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798183 Search Results

The sinking of The SS London during stormy weather in the Bay of Biscay, in 1864.  From L'Univers Illustre published 1866.
The sinking of The SS London during stormy weather in the Bay of Biscay, in 1864.  From L'Univers Illustre published 1866.

KWE480899: The sinking of The SS London during stormy weather in the Bay of Biscay, in 1864. From L'Univers Illustre published 1866. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Blind Beggar after a medieval illustration.  From The Streets of London Through the Centuries.
The Blind Beggar after a medieval illustration.  From The Streets of London Through the Centuries.

KWE480915: The Blind Beggar after a medieval illustration. From The Streets of London Through the Centuries. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

His Highness Abbas II, Hilmi Bey, From The Strand Magazine published 1894
His Highness Abbas II, Hilmi Bey, From The Strand Magazine published 1894

KWE480928: His Highness Abbas II, Hilmi Bey, From The Strand Magazine published 1894 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Marie François Sadi Carnot,  From The Strand Magazine published 1894.
Marie François Sadi Carnot,  From The Strand Magazine published 1894.

KWE480930: Marie François Sadi Carnot, From The Strand Magazine published 1894. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Robert Abel, aged 27, 1857 – 1936,  From The Strand Magazine published 1894.
Robert Abel, aged 27, 1857 – 1936,  From The Strand Magazine published 1894.

KWE480933: Robert Abel, aged 27, 1857 – 1936, From The Strand Magazine published 1894. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Henry Blacker, 1724 - ? aka The British Giant.  From The Strand Magazine published 1894.
Henry Blacker, 1724 - ? aka The British Giant.  From The Strand Magazine published 1894.

KWE480938: Henry Blacker, 1724 - ? aka The British Giant. From The Strand Magazine published 1894. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

British Army Border Regiment soldiers occupying front line trenches in Thiepval Wood, The Somme, France during World War 1.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935
British Army Border Regiment soldiers occupying front line trenches in Thiepval Wood, The Somme, France during World War 1.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935

KWE480964: British Army Border Regiment soldiers occupying front line trenches in Thiepval Wood, The Somme, France during World War 1. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Sir Ross Macpherson Smith, (third from the left) and his brother Sir Keith Macpherson Smith, (second from the left) with their crew members.  .  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
Sir Ross Macpherson Smith, (third from the left) and his brother Sir Keith Macpherson Smith, (second from the left) with their crew members.  .  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE480974: Sir Ross Macpherson Smith, (third from the left) and his brother Sir Keith Macpherson Smith, (second from the left) with their crew members. . From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Andrew Bonar Law, aka Bonar, 1858 –  1923.   From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
Andrew Bonar Law, aka Bonar, 1858 –  1923.   From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE480985: Andrew Bonar Law, aka Bonar, 1858 – 1923. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

George Bernard Shaw, 1856 – 1950).  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
George Bernard Shaw, 1856 – 1950).  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE480989: George Bernard Shaw, 1856 – 1950). From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Charles Lindbergh (right) being welcomed on his arrival in Paris in 1927 by French aviator Rene Fonck.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
Charles Lindbergh (right) being welcomed on his arrival in Paris in 1927 by French aviator Rene Fonck.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE480990: Charles Lindbergh (right) being welcomed on his arrival in Paris in 1927 by French aviator Rene Fonck. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Flying Scotsman on its non-stop journey between London and Newcastle in 1927.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
The Flying Scotsman on its non-stop journey between London and Newcastle in 1927.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE480992: The Flying Scotsman on its non-stop journey between London and Newcastle in 1927. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, 1863 – 1945.   From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, 1863 – 1945.   From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE481002: David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, 1863 – 1945. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A Gas-bag taxi during World War I. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
A Gas-bag taxi during World War I. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE481006: A Gas-bag taxi during World War I. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Juan de la Cierva's Autogyro c.1923.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.
Juan de la Cierva's Autogyro c.1923.  From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935.

