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798183 Search Results

The arrival of the Clement-Bayard II dirigible military airship at Wormwood Scrubs, England after a flight from Breuil, France on October 16th 1910.  From The Year 1910 Illustrated.
The arrival of the Clement-Bayard II dirigible military airship at Wormwood Scrubs, England after a flight from Breuil, France on October 16th 1910.  From The Year 1910 Illustrated.

KWE492429: The arrival of the Clement-Bayard II dirigible military airship at Wormwood Scrubs, England after a flight from Breuil, France on October 16th 1910. From The Year 1910 Illustrated. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by A.A. Dixon from an edition dating circa 1915 of The Swiss Family Robinson by M. Weiss published by Blackie and Son Limited.  A change of abode. The family on the move in search of a suitable area to live.
Illustration by A.A. Dixon from an edition dating circa 1915 of The Swiss Family Robinson by M. Weiss published by Blackie and Son Limited.  A change of abode. The family on the move in search of a suitable area to live.

KWE619332: Illustration by A.A. Dixon from an edition dating circa 1915 of The Swiss Family Robinson by M. Weiss published by Blackie and Son Limited. A change of abode. The family on the move in search of a suitable area to live. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lord Kitchener's homecoming in 1902 from South Africa.  After a drawing by W. Hatherell.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lord Kitchener's homecoming in 1902 from South Africa.  After a drawing by W. Hatherell.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808803: Lord Kitchener's homecoming in 1902 from South Africa. After a drawing by W. Hatherell. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lt. Col. Henry Horatio Kitchener, 1805 – 1894, father of Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lt. Col. Henry Horatio Kitchener, 1805 – 1894, father of Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808806: Lt. Col. Henry Horatio Kitchener, 1805 – 1894, father of Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lord Kitchener in 1882 as Major of the Egyptian Cavalry.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lord Kitchener in 1882 as Major of the Egyptian Cavalry.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808810: Lord Kitchener in 1882 as Major of the Egyptian Cavalry. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Map of Anglo Egyptian Soudan showing The Upper Nile from Korosko to Fashoda, at the time of the Mahdist War.  From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Map of Anglo Egyptian Soudan showing The Upper Nile from Korosko to Fashoda, at the time of the Mahdist War.  From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808814: Map of Anglo Egyptian Soudan showing The Upper Nile from Korosko to Fashoda, at the time of the Mahdist War. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Map of the Battle of Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan,1898, showing the 1st attack at 6.45 a.m. and the Khalifa's attack at 9.40 a.m.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Map of the Battle of Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan,1898, showing the 1st attack at 6.45 a.m. and the Khalifa's attack at 9.40 a.m.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808815: Map of the Battle of Omdurman, Khartoum, Sudan,1898, showing the 1st attack at 6.45 a.m. and the Khalifa's attack at 9.40 a.m. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

From left to right, M. Albert Thomas, French Minister of Munitions, Sir Douglas Haig and General Joffre in conversation with Mr. Lloyd George during his visit to the Somme Front during World War One.   From The War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, published 1933.
From left to right, M. Albert Thomas, French Minister of Munitions, Sir Douglas Haig and General Joffre in conversation with Mr. Lloyd George during his visit to the Somme Front during World War One.   From The War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, published 1933.

KWE808829: From left to right, M. Albert Thomas, French Minister of Munitions, Sir Douglas Haig and General Joffre in conversation with Mr. Lloyd George during his visit to the Somme Front during World War One. From The War Memoirs of David Lloyd George, published 1933. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

An orchestra from the Tudor period in England.  From a contemporary print.
An orchestra from the Tudor period in England.  From a contemporary print.

KWE878551: An orchestra from the Tudor period in England. From a contemporary print. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Robert Seymour Bridges, 1844 –1930.  British poet and poet laureate from 1913 to 1930.  From The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, published 1936.
Robert Seymour Bridges, 1844 –1930.  British poet and poet laureate from 1913 to 1930.  From The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, published 1936.

