ELD4951496: Portrait of Jean de Gerson (1363-1429) academic, theologian, predicator, French politician (Portrait of Jean Charlier de Gerson French scholar, educator, reformer, and poet, Chancellor of the University of Paris a guiding light of the conciliar movement and one of the most prominent theologians at the Council of Constance) Engraving printed from “” L'Ecole and science”” 1887 / Bridgeman Images
ELD4951534: View of the abbey of Saint Germain des pres and the pre-aux-clercs celebre prairie where the duels, the louvre, the petit bourbon took place (former Parisian hotel located in the Louvre and Saint Germain the auxerrois and Montmartre under the reign of Charles V Engraving from “” The school and science”” 1887 / Bridgeman Images
ELD4951552: View of the College of Navarre, former entrance of the Ecole Polytechnique demolie in 1811, rue de la Montagne Sainte Genevieve a paris (View of the college de Navarre one of the colleges of the historic University of Paris, rivaling the Sorbonne and renowned for its library) Engraving from “” L'Ecole et la science” 1887 / Bridgeman Images
ELD4963423: Ancient Rome: “Emperor Heliogabale (Elagabal) (203-222) marrying the vestal Aquilia Severa after repudiating his wife Julia Paula in 221” (Emperor Elagabalus or Heliogabalus marrying Vestal Virgin Aquilia Severa 221 AD) Engraving from “Storia di Roma” by Francesco Bertolini ly / Bridgeman Images
ELD4963775: The crew of Vitus Bering (1681-1741) sinking on one of the commander's islands in the sea of Bering feeding on a failed whale 1741 (The crew of Bering on an uninhabited island in the Commander Islands group eating a dead whale 1741) Engraving from “History of shipwrecks” by Eyries 1836 / Bridgeman Images
ELD4963982: Revolution of 1830: Louis-Philippe (who became King of France Louis Philippe I), Duke of Orleans, appointed lieutenant general of the kingdom, went to the City Hall of Paris on 31 July 1830 (July revolution: Louis Philippe I at the Hotel de Ville, Paris 31th July 1830) Engraving from “Histoire de la vie politique et de Louis-Philippe” by Alexandre Dumas, 1852 / Bridgeman Images