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The Production of Mr Oscar Wilde's New Play,
The Production of Mr Oscar Wilde's New Play,

LIP1038808: The Production of Mr Oscar Wilde's New Play, "A Woman of No Importance," at the Haymarket Theatre (engraving), Paget, Henry Marriott (1856-1936) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Inspection by Her Majesty the Queen of Colonel Seely's Ambulance Corps in Windsor Park (engraving)
The Inspection by Her Majesty the Queen of Colonel Seely's Ambulance Corps in Windsor Park (engraving)

LIP1038832: The Inspection by Her Majesty the Queen of Colonel Seely's Ambulance Corps in Windsor Park (engraving), Hall, Sydney Prior (1842-1922) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Bird's-Eye View, looking Westward, of Hampton Court, in the Reign of Queen Anne (engraving)
Bird's-Eye View, looking Westward, of Hampton Court, in the Reign of Queen Anne (engraving)

LIP1038864: Bird's-Eye View, looking Westward, of Hampton Court, in the Reign of Queen Anne (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Marquess of Salisbury's visit to Ulster, the House Party at Maountstewart, the Residence of the Marquess of Londonderry (b/w photo)
The Marquess of Salisbury's visit to Ulster, the House Party at Maountstewart, the Residence of the Marquess of Londonderry (b/w photo)

LIP1038870: The Marquess of Salisbury's visit to Ulster, the House Party at Maountstewart, the Residence of the Marquess of Londonderry (b/w photo), English photographer, (19th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images

From the Old World to the New, Sea-legs, the First Taste of the Atlantic Swell (engraving)
From the Old World to the New, Sea-legs, the First Taste of the Atlantic Swell (engraving)

LIP1038871: From the Old World to the New, Sea-legs, the First Taste of the Atlantic Swell (engraving), Wyllie, William Lionel (1851-1931) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Mr Gladstone delivering the Peroration of his Speech on the Introduction of the Home Rule Bill (engraving)
Mr Gladstone delivering the Peroration of his Speech on the Introduction of the Home Rule Bill (engraving)

LIP1038707: Mr Gladstone delivering the Peroration of his Speech on the Introduction of the Home Rule Bill (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Tonkin Expedition, Notes at Saigon, the Capital of the French Colony of Lower Cochin China (engraving)
The Tonkin Expedition, Notes at Saigon, the Capital of the French Colony of Lower Cochin China (engraving)

LIP1044222: The Tonkin Expedition, Notes at Saigon, the Capital of the French Colony of Lower Cochin China (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

LIP1043348: "For Queen and Empire", the Canadian Contingent marching to the Docks at Quebec to embark for South Africa (litho), Haenen, Frederic de (1853-1928) / Bridgeman Images

For Queen and Empire, Departure of Part of the Australian Contingent for South Africa from Melbourne (litho)
For Queen and Empire, Departure of Part of the Australian Contingent for South Africa from Melbourne (litho)

LIP1043360: For Queen and Empire, Departure of Part of the Australian Contingent for South Africa from Melbourne (litho), Fullwood, Albert Henry (1863-1930) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The King's Weigh House Chapel, Fish Street Hill, recently pulled down (engraving)
The King's Weigh House Chapel, Fish Street Hill, recently pulled down (engraving)

LIP1044384: The King's Weigh House Chapel, Fish Street Hill, recently pulled down (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The New Steel Armour-plated Turret-Ship, H M S
The New Steel Armour-plated Turret-Ship, H M S

LIP1044454: The New Steel Armour-plated Turret-Ship, H M S "Conqueror" (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Patriotism in the City, the Great Meeting at the Guildhall to support the Government's South African Policy (litho)
Patriotism in the City, the Great Meeting at the Guildhall to support the Government's South African Policy (litho)

LIP1043195: Patriotism in the City, the Great Meeting at the Guildhall to support the Government's South African Policy (litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The East Surrey Regiment embarking on the
The East Surrey Regiment embarking on the

LIP1043228: The East Surrey Regiment embarking on the "Lismore Castle" at Southampton, putting the Kits on Board (litho), Spence, Percy F.S. (1868-1933) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Dr Fielding Ould (b/w photo)
Dr Fielding Ould (b/w photo)

LIP1043046: Dr Fielding Ould (b/w photo), English photographer, (19th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Siege of
The Siege of

LIP1043079: The Siege of "Fort Chabrol" in Paris, how the Garrison has been supplied with Food (engraving), Macpherson, Douglas (1871-1951) / Bridgeman Images

Masking the Enemy's Fire, Boers using a Little Girl to bring up their Horses (litho)
Masking the Enemy's Fire, Boers using a Little Girl to bring up their Horses (litho)

LIP1043618: Masking the Enemy's Fire, Boers using a Little Girl to bring up their Horses (litho), Whiting, Frederic (1874-1962) / Bridgeman Images

Realistic Sham Warfare, raising Funds for Comforts for the First Commonwealth Contingent at Sydney (litho)
Realistic Sham Warfare, raising Funds for Comforts for the First Commonwealth Contingent at Sydney (litho)

LIP1043679: Realistic Sham Warfare, raising Funds for Comforts for the First Commonwealth Contingent at Sydney (litho), Leist, Fred (fl.1910) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Michael Hicks-Beach making his Budget Speech in the House of Commons (litho)
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach making his Budget Speech in the House of Commons (litho)

LIP1043692: Sir Michael Hicks-Beach making his Budget Speech in the House of Commons (litho), Hall, Sydney Prior (1842-1922) (after) / Bridgeman Images

