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798183 Search Results

Stella Court Treatt, née Hinds, (1895 -1976) with her husband Major Chaplin Court Treatt, (1888-1954) on her left and her brother Errol Hinds, (1908 - 1980) on her right during their Court Treatt expedition,  the first successful trip by
Stella Court Treatt, née Hinds, (1895 -1976) with her husband Major Chaplin Court Treatt, (1888-1954) on her left and her brother Errol Hinds, (1908 - 1980) on her right during their Court Treatt expedition,  the first successful trip by

KWE2913931: Stella Court Treatt, née Hinds, (1895 -1976) with her husband Major Chaplin Court Treatt, (1888-1954) on her left and her brother Errol Hinds, (1908 - 1980) on her right during their Court Treatt expedition, the first successful trip by "road" from Cape Town to Cairo in 1924, using two Crossley cars. From Heroes of Modern Adventure, published 1927 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

George Meredith, 1828 – 1909.  English novelist and poet.  After the drawing by William Strang.  From Impressions of English Literature, published 1944.
George Meredith, 1828 – 1909.  English novelist and poet.  After the drawing by William Strang.  From Impressions of English Literature, published 1944.

KWE2913937: George Meredith, 1828 – 1909. English novelist and poet. After the drawing by William Strang. From Impressions of English Literature, published 1944. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland c.1750. After the engraving by Robert Sayer.  From Impressions of English Literature, published 1944.
The Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland c.1750. After the engraving by Robert Sayer.  From Impressions of English Literature, published 1944.

KWE2913949: The Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland c.1750. After the engraving by Robert Sayer. From Impressions of English Literature, published 1944. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Ben Jonson, 1572-1637. English Jacobean dramatist,  lyric poet and literary critic. Engraved by J.W.Cook.
Ben Jonson, 1572-1637. English Jacobean dramatist,  lyric poet and literary critic. Engraved by J.W.Cook.

KWE2919856: Ben Jonson, 1572-1637. English Jacobean dramatist, lyric poet and literary critic. Engraved by J.W.Cook. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

H.R.H.Albert, Prince Consort in 1861. 1819-1861. Engraved by Emery Walker from the picture by Smith after Corbould. From the book “The Letters of Queen Victoria 1854-1861 Vol III” published 1907.
H.R.H.Albert, Prince Consort in 1861. 1819-1861. Engraved by Emery Walker from the picture by Smith after Corbould. From the book “The Letters of Queen Victoria 1854-1861 Vol III” published 1907.

KWE2919867: H.R.H.Albert, Prince Consort in 1861. 1819-1861. Engraved by Emery Walker from the picture by Smith after Corbould. From the book “The Letters of Queen Victoria 1854-1861 Vol III” published 1907. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Fox Maule Ramsay, 11th Earl of Dalhousie and 2nd. Lord Panmure.1801-1874. British secretary of state for war (1855–58). From the portrait by Sir J. Watson Gordon.From the book “The Letters of Queen Victoria 1854-1861 Vol III” published 1907.
Fox Maule Ramsay, 11th Earl of Dalhousie and 2nd. Lord Panmure.1801-1874. British secretary of state for war (1855–58). From the portrait by Sir J. Watson Gordon.From the book “The Letters of Queen Victoria 1854-1861 Vol III” published 1907.

KWE2919870: Fox Maule Ramsay, 11th Earl of Dalhousie and 2nd. Lord Panmure.1801-1874. British secretary of state for war (1855–58). From the portrait by Sir J. Watson Gordon.From the book “The Letters of Queen Victoria 1854-1861 Vol III” published 1907. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld later Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1784-1844.  Father of Prince Albert. From a portrait by Dickinson after Ruprecht.From the book “The Girlhood of Queen Victoria 1832-1840 Vol II” published 1912.
Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld later Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1784-1844.  Father of Prince Albert. From a portrait by Dickinson after Ruprecht.From the book “The Girlhood of Queen Victoria 1832-1840 Vol II” published 1912.

KWE2919874: Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld later Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 1784-1844. Father of Prince Albert. From a portrait by Dickinson after Ruprecht.From the book “The Girlhood of Queen Victoria 1832-1840 Vol II” published 1912. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Madame Vestris, Lucia Elizabeth (or Elizabetta) Bartolozzi,1797-1856. British actress, opera singer and manager. From a sketch by Queen Victoria before her accession.From the book “The Girlhood of Queen Victoria 1832-1840 Vol II” published 1912.
Madame Vestris, Lucia Elizabeth (or Elizabetta) Bartolozzi,1797-1856. British actress, opera singer and manager. From a sketch by Queen Victoria before her accession.From the book “The Girlhood of Queen Victoria 1832-1840 Vol II” published 1912.

