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The Late M Pasteur examining an English Girl who had been bitten by a Mad Dog (engraving)
The Late M Pasteur examining an English Girl who had been bitten by a Mad Dog (engraving)

LIP1056624: The Late M Pasteur examining an English Girl who had been bitten by a Mad Dog (engraving), Renouard, Charles Paul (1845-1924) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Arrival of Ahmed Eyoub Pasha at the Ras-el-Tin Landing-Stage at Alexandria, with the Sultan's Firman (engraving)
The Arrival of Ahmed Eyoub Pasha at the Ras-el-Tin Landing-Stage at Alexandria, with the Sultan's Firman (engraving)

LIP1056157: The Arrival of Ahmed Eyoub Pasha at the Ras-el-Tin Landing-Stage at Alexandria, with the Sultan's Firman (engraving), Brewer, Henry William (fl.1858-d.1903) / Bridgeman Images

A Visit of the Channel Squadron to Cadiz, Two Spanish Ladies dancing the
A Visit of the Channel Squadron to Cadiz, Two Spanish Ladies dancing the

LIP1056280: A Visit of the Channel Squadron to Cadiz, Two Spanish Ladies dancing the "Sevillana" at an "At Home" on Board Ship (engraving), Hopkins, Arthur (1848-1930) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Ulster Unionist Convention in Belfast, the Duke of Abercorn addressing the Meeting in the Convention Hall, at the Opening of the Demonstration (engraving)
The Ulster Unionist Convention in Belfast, the Duke of Abercorn addressing the Meeting in the Convention Hall, at the Opening of the Demonstration (engraving)

LIP1056309: The Ulster Unionist Convention in Belfast, the Duke of Abercorn addressing the Meeting in the Convention Hall, at the Opening of the Demonstration (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

New associates of the Royal Academy (engraving)
New associates of the Royal Academy (engraving)

LLP728928: New associates of the Royal Academy (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Jubilee of the Royal Agricultural Society (engraving)
The Jubilee of the Royal Agricultural Society (engraving)

LLM960879: The Jubilee of the Royal Agricultural Society (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Imperial Institute: The invitation to witness the opening ceremony (engraving)
The Imperial Institute: The invitation to witness the opening ceremony (engraving)

LLJ607464: The Imperial Institute: The invitation to witness the opening ceremony (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The arrival of the Queen in State at the Imperial Institute (engraving)
The arrival of the Queen in State at the Imperial Institute (engraving)

LLJ607476: The arrival of the Queen in State at the Imperial Institute (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Dr H Behrend, President of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum (engraving)
Dr H Behrend, President of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum (engraving)

LLJ609879: Dr H Behrend, President of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Skating Season - Notes On The Ice (engraving)
The Skating Season - Notes On The Ice (engraving)

LLJ585200: The Skating Season - Notes On The Ice (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

King Henry VIII dismissing Cardinal Wolsey (colour litho)
King Henry VIII dismissing Cardinal Wolsey (colour litho)

LLM3643711: King Henry VIII dismissing Cardinal Wolsey (colour litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Landgate, Winchelsea, Sussex (engraving)
The Landgate, Winchelsea, Sussex (engraving)

LLM3637263: The Landgate, Winchelsea, Sussex (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Elizabeth College, Guernsey (engraving)
Elizabeth College, Guernsey (engraving)

LLM3637281: Elizabeth College, Guernsey (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Eltham Palace, Kent (engraving)
Eltham Palace, Kent (engraving)

LLM3637311: Eltham Palace, Kent (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The King laying the First Keel-Plate of the Battleship
The King laying the First Keel-Plate of the Battleship

LIP1043828: The King laying the First Keel-Plate of the Battleship "Edward VII" at Devenport on 9 March 1902 (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

LIP1043878: "Crowned King and Queen", General View of the Scene in Westminster Abbey immediately after the Coronation of the Queen (litho), Maud, William T. (1865-1903) / Bridgeman Images

General the Right Honourable Sir William Thomas Knollys, KCB, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod (engraving)
General the Right Honourable Sir William Thomas Knollys, KCB, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod (engraving)

LIP1044226: General the Right Honourable Sir William Thomas Knollys, KCB, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Heroine of Tel-el-Kebir, the Regimental Dog
A Heroine of Tel-el-Kebir, the Regimental Dog

LIP1044402: A Heroine of Tel-el-Kebir, the Regimental Dog "Juno," who stormed the Trenches with the Gordon Highlanders (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Papal Jubilee, Lord Denbigh handing an Autograph Letter from King Edward to His Holiness (litho)
The Papal Jubilee, Lord Denbigh handing an Autograph Letter from King Edward to His Holiness (litho)

LIP1043651: The Papal Jubilee, Lord Denbigh handing an Autograph Letter from King Edward to His Holiness (litho), Italian School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Sham Railway Accident (engraving)
A Sham Railway Accident (engraving)

LIP1050513: A Sham Railway Accident (engraving), Barnes, Robert (1840-95) / Bridgeman Images

Naval Sham Fight at Portsmouth arranged by Lord Charles Beresford, MP (engraving)
Naval Sham Fight at Portsmouth arranged by Lord Charles Beresford, MP (engraving)

LIP1050589: Naval Sham Fight at Portsmouth arranged by Lord Charles Beresford, MP (engraving), Hall, Sydney Prior (1842-1922) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen (engraving)
The Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen (engraving)

LIP1050689: The Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen (engraving), Barnes, Robert (1840-95) / Bridgeman Images

One of the Art Treasures of England, the Colossal Statue of Ramses II on the Site of the Ancient Memphis, Egypt (engraving)
One of the Art Treasures of England, the Colossal Statue of Ramses II on the Site of the Ancient Memphis, Egypt (engraving)