M Pasteur's Experiments in Paris for the Cure of Hydrophobia, the Doctor and some of his Patients (engraving)
M Pasteur's Experiments in Paris for the Cure of Hydrophobia, the Doctor and some of his Patients (engraving)

LIP1062166: M Pasteur's Experiments in Paris for the Cure of Hydrophobia, the Doctor and some of his Patients (engraving), Renouard, Charles Paul (1845-1924) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Prince Chun (who died last week) and his Brother Prince Kung (engraving)
Prince Chun (who died last week) and his Brother Prince Kung (engraving)

LIP1062201: Prince Chun (who died last week) and his Brother Prince Kung (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The New Lighthouse at Gap Rock, Thirty-Four Miles from Hong Kong (engraving)
The New Lighthouse at Gap Rock, Thirty-Four Miles from Hong Kong (engraving)

LIP1062230: The New Lighthouse at Gap Rock, Thirty-Four Miles from Hong Kong (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Mr Justice Jeune (engraving)
Mr Justice Jeune (engraving)

LIP1062277: Mr Justice Jeune (engraving), Wirgman, Theodore Blake (1848-1925) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Launch of HMS
The Launch of HMS

LIP1062330: The Launch of HMS "Royal Sovereign" and HMS "Royal Arthur" by Her Majesty the Queen (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Military Tournament at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, the
The Military Tournament at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, the

LIP1060858: The Military Tournament at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, the "Musical Ride" of the First Life Guards (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images

The Pacification of Crete, the British Military Commissioner explaining to Representative Christians the Condition for Disarmament (litho)
The Pacification of Crete, the British Military Commissioner explaining to Representative Christians the Condition for Disarmament (litho)

LIP1064063: The Pacification of Crete, the British Military Commissioner explaining to Representative Christians the Condition for Disarmament (litho), Paget, Henry Marriott (1856-1936) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Evacuation of Fashoda, Sketch Map showing the Positions occupied by the British and French Troops (engraving)
The Evacuation of Fashoda, Sketch Map showing the Positions occupied by the British and French Troops (engraving)

LIP1064145: The Evacuation of Fashoda, Sketch Map showing the Positions occupied by the British and French Troops (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Wilhelmina's Accession, the
Queen Wilhelmina's Accession, the

LIP1063765: Queen Wilhelmina's Accession, the "Eiffel Tower" at Volendam erected in Honour of Her Majesty (engraving), May, Phil (1864-1903) / Bridgeman Images

Trafalgar Day in Liverpool, Sailors placing the Navy League's Wreath on the Nelson Memorial (litho)
Trafalgar Day in Liverpool, Sailors placing the Navy League's Wreath on the Nelson Memorial (litho)

LIP1063922: Trafalgar Day in Liverpool, Sailors placing the Navy League's Wreath on the Nelson Memorial (litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Back from Fashoda, Reception of Captain Baratier at the Gare de Lyon, Paris (litho)
Back from Fashoda, Reception of Captain Baratier at the Gare de Lyon, Paris (litho)

LIP1063943: Back from Fashoda, Reception of Captain Baratier at the Gare de Lyon, Paris (litho), Dadd, Frank (1851-1929) (after) / Bridgeman Images

A sequel to the loss of the SS Bokhara off the coast of China, a presentation to the Mandarin of the Pescadores (engraving)
A sequel to the loss of the SS Bokhara off the coast of China, a presentation to the Mandarin of the Pescadores (engraving)

LIP1064348: A sequel to the loss of the SS Bokhara off the coast of China, a presentation to the Mandarin of the Pescadores (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Kossuth Riots in Buda-Pesth, the military dispersing the mob in front of the Opera House (engraving)
The Kossuth Riots in Buda-Pesth, the military dispersing the mob in front of the Opera House (engraving)

LIP1064369: The Kossuth Riots in Buda-Pesth, the military dispersing the mob in front of the Opera House (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The new lock and weir at Richmond, showing the double footbridge above and the boat slide (engraving)
The new lock and weir at Richmond, showing the double footbridge above and the boat slide (engraving)

LIP1064489: The new lock and weir at Richmond, showing the double footbridge above and the boat slide (engraving), Brewer, Henry Charles (1866-1950) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Henry Parkes, KCMG, Premier and Colonial Secretary of New South Wales (engraving)
Sir Henry Parkes, KCMG, Premier and Colonial Secretary of New South Wales (engraving)

LIP1060717: Sir Henry Parkes, KCMG, Premier and Colonial Secretary of New South Wales (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Letter from Mrs Jowler to Colonel John Jowler, Skinpore, Punjaub, India (engraving)
A Letter from Mrs Jowler to Colonel John Jowler, Skinpore, Punjaub, India (engraving)

LIP1062622: A Letter from Mrs Jowler to Colonel John Jowler, Skinpore, Punjaub, India (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Marriage of Princess May and HRH the Duke of York, weaving the Wedding Dress at Spitalfields (engraving)
The Marriage of Princess May and HRH the Duke of York, weaving the Wedding Dress at Spitalfields (engraving)

LIP1062674: The Marriage of Princess May and HRH the Duke of York, weaving the Wedding Dress at Spitalfields (engraving), Barnes, Robert (1840-95) / Bridgeman Images

Midshipman Lanyon (engraving)
Midshipman Lanyon (engraving)

LIP1062732: Midshipman Lanyon (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

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