KWE878614: Robert Seymour Bridges, 1844 –1930. British poet and poet laureate from 1913 to 1930. From The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges, published 1936. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

One room, one window, dirt floor log cabin at Sinking Spring Farm, Hardin County, Kentucky, America, where Abraham Lincoln was born.  Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.  16th President of the United States of America.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.
One room, one window, dirt floor log cabin at Sinking Spring Farm, Hardin County, Kentucky, America, where Abraham Lincoln was born.  Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.  16th President of the United States of America.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.

KWE955272: One room, one window, dirt floor log cabin at Sinking Spring Farm, Hardin County, Kentucky, America, where Abraham Lincoln was born. Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865. 16th President of the United States of America. From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.  16th President of the United States of America.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.
Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.  16th President of the United States of America.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.

KWE955275: Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865. 16th President of the United States of America. From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Maerten van Heemskerck or Marten Jacobsz Heemskerk van Veen,  1498 –1574.   Dutch portrait and religious artist. From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)
Maerten van Heemskerck or Marten Jacobsz Heemskerk van Veen,  1498 –1574.   Dutch portrait and religious artist. From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)

KWE709440: Maerten van Heemskerck or Marten Jacobsz Heemskerk van Veen, 1498 –1574. Dutch portrait and religious artist. From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Hendrik Goltzius, 1558 –1617.  Dutch printmaker, draftsman, engraver and artist.  From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)
Hendrik Goltzius, 1558 –1617.  Dutch printmaker, draftsman, engraver and artist.  From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)

KWE709444: Hendrik Goltzius, 1558 –1617. Dutch printmaker, draftsman, engraver and artist. From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Adriaen van Ostade, 1610 –1685.  Dutch Golden Age artist.  From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)
Adriaen van Ostade, 1610 –1685.  Dutch Golden Age artist.  From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)

KWE709455: Adriaen van Ostade, 1610 –1685. Dutch Golden Age artist. From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Gerrit Dou, 1613 – 1675, aka Gerard and Douw or Dow.   Dutch Golden Age artist.   From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)
Gerrit Dou, 1613 – 1675, aka Gerard and Douw or Dow.   Dutch Golden Age artist.   From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho)

KWE709462: Gerrit Dou, 1613 – 1675, aka Gerard and Douw or Dow. Dutch Golden Age artist. From Histoire des Peintres de Toutes les Écoles, École Hollandaise, published 1863. (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Fra' Filippo Lippi, ca. 1406 – 1469, aka Lippo Lippi.   Italian artist of the Italian Quattrocento.  From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho)
Fra' Filippo Lippi, ca. 1406 – 1469, aka Lippo Lippi.   Italian artist of the Italian Quattrocento.  From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho)

KWE709482: Fra' Filippo Lippi, ca. 1406 – 1469, aka Lippo Lippi. Italian artist of the Italian Quattrocento. From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, better known as Sandro Botticelli, c. 1445-1510.   Italian artist of the Early Renaissance.  From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho)
Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, better known as Sandro Botticelli, c. 1445-1510.   Italian artist of the Early Renaissance.  From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho)

KWE709488: Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, better known as Sandro Botticelli, c. 1445-1510. Italian artist of the Early Renaissance. From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Jacopo Carucci, 1494 – 1557 aka  Jacopo da Pontormo, Jacopo Pontormo, Pontormo.  Italian Mannerist artist and portraitist.  From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho)
Jacopo Carucci, 1494 – 1557 aka  Jacopo da Pontormo, Jacopo Pontormo, Pontormo.  Italian Mannerist artist and portraitist.  From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho)

