ELD4890082: Representation of Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) (1622-1673), Claude-Emmanuel Lhuillier dit Chapelle (1626-1686) and comedian Michel Boyron dit Michel Baron (1653-1729) with a minimal brother on a boat near Auteuil. 19th century (engraving from "Morale en action par l'histoire" by Muller) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4925432: The knight Bayard (Pierre Terrail) (1476-1524) mortally wounded Rebec on 29 April 1524 while he was covering the retreat of Francois I's French army, answering the connetable of Bourbon who had betrayed the king of France and said “” J'aime mieux etre à ma place que à la votre” (The death of Pierre Terrail de Bayard mortally wounded by an arquebus ball, on April 30, 1524, by his old comrade, Charles, Duke of Bourbon, who was now fighting on the opposite side) Chromolithograph 19th century Private collection / Bridgeman Images
ELD4928989: Treat of Trausnitz: Roman Emperor Louis IV of the Holy Empire reconciled with Frederic the Bel (1286-1330) in 1325 to make an agreement 13/03/1325 (Emperor Louis IV renewed the old friendship with Frederick I of Austria, and they agreed to rule the Empire jointly, march 1325) Engraving from “Bilder-Gallerie zur allgem” by Rottgem” Eck 1843 Collection private / Bridgeman Images
ELD4926110: Anglo-Spanish War: King of Spain Philip II (1527-1598) with his confessor Diego de Chaves (1507-1592) listening to the story of Alonso Perez de Guzman (1550-1619) commander of the Armada after the defeat on September 22, 1588 (King of spain Philip II and his confessor Diego de Chaves listening to High Admiral Don Alonso Perez de Guzez de Guzez Man recounts the loss of the Armada on 22 September 1588 to which Philipp II is alleged to have replied: In the name of God, I sent the fleet against the English not against the elements) Engraving 1842 Private collection / Bridgeman Images
ELD4927602: French Revolution - Georges Jacques Danton (1759-1794) exclaiming “” to defeat, we need audacity, and always audacity”” August 1792 (French revolution: Georges Danton speaking “” We need audacity, and yet more audacity, and always audacity! “” August 1792) Chromolithography 19th century Private Collection, French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4927624: I was thinking of Madame answer of an old knight to Queen Marguerite of Provence, wife of Louis IX, who begged him to kill her if she fell to the hands of the sarrazins, 1293 (Queen Margaret of provence asking to a knight to kill her in case she was captured by Saracens 1293) Chromolithography late 19th century Collection privee / Bridgeman Images
ELD4838461: Erotism and libertinage: illustration of “the new Justine or the misfortunes of virtue”” by Donatien Alphonse Francois (DAF) de Sade, known as the Marquis de Sade (1740-1814) representing a young girl deculottee in a wood, between a man binds to a tree and another playing the role of a bandit in a sadomasochist (sadomasochist (sadomasochist)), 19th century - a naked young girl in the woods between a man bound to a tree and another playing the role of a gangster in a sadomasochistic game, illustration for “” Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue”” by French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher and writer marquis de Sade, 19th century Private collection / Bridgeman Images