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The War Scare in Corea, the King's Procession passing through the Streets of Seoul (litho)
The War Scare in Corea, the King's Procession passing through the Streets of Seoul (litho)

LIP1047959: The War Scare in Corea, the King's Procession passing through the Streets of Seoul (litho), Lanos, Henri (1859-1929) / Bridgeman Images

The British Consul's House at Seoul, Corea, now being guarded by Bluejackets (engraving)
The British Consul's House at Seoul, Corea, now being guarded by Bluejackets (engraving)

LIP1048021: The British Consul's House at Seoul, Corea, now being guarded by Bluejackets (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Sir R T Reid, QC, MP (engraving)
Sir R T Reid, QC, MP (engraving)

LIP1048136: Sir R T Reid, QC, MP (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Pontifical Procession at the Feast of the Madonna, a Reminiscence of Rome under Papal Rule (engraving)
The Pontifical Procession at the Feast of the Madonna, a Reminiscence of Rome under Papal Rule (engraving)

LIP1049946: The Pontifical Procession at the Feast of the Madonna, a Reminiscence of Rome under Papal Rule (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Sketches from the West Coast of Africa, HMS
Sketches from the West Coast of Africa, HMS

LIP1050002: Sketches from the West Coast of Africa, HMS "Boxer" surrounded by Waterspouts (engraving), Nash, Joseph (d.1922) / Bridgeman Images

Nottingham Castle, acquired by the Corporation for the Establishment of a Midland Counties Art Museum (engraving)
Nottingham Castle, acquired by the Corporation for the Establishment of a Midland Counties Art Museum (engraving)

LIP1050035: Nottingham Castle, acquired by the Corporation for the Establishment of a Midland Counties Art Museum (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

A Difficult Task, adjusting Kaffir Claims for Compensation after the Boer Invasion (litho)
A Difficult Task, adjusting Kaffir Claims for Compensation after the Boer Invasion (litho)

LIP1048560: A Difficult Task, adjusting Kaffir Claims for Compensation after the Boer Invasion (litho), Paget, Henry Marriott (1856-1936) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Not so easy as it looks, Candidates for the Imperial Yeomanry undergoing the Riding Test (engraving)
Not so easy as it looks, Candidates for the Imperial Yeomanry undergoing the Riding Test (engraving)

LIP1048707: Not so easy as it looks, Candidates for the Imperial Yeomanry undergoing the Riding Test (engraving), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Serving up the Boar's Head at Queen's College, Oxford, on Christmas Day (engraving)
Serving up the Boar's Head at Queen's College, Oxford, on Christmas Day (engraving)

LIP1049158: Serving up the Boar's Head at Queen's College, Oxford, on Christmas Day (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images

Lievely Harbour, Disco Island, First Halting Place of the Arctic Expedition (engraving)
Lievely Harbour, Disco Island, First Halting Place of the Arctic Expedition (engraving)

LIP1049198: Lievely Harbour, Disco Island, First Halting Place of the Arctic Expedition (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Our Navy, Her Majesty's New Transport Steam Ship
Our Navy, Her Majesty's New Transport Steam Ship

LIP1049260: Our Navy, Her Majesty's New Transport Steam Ship "Assistance" (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Quatercentenary of Michael Angelo at Florence, the Procession passing the Porte Alle Grazie (engraving)
The Quatercentenary of Michael Angelo at Florence, the Procession passing the Porte Alle Grazie (engraving)

LIP1049324: The Quatercentenary of Michael Angelo at Florence, the Procession passing the Porte Alle Grazie (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

European Residents in China, Paper-Chasing at Shanghai is locally much resented (litho)
European Residents in China, Paper-Chasing at Shanghai is locally much resented (litho)

LIP1048327: European Residents in China, Paper-Chasing at Shanghai is locally much resented (litho), Dadd, Frank (1851-1929) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Relief of Mafeking, the Good News announced at the Mansion House on Friday Night (litho)
The Relief of Mafeking, the Good News announced at the Mansion House on Friday Night (litho)

LIP1048501: The Relief of Mafeking, the Good News announced at the Mansion House on Friday Night (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Presenting Osman Pasha with a Bouquet on his Arrival at his Hotel, Bucharest (engraving)
Presenting Osman Pasha with a Bouquet on his Arrival at his Hotel, Bucharest (engraving)

LIP1049891: Presenting Osman Pasha with a Bouquet on his Arrival at his Hotel, Bucharest (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Royal Visit to India, Sketches on Board the P and O Steamer
The Royal Visit to India, Sketches on Board the P and O Steamer

LIP1049460: The Royal Visit to India, Sketches on Board the P and O Steamer "Sumatra" (engraving), Ralston, William (1848-1911) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Monument at Lewes to the Russian Prisoners who died during the Crimean War (engraving)
Monument at Lewes to the Russian Prisoners who died during the Crimean War (engraving)

