Untitled, c.1916 (watercolour and ink on paper), Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: FIA5404602
Untitled, c.1916 (watercolour and ink on paper)
Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944)
Postcard for the Bauhaus exhibition 'The sublime aspect', 1923 (no 47) (lithograph), Klee, Paul (1879-1940) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XAL166581
Postcard for the Bauhaus exhibition 'The sublime aspect', 1923 (no 47) (lithograph)
Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Number 33, 1949 (enamel and aluminium painted gesso ground on paper and board), Pollock, Jackson (1912-56) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JGG116327
Number 33, 1949 (enamel and aluminium painted gesso ground on paper and board)
Pollock, Jackson (1912-56)
August, Rue Daguerre, 1957 (oil on canvas), Mitchell, Joan (1925-1992) / Bridgeman Images
ID: PCW438968
August, Rue Daguerre, 1957 (oil on canvas)
Mitchell, Joan (1925-1992)
Organisms deciding to abandon the Ocean, 2007 (oil on canvas), Groneberg, Jan (1943-2014) / Bridgeman Images
ID: JGR306921
Organisms deciding to abandon the Ocean, 2007 (oil on canvas)
Groneberg, Jan (1943-2014)
Spectral, Szumowski, Peter / Bridgeman Images
ID: PSZ55649
Szumowski, Peter
The Harbinger of Autumn green/violet gradation with orange accent, 1922 (w/c and graphite), Klee, Paul (1879-1940) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS3367014
The Harbinger of Autumn green/violet gradation with orange accent, 1922 (w/c and graphite)
Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
High Notes I, 1998 (mixed media on canvas), Deceus, Francks / Bridgeman Images
ID: FDS154444
High Notes I, 1998 (mixed media on canvas)
Deceus, Francks
The Moon Was on the Declin, It Showed me the Grimace of an Englishman, a Lord Mal Fame, 1918 (w/c on paper), Klee, Paul (1879-1940) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XIR245153
The Moon Was on the Declin, It Showed me the Grimace of an Englishman, a Lord Mal Fame, 1918 (w/c on paper)
Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Cathedral, 1947 (enamel and aluminum paint on canvas), Pollock, Jackson (1912-56) / Bridgeman Images
ID: DMA1067089
Cathedral, 1947 (enamel and aluminum paint on canvas)
Pollock, Jackson (1912-56)
Improvisation of Cold Forms, 1914 (oil on canvas), Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XAB95324
Improvisation of Cold Forms, 1914 (oil on canvas)
Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944)
The Mountain Niesen, Egyptian Night, 1915 (w/c on paper), Klee, Paul (1879-1940) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ATT3057901
The Mountain Niesen, Egyptian Night, 1915 (w/c on paper)
Klee, Paul (1879-1940)
Pictorial Construction, 1916 (gouache on paper), Rozanova, Olga Vladimirovna (1886-1918) / Bridgeman Images