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DUV4211887: The Marquis de Carabas (imaginary name of one of the characters of Charles Perrault's Boot Cat). Engraving in “” Characters and Costumes vary””. New Epinal Imaging. Imp. lith. Pinot et Sagaire, booksellers publishing at Epinal. Plate Ná411. Stencilled lithographs. Around 1850. Dim: 41 x 28 cm. Private Collection, French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4328598: The fanatical Muslim scars during the dramatic performance that takes place after Hossein's martyrdom feast, each of them is covered with a white sheet, to collect the blood flowing from the wounds they inflicted upon themselves by beating themselves with a sword, during their journey through the streets of the city. Engraving to illustrate the voyage in the provinces of the Caucasus, by Basile Vereschaguine, in 1864-1865, published in “” le tour du monde””, under the direction of D'Edouard Charton, Hachette, Paris 1869.Selva Collection., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4573450: Military of the antiquite: general roman 1, bearer 2, roman cavalry 3, numide 4 and dace 6, and an archer on his horse, wearing armor 5 - Roman general 1, fasces bearer 2, Roman cavalry 3, Numidian cavalry 4, rider and horse in suit of scale armour 5, and Dacian cavalry 6. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuch's Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1795. / Bridgeman Images