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41915 Search Results for medieval or gothic or late medieval

St. Demetrius of Salonica, 12th century (tempera on panel)
St. Demetrius of Salonica, 12th century (tempera on panel)

XAB137565: St. Demetrius of Salonica, 12th century (tempera on panel), Vladimir-Suzdal School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

Fol.215v The Temptation: A Dancing Couple (vellum)
Fol.215v The Temptation: A Dancing Couple (vellum)

XIR155558: Fol.215v The Temptation: A Dancing Couple (vellum), Matfre Ermengaut (d.1322) / Bridgeman Images

Parable of the Fig Tree, 12th Century (stained glass)
Parable of the Fig Tree, 12th Century (stained glass)

XCF282025: Parable of the Fig Tree, 12th Century (stained glass), English School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Revelation 6:1-8, illuminated miniature from the 'Ottheinrich Bible' (tempera on paper)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Revelation 6:1-8, illuminated miniature from the 'Ottheinrich Bible' (tempera on paper)

PFH1181317: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Revelation 6:1-8, illuminated miniature from the 'Ottheinrich Bible' (tempera on paper), Gerung or Gerou, Matthias (c.1500-68/70) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Francesco Landino and a musical score, illustration from 'The Squarcialupi Codex', c.1325-35 (vellum)
Portrait of Francesco Landino and a musical score, illustration from 'The Squarcialupi Codex', c.1325-35 (vellum)

LRI1773367: Portrait of Francesco Landino and a musical score, illustration from 'The Squarcialupi Codex', c.1325-35 (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Army of Aicha at the Battle of Djamal in 656, illustration from 'Hamla-i-Haydari', by Mirza Muhammad Rafi' Bazil, 1808 (vellum)
The Army of Aicha at the Battle of Djamal in 656, illustration from 'Hamla-i-Haydari', by Mirza Muhammad Rafi' Bazil, 1808 (vellum)

TAD1129577: The Army of Aicha at the Battle of Djamal in 656, illustration from 'Hamla-i-Haydari', by Mirza Muhammad Rafi' Bazil, 1808 (vellum), Indian School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Friar on Horseback, from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, from 'A Short History of the English People' by J.R. Green, 1874 (engraving)
The Friar on Horseback, from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, from 'A Short History of the English People' by J.R. Green, 1874 (engraving)

XLA3773958: The Friar on Horseback, from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, from 'A Short History of the English People' by J.R. Green, 1874 (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Costume of German Jews, from 'The Jewish Encyclopedia', 1903 (print)
Costume of German Jews, from 'The Jewish Encyclopedia', 1903 (print)

XLF3790259: Costume of German Jews, from 'The Jewish Encyclopedia', 1903 (print), American School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Nova 2644 f.46r Selling Rice, from Tacuinum Sanitatis Codex Vindobonensis (vellum)
Nova 2644 f.46r Selling Rice, from Tacuinum Sanitatis Codex Vindobonensis (vellum)

FAF171517: Nova 2644 f.46r Selling Rice, from Tacuinum Sanitatis Codex Vindobonensis (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

A View of the Archbishop's Palace, Lambeth, 1790 (w/c on white paper)
A View of the Archbishop's Palace, Lambeth, 1790 (w/c on white paper)

IMA207253: A View of the Archbishop's Palace, Lambeth, 1790 (w/c on white paper), Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 892/1485 Martin Luther (1483-1546) with Sensual Delight and Freedom and Pope Clement VII (1478-1534) with the Woman of Samaria at the Well, from the Panegyric of Francois I, 1531 (vellum)
Ms 892/1485 Martin Luther (1483-1546) with Sensual Delight and Freedom and Pope Clement VII (1478-1534) with the Woman of Samaria at the Well, from the Panegyric of Francois I, 1531 (vellum)

CND189583: Ms 892/1485 Martin Luther (1483-1546) with Sensual Delight and Freedom and Pope Clement VII (1478-1534) with the Woman of Samaria at the Well, from the Panegyric of Francois I, 1531 (vellum), French School, (16th century) / Bridgeman Images

Jesus goes to the synagogue of Nazareth on a Saturday and reads the book of the prophete Isaiah Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin
Jesus goes to the synagogue of Nazareth on a Saturday and reads the book of the prophete Isaiah Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin

LRI4647802: Jesus goes to the synagogue of Nazareth on a Saturday and reads the book of the prophete Isaiah Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin, Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 993 fol.35r The Hunt, from 'Tractatus de Herbis' by Dioscorides (vellum)
Ms Lat 993 fol.35r The Hunt, from 'Tractatus de Herbis' by Dioscorides (vellum)