KWE481007: Juan de la Cierva's Autogyro c.1923. From The Story of 25 Eventful Years in Pictures, published 1935. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Abraham Lincolns' family home in Springfield, Illinois, America.  Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.  16th President of the United States of America.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.
Abraham Lincolns' family home in Springfield, Illinois, America.  Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.  16th President of the United States of America.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.

KWE955277: Abraham Lincolns' family home in Springfield, Illinois, America. Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865. 16th President of the United States of America. From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Mary Ann Lincoln, née Todd,  1818 – 1882.  Wife of the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.
Mary Ann Lincoln, née Todd,  1818 – 1882.  Wife of the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.  From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926.

KWE955278: Mary Ann Lincoln, née Todd, 1818 – 1882. Wife of the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. From Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, published 1926. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Frederick II, 1712 – 1786.  King in Prussia (1740–1786) of the Hohenzollern dynasty.  From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.
Frederick II, 1712 – 1786.  King in Prussia (1740–1786) of the Hohenzollern dynasty.  From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.

KWE955295: Frederick II, 1712 – 1786. King in Prussia (1740–1786) of the Hohenzollern dynasty. From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Jean-Jacques Rousseau,  1712 – 1778.   Genevan philosopher, writer and composer.  From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau,  1712 – 1778.   Genevan philosopher, writer and composer.  From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.

KWE955296: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712 – 1778. Genevan philosopher, writer and composer. From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Marie-Henri Beyle, 1783 –1842, better known by his pen name Stendhal.  19th-century French writer. From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.
Marie-Henri Beyle, 1783 –1842, better known by his pen name Stendhal.  19th-century French writer. From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.

KWE955297: Marie-Henri Beyle, 1783 –1842, better known by his pen name Stendhal. 19th-century French writer. From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, 1776 –1839.  British socialite, adventurer, archaeologist and traveler.  From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.
Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, 1776 –1839.  British socialite, adventurer, archaeologist and traveler.  From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924.

KWE955298: Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope, 1776 –1839. British socialite, adventurer, archaeologist and traveler. From Books and Characters, French and English, published 1924. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Silver tetradrachma of Alexander III of Macedon, 356 – 323?BC, aka Alexander the Great.  King of Macedon.   From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Silver tetradrachma of Alexander III of Macedon, 356 – 323?BC, aka Alexander the Great.  King of Macedon.   From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955344: Silver tetradrachma of Alexander III of Macedon, 356 – 323?BC, aka Alexander the Great. King of Macedon. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A heavily armed Greek warrior dressed for battle.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
A heavily armed Greek warrior dressed for battle.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955348: A heavily armed Greek warrior dressed for battle. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Heavily armed ancient Egyptian soldier. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Heavily armed ancient Egyptian soldier. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955350: Heavily armed ancient Egyptian soldier. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Heinrich Maria von Hess, 1798 – 1863.   German artist,  member of the Nazarene movement.  From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho)
Heinrich Maria von Hess, 1798 – 1863.   German artist,  member of the Nazarene movement.  From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho)

KWE709540: Heinrich Maria von Hess, 1798 – 1863. German artist, member of the Nazarene movement. From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Map showing the Israelites route to the Red Sea during their exodus from Egypt. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Map showing the Israelites route to the Red Sea during their exodus from Egypt. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955367: Map showing the Israelites route to the Red Sea during their exodus from Egypt. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Ancient Egyptians swathing or wrapping bandages round a mummy.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Ancient Egyptians swathing or wrapping bandages round a mummy.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955369: Ancient Egyptians swathing or wrapping bandages round a mummy. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Plan of Ephesus, the ancient Greek city  and its environs, the sites as named by Edward Falkener c. 1842.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.
Plan of Ephesus, the ancient Greek city  and its environs, the sites as named by Edward Falkener c. 1842.  From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889.