KWE2919877: Madame Vestris, Lucia Elizabeth (or Elizabetta) Bartolozzi,1797-1856. British actress, opera singer and manager. From a sketch by Queen Victoria before her accession.From the book “The Girlhood of Queen Victoria 1832-1840 Vol II” published 1912. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A Civil War scene in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States of America.  Volunteer soldiers cheer their officer as they march through the streets of town. From The History of our Country, published1900.
A Civil War scene in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States of America.  Volunteer soldiers cheer their officer as they march through the streets of town. From The History of our Country, published1900.

KWE2967835: A Civil War scene in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States of America. Volunteer soldiers cheer their officer as they march through the streets of town. From The History of our Country, published1900. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Crusaders en route for the Holy Land
Crusaders en route for the Holy Land

KWE3052723: Crusaders en route for the Holy Land / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Edward The Confessor, aka Saint Edward the Confessor, 1042 -1066. Penultimate Anglo Saxon King.  Seen here on his deathbed.
Edward The Confessor, aka Saint Edward the Confessor, 1042 -1066. Penultimate Anglo Saxon King.  Seen here on his deathbed.

KWE3052724: Edward The Confessor, aka Saint Edward the Confessor, 1042 -1066. Penultimate Anglo Saxon King. Seen here on his deathbed. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Alfonso D'Alberquerque  1452-1515.  Portugeuse admiral. 1st. Viceroy of Portuguese India. From Gaspar Correa, Lendas de India, frontspiece to vol.ii
Alfonso D'Alberquerque  1452-1515.  Portugeuse admiral. 1st. Viceroy of Portuguese India. From Gaspar Correa, Lendas de India, frontspiece to vol.ii

KWE3052736: Alfonso D'Alberquerque 1452-1515. Portugeuse admiral. 1st. Viceroy of Portuguese India. From Gaspar Correa, Lendas de India, frontspiece to vol.ii / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Catherine de Medici  Queen of France 1519-1589. Wife of Henry II. From the drawing by François Clouet.
Catherine de Medici  Queen of France 1519-1589. Wife of Henry II. From the drawing by François Clouet.

KWE3052738: Catherine de Medici Queen of France 1519-1589. Wife of Henry II. From the drawing by François Clouet. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892. American abolitionist and poet.  From an illistration by A.S. Hartrick.
John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892. American abolitionist and poet.  From an illistration by A.S. Hartrick.

KWE3052765: John Greenleaf Whittier, 1807-1892. American abolitionist and poet. From an illistration by A.S. Hartrick. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Booshuana Village, Southern Africa village. Drawn by W. Alexander 1806, engraved by T. Medland.
Booshuana Village, Southern Africa village. Drawn by W. Alexander 1806, engraved by T. Medland.

KWE3052776: Booshuana Village, Southern Africa village. Drawn by W. Alexander 1806, engraved by T. Medland. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Interior of New Borne Market, Barcelona, Spain, on its inauguration, 28 November 1908.  Drawing by D.A. Rigalt, engraved by E. Alba.
Interior of New Borne Market, Barcelona, Spain, on its inauguration, 28 November 1908.  Drawing by D.A. Rigalt, engraved by E. Alba.

KWE3052790: Interior of New Borne Market, Barcelona, Spain, on its inauguration, 28 November 1908. Drawing by D.A. Rigalt, engraved by E. Alba. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Alain-René Le Sage, 1668-1747.  French novelist and dramatist. From the book
Alain-René Le Sage, 1668-1747.  French novelist and dramatist. From the book

KWE3052834: Alain-René Le Sage, 1668-1747. French novelist and dramatist. From the book "The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories" volume 3 French. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Frederick Britten Austin, 1885-1941. British author and playwright. From the book
Frederick Britten Austin, 1885-1941. British author and playwright. From the book

KWE3052853: Frederick Britten Austin, 1885-1941. British author and playwright. From the book "The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories, The War" / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Moses breaking the two stone tablets on which were written the ten commandments.  The Book of Exodus, Old Testament.  From The Children's Bible, published c. 1883
Moses breaking the two stone tablets on which were written the ten commandments.  The Book of Exodus, Old Testament.  From The Children's Bible, published c. 1883

KWE3039814: Moses breaking the two stone tablets on which were written the ten commandments. The Book of Exodus, Old Testament. From The Children's Bible, published c. 1883 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Henry Lee, 1756 - 1818.  Cavalry officer in American Revolution. Known as Light Horse Harry. Father of Robert E. Lee.  From painting by Alonzo Chappel
Henry Lee, 1756 - 1818.  Cavalry officer in American Revolution. Known as Light Horse Harry. Father of Robert E. Lee.  From painting by Alonzo Chappel

KWE3052858: Henry Lee, 1756 - 1818. Cavalry officer in American Revolution. Known as Light Horse Harry. Father of Robert E. Lee. From painting by Alonzo Chappel / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Prime Minister Balfour leaving the House of Commons, London, England.   Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, 1848 – 1930.  British Conservative politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  From Living London, published c.1901
Prime Minister Balfour leaving the House of Commons, London, England.   Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, 1848 – 1930.  British Conservative politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  From Living London, published c.1901