LIP1050228: One of the Art Treasures of England, the Colossal Statue of Ramses II on the Site of the Ancient Memphis, Egypt (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Great Procession of Auto-Motor Cars from London to Brighton, starting from Northumberland Avenue (litho)
The Great Procession of Auto-Motor Cars from London to Brighton, starting from Northumberland Avenue (litho)

LIP1051334: The Great Procession of Auto-Motor Cars from London to Brighton, starting from Northumberland Avenue (litho), Hatherell, William (1855-1928) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of the Queen, Officers of the Royal Yachts leaving Osborne House after their Visit to the Death Chamber (litho)
The Death of the Queen, Officers of the Royal Yachts leaving Osborne House after their Visit to the Death Chamber (litho)

LIP1040191: The Death of the Queen, Officers of the Royal Yachts leaving Osborne House after their Visit to the Death Chamber (litho), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of King Edward VII at the age of fourteen, reading the King's Message to the Navy on Board a Battleship (engraving)
Portrait of King Edward VII at the age of fourteen, reading the King's Message to the Navy on Board a Battleship (engraving)

LIP1040214: Portrait of King Edward VII at the age of fourteen, reading the King's Message to the Navy on Board a Battleship (engraving), Ward, Edgar Melville (1839-1915) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Crisis in Eastern Roumelia, Prince Alexander of Bulgaria entering Philippopolis at the Head of a Regiment of Bulgarian Cavalry (engraving)
The Crisis in Eastern Roumelia, Prince Alexander of Bulgaria entering Philippopolis at the Head of a Regiment of Bulgarian Cavalry (engraving)

LIP1041153: The Crisis in Eastern Roumelia, Prince Alexander of Bulgaria entering Philippopolis at the Head of a Regiment of Bulgarian Cavalry (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Memorable Interview, the Boer Generals being received by the King on the Royal Yacht
A Memorable Interview, the Boer Generals being received by the King on the Royal Yacht

LIP1040947: A Memorable Interview, the Boer Generals being received by the King on the Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert" at Cowes (engraving), Scott, Georges Bertin (1873-1942) / Bridgeman Images

The Prince of Wales in Norway, Mr Gladstone visiting the Prince at Molde on Board the Royal Yacht
The Prince of Wales in Norway, Mr Gladstone visiting the Prince at Molde on Board the Royal Yacht

LIP1041091: The Prince of Wales in Norway, Mr Gladstone visiting the Prince at Molde on Board the Royal Yacht "Osborne" (engraving), Hall, Sydney Prior (1842-1922) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Review of the Indian Troops at Buckingham Palace by the King, His Majesty giving Medals to Indian Representatives (litho)
The Review of the Indian Troops at Buckingham Palace by the King, His Majesty giving Medals to Indian Representatives (litho)

LIP1040659: The Review of the Indian Troops at Buckingham Palace by the King, His Majesty giving Medals to Indian Representatives (litho), Charlton, John (1849-1917) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Young Malays catching Locusts in South Africa, a Scene at the Harbour Board enclosure at Port Elizabeth (litho)
Young Malays catching Locusts in South Africa, a Scene at the Harbour Board enclosure at Port Elizabeth (litho)

LIP1040407: Young Malays catching Locusts in South Africa, a Scene at the Harbour Board enclosure at Port Elizabeth (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

Visit of King Victor Emmanuel to Berlin, Presentation of State Dignitaries to the King on his Arrival at the Palace (engraving)
Visit of King Victor Emmanuel to Berlin, Presentation of State Dignitaries to the King on his Arrival at the Palace (engraving)

LIP1049009: Visit of King Victor Emmanuel to Berlin, Presentation of State Dignitaries to the King on his Arrival at the Palace (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Volunteers at Wimbledon, Prince Arthur presenting the Queen's Prize to Private Rae, of the Eleventh Lanarkshire Volunteers (engraving)
The Volunteers at Wimbledon, Prince Arthur presenting the Queen's Prize to Private Rae, of the Eleventh Lanarkshire Volunteers (engraving)

LIP1059777: The Volunteers at Wimbledon, Prince Arthur presenting the Queen's Prize to Private Rae, of the Eleventh Lanarkshire Volunteers (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Eastern Question, teaching Turkish Soldiers how to erect a Hospital Marquee in the Square of the Seraskeriat, Constantinople (engraving)
The Eastern Question, teaching Turkish Soldiers how to erect a Hospital Marquee in the Square of the Seraskeriat, Constantinople (engraving)

LIP1059555: The Eastern Question, teaching Turkish Soldiers how to erect a Hospital Marquee in the Square of the Seraskeriat, Constantinople (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Wimbledon Scandal, Sketch in Court during the Trial of Sergeant Marshman at the Royal Marine Barracks, Gosport (engraving)
The Wimbledon Scandal, Sketch in Court during the Trial of Sergeant Marshman at the Royal Marine Barracks, Gosport (engraving)

LIP1060239: The Wimbledon Scandal, Sketch in Court during the Trial of Sergeant Marshman at the Royal Marine Barracks, Gosport (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Interior of Mundia Khar Fort, where Lieutenants Edwardes and Fowler were imprisoned by Umra Khan (litho)
Interior of Mundia Khar Fort, where Lieutenants Edwardes and Fowler were imprisoned by Umra Khan (litho)

LIP1039121: Interior of Mundia Khar Fort, where Lieutenants Edwardes and Fowler were imprisoned by Umra Khan (litho), Brewer, Henry William (fl.1858-d.1903) / Bridgeman Images

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