KWE955371: Plan of Ephesus, the ancient Greek city and its environs, the sites as named by Edward Falkener c. 1842. From The Imperial Bible Dictionary, published 1889. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Michael Wolgemut, formerly spelt Wohlgemuth; 1434–1519.   German artist, painter and printmaker.  From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho)
Michael Wolgemut, formerly spelt Wohlgemuth; 1434–1519.   German artist, painter and printmaker.  From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho)

KWE709560: Michael Wolgemut, formerly spelt Wohlgemuth; 1434–1519. German artist, painter and printmaker. From Histoire Des Peintres, École Allemande, published 1875 (litho) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lord Kitchener and his personal staff in India.  From left to right: Lieut. G.G.E. Wylly, Captain N.J.C. Livingstone-Learmonth, Captain O.A.G. Fitzgerald, Colonel W.R. Birdwood, Captain W.F. Basset and Lord Kitchener.    Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lord Kitchener and his personal staff in India.  From left to right: Lieut. G.G.E. Wylly, Captain N.J.C. Livingstone-Learmonth, Captain O.A.G. Fitzgerald, Colonel W.R. Birdwood, Captain W.F. Basset and Lord Kitchener.    Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808785: Lord Kitchener and his personal staff in India. From left to right: Lieut. G.G.E. Wylly, Captain N.J.C. Livingstone-Learmonth, Captain O.A.G. Fitzgerald, Colonel W.R. Birdwood, Captain W.F. Basset and Lord Kitchener. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lord Kitchener inspecting part of Kitchener's Army, after the drawing by Cyrus Cunco.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lord Kitchener inspecting part of Kitchener's Army, after the drawing by Cyrus Cunco.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808786: Lord Kitchener inspecting part of Kitchener's Army, after the drawing by Cyrus Cunco. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, left, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.  Field Marshal Sir William Robert Robertson, 1st Baronet,  1860 –1933. British Army officer and Chief of the Imperial General Staff. Seen here on
Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, left, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.  Field Marshal Sir William Robert Robertson, 1st Baronet,  1860 –1933. British Army officer and Chief of the Imperial General Staff. Seen here on

KWE808790: Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, left, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. Field Marshal Sir William Robert Robertson, 1st Baronet, 1860 –1933. British Army officer and Chief of the Imperial General Staff. Seen here on "Anzac" Day, 25th April, 1916. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lord Roberts, Lord Kitchener and staff riding into Pretoria, South African Republic  after its surrender at the end of the Second Boer War, June 5th, 1900.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.  Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, 1832 –1914.  British soldier and  Commander-in-Chief of the Forces. After a drawing by Sidney Paget.  From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lord Roberts, Lord Kitchener and staff riding into Pretoria, South African Republic  after its surrender at the end of the Second Boer War, June 5th, 1900.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.  Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, 1832 –1914.  British soldier and  Commander-in-Chief of the Forces. After a drawing by Sidney Paget.  From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808797: Lord Roberts, Lord Kitchener and staff riding into Pretoria, South African Republic after its surrender at the end of the Second Boer War, June 5th, 1900. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts, 1832 –1914. British soldier and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces. After a drawing by Sidney Paget. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lord Kitchener in South African Campaign uniform.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.
Lord Kitchener in South African Campaign uniform.  Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal.   From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916.

KWE808798: Lord Kitchener in South African Campaign uniform. Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener, 1850 – 1916. British Field Marshal. From Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, His Life and Work for the Empire, published 1916. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Forum, Pompeii, Naples, Italy in the late 19th century.  From Italian Pictures published 1895.
The Forum, Pompeii, Naples, Italy in the late 19th century.  From Italian Pictures published 1895.

KWE492366: The Forum, Pompeii, Naples, Italy in the late 19th century. From Italian Pictures published 1895. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Alexandra of Denmark,  1844 – 1925 (b/w photo)
Alexandra of Denmark,  1844 – 1925 (b/w photo)

KWE492425: Alexandra of Denmark, 1844 – 1925 (b/w photo) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

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