KWE709510: Jacopo Carucci, 1494 – 1557 aka Jacopo da Pontormo, Jacopo Pontormo, Pontormo. Italian Mannerist artist and portraitist. From Histoire des Peintres, École Florentine, published 1876 (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Assyrian archer wearing a cuirass.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Assyrian archer wearing a cuirass.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955353: Assyrian archer wearing a cuirass. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Nimrod, king of Shinar, from the Palace of Khorsabad.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Nimrod, king of Shinar, from the Palace of Khorsabad.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955364: Nimrod, king of Shinar, from the Palace of Khorsabad. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Entrance of Frederick I Barbarossa into Milan, Italy in 1158, accompanied by Henry the Lion and his Saxon troops.  Frederick I Barbarossa, 1122 –1190.  German Holy Roman Emperor. From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho)
The Entrance of Frederick I Barbarossa into Milan, Italy in 1158, accompanied by Henry the Lion and his Saxon troops.  Frederick I Barbarossa, 1122 –1190.  German Holy Roman Emperor. From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho)

KWE709552: The Entrance of Frederick I Barbarossa into Milan, Italy in 1158, accompanied by Henry the Lion and his Saxon troops. Frederick I Barbarossa, 1122 –1190. German Holy Roman Emperor. From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Victoria, Princess Royal, here as a widow in 1891, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
Victoria, Princess Royal, here as a widow in 1891, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432539: Victoria, Princess Royal, here as a widow in 1891, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, here aged 36, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, here aged 36, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432540: Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, here aged 36, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A 19th century Swedish wooden cradle, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
A 19th century Swedish wooden cradle, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432552: A 19th century Swedish wooden cradle, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

King Edward VIII, middle of picture, and his brother the Duke of York future King George VI at Balmoral in 1936
King Edward VIII, middle of picture, and his brother the Duke of York future King George VI at Balmoral in 1936

KWE3432564: King Edward VIII, middle of picture, and his brother the Duke of York future King George VI at Balmoral in 1936 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Joseph Joachim, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
Joseph Joachim, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432572: Joseph Joachim, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Anne Horton, née Anne Luttrell, later the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathearn, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
Anne Horton, née Anne Luttrell, later the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathearn, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432578: Anne Horton, née Anne Luttrell, later the Duchess of Cumberland and Strathearn, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Dipping for pilchards in the 19th century, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
Dipping for pilchards in the 19th century, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432579: Dipping for pilchards in the 19th century, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Alberich. A costume design made for the Bayreuth production of Richard Wagner's opera of 1876, Siegfried
Alberich. A costume design made for the Bayreuth production of Richard Wagner's opera of 1876, Siegfried

KWE3432581: Alberich. A costume design made for the Bayreuth production of Richard Wagner's opera of 1876, Siegfried / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Siegfried. A costume design made for the Bayreuth production of Richard Wagner's opera of 1876, Siegfried
Siegfried. A costume design made for the Bayreuth production of Richard Wagner's opera of 1876, Siegfried

KWE3432582: Siegfried. A costume design made for the Bayreuth production of Richard Wagner's opera of 1876, Siegfried / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The King's Champion, mounted and in full armour, from Their Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, published 1937
The King's Champion, mounted and in full armour, from Their Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, published 1937

KWE3432586: The King's Champion, mounted and in full armour, from Their Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, published 1937 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Court of Claims during the reign of Edward V in the 15th century, from Their Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, published 1937.
The Court of Claims during the reign of Edward V in the 15th century, from Their Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, published 1937.

KWE3432590: The Court of Claims during the reign of Edward V in the 15th century, from Their Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, published 1937. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Duke and Duchess of York strolling through the grounds of Polesdon Lacey, Surrey, England, on thier honeymoon in 1923
The Duke and Duchess of York strolling through the grounds of Polesdon Lacey, Surrey, England, on thier honeymoon in 1923

KWE3432602: The Duke and Duchess of York strolling through the grounds of Polesdon Lacey, Surrey, England, on thier honeymoon in 1923 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The coronation coach of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth passing through Admiralty Arch, London, England on the day of their coronation in 1936
The coronation coach of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth passing through Admiralty Arch, London, England on the day of their coronation in 1936

KWE3432611: The coronation coach of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth passing through Admiralty Arch, London, England on the day of their coronation in 1936 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A Giraffe. From Meyers Lexicon, published 1924.
A Giraffe. From Meyers Lexicon, published 1924.

KWE3432617: A Giraffe. From Meyers Lexicon, published 1924. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

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