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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

Flemish citizens, fighting on foot, defeat the well armoured and mounted French Knights at the Battle of the Golden Spurs near Courtrai in 1302, c.1900 (colour litho)
Flemish citizens, fighting on foot, defeat the well armoured and mounted French Knights at the Battle of the Golden Spurs near Courtrai in 1302, c.1900 (colour litho)

CHT307821: Flemish citizens, fighting on foot, defeat the well armoured and mounted French Knights at the Battle of the Golden Spurs near Courtrai in 1302, c.1900 (colour litho), Bombled, Louis Charles (1862-1927) / Bridgeman Images

The Tower of London (sepia photo)
The Tower of London (sepia photo)

STC101687: The Tower of London (sepia photo) / Bridgeman Images

Adoration of the Magi, 1423 (tempera on panel)
Adoration of the Magi, 1423 (tempera on panel)

MEP2627368: Adoration of the Magi, 1423 (tempera on panel), Fabriano, Gentile da (c.1370-1427) / Bridgeman Images

Three Mamluk Dignitaries, c.1526 (ink on paper)
Three Mamluk Dignitaries, c.1526 (ink on paper)

ROC693295: Three Mamluk Dignitaries, c.1526 (ink on paper), Mansueti, Giovanni di Niccolo (fl.1485-1527) / Bridgeman Images

Roger Bacon (engraving)
Roger Bacon (engraving)

KWE268328: Roger Bacon (engraving), Cook, J.W. (19th Century) / Bridgeman Images

MS 370, St. Martin and the beggar, from an illuminated manuscript (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)
MS 370, St. Martin and the beggar, from an illuminated manuscript (pen & ink and tempera on vellum)

FIT3900539: MS 370, St. Martin and the beggar, from an illuminated manuscript (pen & ink and tempera on vellum), English School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Ar 3929 f.122, Farewells of Abu-Zayd and Al-Harith before the return to Mecca, from 'Al Maqamat' (The Meetings) by Al-Hariri, c.1240 (gouache on vellum)
Ms Ar 3929 f.122, Farewells of Abu-Zayd and Al-Harith before the return to Mecca, from 'Al Maqamat' (The Meetings) by Al-Hariri, c.1240 (gouache on vellum)

BAL58102: Ms Ar 3929 f.122, Farewells of Abu-Zayd and Al-Harith before the return to Mecca, from 'Al Maqamat' (The Meetings) by Al-Hariri, c.1240 (gouache on vellum), Persian School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Annunciation, miniature from the Norfolk Book of Hours (vellum)
The Annunciation, miniature from the Norfolk Book of Hours (vellum)

DON279100: The Annunciation, miniature from the Norfolk Book of Hours (vellum), Bening, Simon (c.1483-1561) / Bridgeman Images

Great Chain of Being' from 'Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi et orandi usum accommodate…' by Diego Valadés (1533-1582) published in 1579
Great Chain of Being' from 'Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi et orandi usum accommodate…' by Diego Valadés (1533-1582) published in 1579

AFF5615718: Great Chain of Being' from 'Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi et orandi usum accommodate…' by Diego Valadés (1533-1582) published in 1579, Unknown Artist, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Robin Hood, from 'Peeps into the Past', published c.1900 (colour litho)
Robin Hood, from 'Peeps into the Past', published c.1900 (colour litho)

STC213525: Robin Hood, from 'Peeps into the Past', published c.1900 (colour litho), Trelleek (fl.c.1900) / Bridgeman Images

Skeleton, from 'De arte phisicali e de cirugia' by John Ardene, 1412 (vellum)
Skeleton, from 'De arte phisicali e de cirugia' by John Ardene, 1412 (vellum)

XIR223836: Skeleton, from 'De arte phisicali e de cirugia' by John Ardene, 1412 (vellum), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 624/1596, fol.17r, Compass Rose, from 'Liber Floridus' by Lambert de Saint-Omer, c.1448 (vellum)
Ms 624/1596, fol.17r, Compass Rose, from 'Liber Floridus' by Lambert de Saint-Omer, c.1448 (vellum)

CND316642: Ms 624/1596, fol.17r, Compass Rose, from 'Liber Floridus' by Lambert de Saint-Omer, c.1448 (vellum), Flemish School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 297/1338 fol.135r David and Goliath, from the Book of Good Morals, by Jacques le Grant (1360-1415) (vellum)
Ms 297/1338 fol.135r David and Goliath, from the Book of Good Morals, by Jacques le Grant (1360-1415) (vellum)

CND158653: Ms 297/1338 fol.135r David and Goliath, from the Book of Good Morals, by Jacques le Grant (1360-1415) (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Plan of Mont Saint-Michel, 1703 (coloured engraving)
Plan of Mont Saint-Michel, 1703 (coloured engraving)

CHT221572: Plan of Mont Saint-Michel, 1703 (coloured engraving), de Fer, Nicolas (1646-1720) / Bridgeman Images

Thanor dubbing Apollo, from the Roman de Tristan (vellum)
Thanor dubbing Apollo, from the Roman de Tristan (vellum)

TRK5888917: Thanor dubbing Apollo, from the Roman de Tristan (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Gilles de Raid (engraving)
Gilles de Raid (engraving)

XRH1733991: Gilles de Raid (engraving), French School / Bridgeman Images

Lorenzo Valla - portrait
Lorenzo Valla - portrait

XLA3772812: Lorenzo Valla - portrait / Bridgeman Images

Mms 9961-2 Historiated Initial 'B' from the Peterborough Psalter depicting King David playing the harp, English, (c.1310-20) (vellum)
Mms 9961-2 Historiated Initial 'B' from the Peterborough Psalter depicting King David playing the harp, English, (c.1310-20) (vellum)

