XEE4164857: Inauguration de la Statue de la Liberte a Paris, le 4 juillet 1889 : discours de Eugene Spuller (1835-1896), ministre francais des Affaires Etrangeres. La Statue fut offerte a la ville de Paris par la communaute americaine pour commemorer le centenaire de la Revolution Francaise. Gravure de Gerardin. Une du journal ""Le Monde Illustre"" n°1685 du 13 juillet 1889., French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4164885: Boulangisme: the crowd cheering General Boulanger (1837-1891) when he left the restaurant Durand, Place de la Madeleine, Paris, where he celebrated his victory in the legislative by-election of 27 January 1889. Engraving by Louis Tinayre (1861-1942). One of the newspaper “” Le Monde Illustré”” n°1662 of February 2, 1889., French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4165019: Royal Family of Spain, 1913: portrait of Queen Victoire Eugenie de Battenberg (1887-1969) and three of her children, Beatriz de Bourbon (1909-2002) Jaime de Bourbon (1908-1975) and Alfonso de Bourbon (1907-1938). In “” Readings for All”” of November 15, 1913., Unknown photographer, (19th-20th century) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4164724: Corsican custom, 1865: la travata. Ceremony to hand over the keys to the marital home to a young wife. Engraving in “” Histoire de la Corsica illustree””” by the abbe Jean Ange Galeti published in “Le Monde Illustré”” n°424 of 27 May 1865., French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4164758: Experiences de physique executees par Henri Robin (vers 1803-1874) en l'honneur des meilleures eleves des Lycees de Paris, un spectacle offert par le Prince Imperial au Palais des Tuileries, le 27 janvier 1865. Sont presents : le Prince Imperial, fils de Napoleon III (1856-1879) (au centre du premier rang), l'imperatrice Eugenie de Montijo (1826-1920) et les princesses Mathilde Bonaparte (1820-1904) et Clotilde de Savoie (1843-1911) (assises devant la scene). Gravure in ""Le Monde Illustre"" n°408 du 4 fevrier 1865., French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4163432: Native house of Napoleon Bonaparte in Ajaccio (Corsica) - Birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte a Ajaccio en Corsica - Engraving from “” Picturesque Italy” - Historical and Descriptive Painting of Italy” by M. de Norvins, Ch. Nodier 1834-1836., French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images