XIR223898: Ms Lat 993 fol.35r The Hunt, from 'Tractatus de Herbis' by Dioscorides (vellum), Italian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

The King dispensing justice, from the National Law Codes of Magnus Eriksson (1319-64) c.1450 (vellum)
The King dispensing justice, from the National Law Codes of Magnus Eriksson (1319-64) c.1450 (vellum)

XIR173134: The King dispensing justice, from the National Law Codes of Magnus Eriksson (1319-64) c.1450 (vellum), Swedish School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Serfs reaping the corn, after the Luttrell Psalter, from 'A Short History of the English People',  1893 (print)
Serfs reaping the corn, after the Luttrell Psalter, from 'A Short History of the English People',  1893 (print)

XLF3789307: Serfs reaping the corn, after the Luttrell Psalter, from 'A Short History of the English People', 1893 (print), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The effects of good and bad government in the city and in the country (detail), 1338-9 (fresco)
The effects of good and bad government in the city and in the country (detail), 1338-9 (fresco)

FIA5394214: The effects of good and bad government in the city and in the country (detail), 1338-9 (fresco), Lorenzetti, Ambrogio (1285-c.1348) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 5072 fol.37v Maugis Fighting the Serpent and Gaining the Enchanted Horse, Bayard, from the Renaud de Montauban cycle (vellum)
Ms 5072 fol.37v Maugis Fighting the Serpent and Gaining the Enchanted Horse, Bayard, from the Renaud de Montauban cycle (vellum)

XIR154911: Ms 5072 fol.37v Maugis Fighting the Serpent and Gaining the Enchanted Horse, Bayard, from the Renaud de Montauban cycle (vellum), Liedet, Loyset (fl.1448-78) / Bridgeman Images

Mail shirt, Iserlohn, c.1430 (metal)
Mail shirt, Iserlohn, c.1430 (metal)

AMR424718: Mail shirt, Iserlohn, c.1430 (metal), Parte, Bertolt vor (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Arthurian legend: Lancelot is sleeping while the Holy Grail appears to another knight, illumination by Evrard d'Espinques from
Arthurian legend: Lancelot is sleeping while the Holy Grail appears to another knight, illumination by Evrard d'Espinques from

PVD1693022: Arthurian legend: Lancelot is sleeping while the Holy Grail appears to another knight, illumination by Evrard d'Espinques from "Queste del saint graal" c. 1470, Espinques, Everard de (fl.1440-1494) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 6823 fol.19v & 80 Plants from 'De Herbis' by Manfredus de Monte Imperiali, c.1330-40 (vellum)
Ms Lat 6823 fol.19v & 80 Plants from 'De Herbis' by Manfredus de Monte Imperiali, c.1330-40 (vellum)

CHT235135: Ms Lat 6823 fol.19v & 80 Plants from 'De Herbis' by Manfredus de Monte Imperiali, c.1330-40 (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Prophets Zephania and Joel, detail from the rood screen, All Saints' Church, Thornham, Norfolk, UK (tempera on wood)
Prophets Zephania and Joel, detail from the rood screen, All Saints' Church, Thornham, Norfolk, UK (tempera on wood)

HGP444180: Prophets Zephania and Joel, detail from the rood screen, All Saints' Church, Thornham, Norfolk, UK (tempera on wood), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

St Columba Altarpiece, 1455
St Columba Altarpiece, 1455

TRK879682: St Columba Altarpiece, 1455, Weyden, Rogier van der (1399-1464) / Bridgeman Images

Geraint and Enid Ride Away, illustration from 'Idylls of the King' by Alfred Tennyson (litho)
Geraint and Enid Ride Away, illustration from 'Idylls of the King' by Alfred Tennyson (litho)

XJF359078: Geraint and Enid Ride Away, illustration from 'Idylls of the King' by Alfred Tennyson (litho), Dore, Gustave (1832-83) / Bridgeman Images

Now King Arthur saw the Questing Beast , 1893-94 (black ink and graphite)
Now King Arthur saw the Questing Beast , 1893-94 (black ink and graphite)

XJF362934: Now King Arthur saw the Questing Beast , 1893-94 (black ink and graphite), Beardsley, Aubrey (1872-98) / Bridgeman Images