REV107469: Mms 9961-2 Historiated Initial 'B' from the Peterborough Psalter depicting King David playing the harp, English, (c.1310-20) (vellum), English School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Fiammetta Singing, 1879 (oil on canvas)
Fiammetta Singing, 1879 (oil on canvas)

HTL45923: Fiammetta Singing, 1879 (oil on canvas), Stillman, Marie Spartali (1844-1927) / Bridgeman Images

Beauvais Cathedral and Market (oil on canvas)
Beauvais Cathedral and Market (oil on canvas)

USB392889: Beauvais Cathedral and Market (oil on canvas), Montague, Alfred (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images

The Triumph of Venus: April from the Room of the Months, detail of a group of musicians, c.1467-70 (fresco)
The Triumph of Venus: April from the Room of the Months, detail of a group of musicians, c.1467-70 (fresco)

XAL19958: The Triumph of Venus: April from the Room of the Months, detail of a group of musicians, c.1467-70 (fresco), Cossa, Francesco del (1435/6-c.1477) / Bridgeman Images

William Tell (litho)
William Tell (litho)

KWE285468: William Tell (litho) / Bridgeman Images

The Last Arab King of Granada, illustration from 'L'Entrée d'Espagne', c.1320 (vellum)
The Last Arab King of Granada, illustration from 'L'Entrée d'Espagne', c.1320 (vellum)

GIA1265841: The Last Arab King of Granada, illustration from 'L'Entrée d'Espagne', c.1320 (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Geoffrey Chaucer - portrait.
Geoffrey Chaucer - portrait.

XLA3760107: Geoffrey Chaucer - portrait. / Bridgeman Images

Alghieri Dante drawing by
Alghieri Dante drawing by

XLA3768790: Alghieri Dante drawing by / Bridgeman Images

The Knight, detail from The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1342-1400) Ellesmere Manuscript, facsimile edition, 1911 (for original detail see 128937)
The Knight, detail from The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1342-1400) Ellesmere Manuscript, facsimile edition, 1911 (for original detail see 128937)

SR21922: The Knight, detail from The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1342-1400) Ellesmere Manuscript, facsimile edition, 1911 (for original detail see 128937), English School, (15th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of the keep (photo)
Interior of the keep (photo)

STF241811: Interior of the keep (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Saint Matthew From the
Saint Matthew From the

XLA3773394: Saint Matthew From the / Bridgeman Images

Roslyn Chapel, section of the south side of the choir, engraved by Richard Roffe, 1810 (engraving)
Roslyn Chapel, section of the south side of the choir, engraved by Richard Roffe, 1810 (engraving)

FEH332947: Roslyn Chapel, section of the south side of the choir, engraved by Richard Roffe, 1810 (engraving), Gandy, Joseph Michael (1771-1843) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Censer surmounted by an angel surrounded by three young Hebrews, Tournai (brass)
Censer surmounted by an angel surrounded by three young Hebrews, Tournai (brass)

XIR185157: Censer surmounted by an angel surrounded by three young Hebrews, Tournai (brass), French School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Central Portal of the West Facade, detail of Apostle figures on the left of the door, 13th century (stone) (for detail see 94631)
Central Portal of the West Facade, detail of Apostle figures on the left of the door, 13th century (stone) (for detail see 94631)

PWI94632: Central Portal of the West Facade, detail of Apostle figures on the left of the door, 13th century (stone) (for detail see 94631) / Bridgeman Images

Inferno, Canto 3 : Charon (Caron) on the River Acheron, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885  (digitally coloured engraving)
Inferno, Canto 3 : Charon (Caron) on the River Acheron, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885  (digitally coloured engraving)

GIA745724: Inferno, Canto 3 : Charon (Caron) on the River Acheron, illustration from 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1885 (digitally coloured engraving), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 564/1047 fol.31v 'Si con cy gist mon cuer en grief martire..', composition by Jo Olivier, from a collection of ballads, motets and songs (vellum)
Ms 564/1047 fol.31v 'Si con cy gist mon cuer en grief martire..', composition by Jo Olivier, from a collection of ballads, motets and songs (vellum)

CND212552: Ms 564/1047 fol.31v 'Si con cy gist mon cuer en grief martire..', composition by Jo Olivier, from a collection of ballads, motets and songs (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Adam and Eve, illustration from the 'Sarajevo Haggadah' (vellum)
Adam and Eve, illustration from the 'Sarajevo Haggadah' (vellum)

BLP1127886: Adam and Eve, illustration from the 'Sarajevo Haggadah' (vellum), Spanish School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Marguerite de Provence, from 'Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, grave et imprimes en couleurs', published by Pierre Blin, 1786-92, Paris (colour engraving)
Marguerite de Provence, from 'Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, grave et imprimes en couleurs', published by Pierre Blin, 1786-92, Paris (colour engraving)

STC422626: Marguerite de Provence, from 'Portraits des grands hommes, femmes illustres, et sujets memorables de France, grave et imprimes en couleurs', published by Pierre Blin, 1786-92, Paris (colour engraving), Sergent-Marceau, Antoine Louis Francois (1751-1847) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Well of Moses, detail of Daniel from the hexagonal pedestal, 1395-1404 (stone)
The Well of Moses, detail of Daniel from the hexagonal pedestal, 1395-1404 (stone)

XIR86122: The Well of Moses, detail of Daniel from the hexagonal pedestal, 1395-1404 (stone), Sluter, Claus (fl.1379-1405) & Malouel, Jean (fl.1396-1415) / Bridgeman Images

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