on linen)
Krut, Ansel (b.1959)
System of Architectural Ornament: Plate 2, Manipulation of the Organic, 1922-23 (graphite on strathmore paper), Sullivan, Louis (1856-1924) / Bridgeman Images
ID: INC2969225
System of Architectural Ornament: Plate 2, Manipulation of the Organic, 1922-23 (graphite on strathmore paper)