Ms 493/1668 f.232r Christine de Pisan (1365-1430) Writing at her Desk, from the prologue of 'Le Livre de la Mutation de Fortune' (vellum)
Ms 493/1668 f.232r Christine de Pisan (1365-1430) Writing at her Desk, from the prologue of 'Le Livre de la Mutation de Fortune' (vellum)

CND175577: Ms 493/1668 f.232r Christine de Pisan (1365-1430) Writing at her Desk, from the prologue of 'Le Livre de la Mutation de Fortune' (vellum), French School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Bran Castle, Transylvania, Romania (b/w photo)
Bran Castle, Transylvania, Romania (b/w photo)

TMA273223: Bran Castle, Transylvania, Romania (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Detail of a scribe, thought to represent philosophers belonging to the Ikhwan al-Safa or 'Brethren of Purity', from the 'Maqam' or 'Assembly' of Al-Hariri of Basra, 1335 (gouache on paper)
Detail of a scribe, thought to represent philosophers belonging to the Ikhwan al-Safa or 'Brethren of Purity', from the 'Maqam' or 'Assembly' of Al-Hariri of Basra, 1335 (gouache on paper)

PFH1180069: Detail of a scribe, thought to represent philosophers belonging to the Ikhwan al-Safa or 'Brethren of Purity', from the 'Maqam' or 'Assembly' of Al-Hariri of Basra, 1335 (gouache on paper), Persian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Departure for Jerusalem, from the story of St. Mary of Egypt in the Chapelle de la Sainte-Croix (stained glass)
The Departure for Jerusalem, from the story of St. Mary of Egypt in the Chapelle de la Sainte-Croix (stained glass)

XIR212986: The Departure for Jerusalem, from the story of St. Mary of Egypt in the Chapelle de la Sainte-Croix (stained glass), French School, (13th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Nativity, side panel from an altarpiece, Catalan (oil on wood panel)
The Nativity, side panel from an altarpiece, Catalan (oil on wood panel)

XIR168111: The Nativity, side panel from an altarpiece, Catalan (oil on wood panel), Spanish School, (12th century) / Bridgeman Images

An Archbishop amongs his Choir, c.875 AD (ivory panel)
An Archbishop amongs his Choir, c.875 AD (ivory panel)

FIT66083: An Archbishop amongs his Choir, c.875 AD (ivory panel), Carolingian School (9th century) / Bridgeman Images

Bath Abbey, 1990 (oil on canvas)
Bath Abbey, 1990 (oil on canvas)

MIL91516: Bath Abbey, 1990 (oil on canvas), Miller, Peter (1939-2014) / Bridgeman Images

Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, Italian Explorers, Liebig Card, 1949 (print)
Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, Italian Explorers, Liebig Card, 1949 (print)

XLF3792148: Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, Italian Explorers, Liebig Card, 1949 (print), Italian School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Ms Lat 6823 fol.1v Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC) and Hunayn ibn Ishaq (808-73) and Hippocrates and Claudius Galenus (c.131-c.201) from 'De Herbis' by Manfredus de Monte Imperiali, c.330-40 (vellum)
Ms Lat 6823 fol.1v Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC) and Hunayn ibn Ishaq (808-73) and Hippocrates and Claudius Galenus (c.131-c.201) from 'De Herbis' by Manfredus de Monte Imperiali, c.330-40 (vellum)

CHT235144: Ms Lat 6823 fol.1v Hippocrates (c.460-c.377 BC) and Hunayn ibn Ishaq (808-73) and Hippocrates and Claudius Galenus (c.131-c.201) from 'De Herbis' by Manfredus de Monte Imperiali, c.330-40 (vellum), Italian School, (14th century) / Bridgeman Images

Absinthe, from a manuscript on 'The properties of various products' by Abul Qasim Kalaf ibn al-Abbas al Zahrawi (Abulcasis) (936-1013) (vellum)
Absinthe, from a manuscript on 'The properties of various products' by Abul Qasim Kalaf ibn al-Abbas al Zahrawi (Abulcasis) (936-1013) (vellum)

CHT202137: Absinthe, from a manuscript on 'The properties of various products' by Abul Qasim Kalaf ibn al-Abbas al Zahrawi (Abulcasis) (936-1013) (vellum), Italian School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

Miniature of a monk writing, 14th century
Miniature of a monk writing, 14th century

IBE5390345: Miniature of a monk writing, 14th century / Bridgeman Images

The Court of Chancery, c.1460 (illumination on vellum)
The Court of Chancery, c.1460 (illumination on vellum)

XCF701481: The Court of Chancery, c.1460 (illumination on vellum), English School, (15th century) / Bridgeman Images

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