KWE3039829: Prime Minister Balfour leaving the House of Commons, London, England. Arthur James Balfour, 1st Earl of Balfour, 1848 – 1930. British Conservative politician and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. From Living London, published c.1901 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The trial of a Peer in the House of Lords.  London, England. From Living London, published c.1901
The trial of a Peer in the House of Lords.  London, England. From Living London, published c.1901

KWE3039832: The trial of a Peer in the House of Lords. London, England. From Living London, published c.1901 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Unemployed men waiting for work on the docks, London, England in the late 19th century.  From Living London, published c.1901
Unemployed men waiting for work on the docks, London, England in the late 19th century.  From Living London, published c.1901

KWE3039833: Unemployed men waiting for work on the docks, London, England in the late 19th century. From Living London, published c.1901 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Knight in war harness after miniature in 12th century Psalter.
Knight in war harness after miniature in 12th century Psalter.

KWE3052928: Knight in war harness after miniature in 12th century Psalter. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Moorish bridge and gate Cordoba, Spain.  From the book
Moorish bridge and gate Cordoba, Spain.  From the book

KWE3052936: Moorish bridge and gate Cordoba, Spain. From the book "Spanish Pictures" by the Rev Samuel Manning, published 1870. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

A royal scribe of Egypt from the statue in the Louvre. From the book The Outline of History by H.G.Wells Volume 1, published 1920.
A royal scribe of Egypt from the statue in the Louvre. From the book The Outline of History by H.G.Wells Volume 1, published 1920.

KWE3052943: A royal scribe of Egypt from the statue in the Louvre. From the book The Outline of History by H.G.Wells Volume 1, published 1920. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de Marmont,  Duc de Raguse, 1774-1852. French Marshal. Engraved by R. Young after Maurir.
Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de Marmont,  Duc de Raguse, 1774-1852. French Marshal. Engraved by R. Young after Maurir.

KWE3052956: Auguste Frederic Louis Viesse de Marmont, Duc de Raguse, 1774-1852. French Marshal. Engraved by R. Young after Maurir. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Sir Rowland Hill,  1st.Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke, Baron Hill of Almarez, 1772-1842. British General. Engraved by Robert Young from a painting by G. Dawe.
Sir Rowland Hill,  1st.Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke, Baron Hill of Almarez, 1772-1842. British General. Engraved by Robert Young from a painting by G. Dawe.

KWE3052961: Sir Rowland Hill, 1st.Viscount Hill of Hawkestone and Hardwicke, Baron Hill of Almarez, 1772-1842. British General. Engraved by Robert Young from a painting by G. Dawe. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Catherine of Aragon, also spelled Katherine, 1485-1536 first wife of Henry VIII.
Catherine of Aragon, also spelled Katherine, 1485-1536 first wife of Henry VIII.

KWE3062009: Catherine of Aragon, also spelled Katherine, 1485-1536 first wife of Henry VIII. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Upper Lake, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. Drawn by W.H.Bartlett, engraved by J. Cousen. From “The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland” by N.P.Willis and J.Stirling Coyne.  Illustrated from drawings by W.H.Bartlett. Published London c.1841.
Upper Lake, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. Drawn by W.H.Bartlett, engraved by J. Cousen. From “The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland” by N.P.Willis and J.Stirling Coyne.  Illustrated from drawings by W.H.Bartlett. Published London c.1841.

KWE3123855: Upper Lake, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. Drawn by W.H.Bartlett, engraved by J. Cousen. From “The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland” by N.P.Willis and J.Stirling Coyne. Illustrated from drawings by W.H.Bartlett. Published London c.1841. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Princess Elizabeth, future Elizabeth II, Sussex, England 27th June, 1945
Princess Elizabeth, future Elizabeth II, Sussex, England 27th June, 1945

KWE3432480: Princess Elizabeth, future Elizabeth II, Sussex, England 27th June, 1945 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, from The Duchess of York, c.1928
Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, from The Duchess of York, c.1928

KWE3432487: Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, from The Duchess of York, c.1928 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

British and French infantry fighting German infantry during battle of the Marne during WWI.  Drawn by Archibald Webb
British and French infantry fighting German infantry during battle of the Marne during WWI.  Drawn by Archibald Webb

KWE3123761: British and French infantry fighting German infantry during battle of the Marne during WWI. Drawn by Archibald Webb / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

George Augustus Constantine Phipps, after a print dating from the 1880's.
George Augustus Constantine Phipps, after a print dating from the 1880's.

KWE3432515: George Augustus Constantine Phipps, after a print dating from the 1880's. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Strand, City of Westminster, Central London, England in 1890, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
The Strand, City of Westminster, Central London, England in 1890, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432516: The Strand, City of Westminster, Central London, England in 1890, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Dame Alice Ellen Terry, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891
Dame Alice Ellen Terry, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891

KWE3432521: Dame Alice Ellen Terry, from The Strand Magazine, Vol I January to June, 1891 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

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