LIP1049552: Monument at Lewes to the Russian Prisoners who died during the Crimean War (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Collision in the Channel, attempting to blow up the Hull of the
The Collision in the Channel, attempting to blow up the Hull of the

LIP1049662: The Collision in the Channel, attempting to blow up the Hull of the "Forest," off Weymouth (engraving), Atkins, William Edward (1842-1910) / Bridgeman Images

Sir Charles Warren's Force crossing the Tugela River on 17 January (litho)
Sir Charles Warren's Force crossing the Tugela River on 17 January (litho)

LIP1048806: Sir Charles Warren's Force crossing the Tugela River on 17 January (litho), Fripp, Charles Edwin (1854-1906) / Bridgeman Images

Rome, Ancient and Modern, a Traction Engine passing under the Arch of Constantine (engraving)
Rome, Ancient and Modern, a Traction Engine passing under the Arch of Constantine (engraving)

LIP1048878: Rome, Ancient and Modern, a Traction Engine passing under the Arch of Constantine (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Polo Match at Lillie Bridge in Aid of the Funds of the West London Hospital (engraving)
Polo Match at Lillie Bridge in Aid of the Funds of the West London Hospital (engraving)

LIP1048900: Polo Match at Lillie Bridge in Aid of the Funds of the West London Hospital (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Sketches in Rome, Artists choosing a Model on the Steps of the Trinita de' Monti (engraving)
Sketches in Rome, Artists choosing a Model on the Steps of the Trinita de' Monti (engraving)

LIP1048911: Sketches in Rome, Artists choosing a Model on the Steps of the Trinita de' Monti (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The National Safe Deposit Company's New Premises in Queen Victoria Street (engraving)
The National Safe Deposit Company's New Premises in Queen Victoria Street (engraving)

LIP1048972: The National Safe Deposit Company's New Premises in Queen Victoria Street (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

Fortune-Telling in Italy, the Witch of Val Bruna receiving English Tourists (litho)
Fortune-Telling in Italy, the Witch of Val Bruna receiving English Tourists (litho)

LIP1043521: Fortune-Telling in Italy, the Witch of Val Bruna receiving English Tourists (litho), Italian School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Mr Chamberlain in the City, replying to the Lord Mayor at the Luncheon at the Mansion House (litho)
Mr Chamberlain in the City, replying to the Lord Mayor at the Luncheon at the Mansion House (litho)

LIP1043575: Mr Chamberlain in the City, replying to the Lord Mayor at the Luncheon at the Mansion House (litho), Hatherell, William (1855-1928) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Queen Alexandra launching the New Battleship H M S
Queen Alexandra launching the New Battleship H M S

LIP1043625: Queen Alexandra launching the New Battleship H M S "Queen" (litho), Hall, Sydney Prior (1842-1922) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The End of the Matabele War, the Great Indaba in the Matoppo Hills, September 1896 (litho)
The End of the Matabele War, the Great Indaba in the Matoppo Hills, September 1896 (litho)

LIP1043660: The End of the Matabele War, the Great Indaba in the Matoppo Hills, September 1896 (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Passion Week in the Art Schools at Rome, painting a Crucifixion from Life (litho)
Passion Week in the Art Schools at Rome, painting a Crucifixion from Life (litho)

LIP1043667: Passion Week in the Art Schools at Rome, painting a Crucifixion from Life (litho), Italian School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images

Scenes in the Matoppo Hills, the Last Resting-Place of Mr Cecil Rhodes (b/w photo)
Scenes in the Matoppo Hills, the Last Resting-Place of Mr Cecil Rhodes (b/w photo)

LIP1043677: Scenes in the Matoppo Hills, the Last Resting-Place of Mr Cecil Rhodes (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Celebrities of the Day, Professor T H Huxley, President of the Royal Society (litho)
Celebrities of the Day, Professor T H Huxley, President of the Royal Society (litho)

LIP1044329: Celebrities of the Day, Professor T H Huxley, President of the Royal Society (litho), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Cherifa of Wazan, nee Miss Keene Princess of Morocco (engraving)
The Cherifa of Wazan, nee Miss Keene Princess of Morocco (engraving)

LIP1044389: The Cherifa of Wazan, nee Miss Keene Princess of Morocco (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The Coronation Review of the Boys' Brigades by the Prince of Wales on the Horse Guards' Parade (litho)
The Coronation Review of the Boys' Brigades by the Prince of Wales on the Horse Guards' Parade (litho)

LIP1043785: The Coronation Review of the Boys' Brigades by the Prince of Wales on the Horse Guards' Parade (litho), Browne, Gordon Frederick (1858-1932) (after) / Bridgeman Images

The Earl of Aberdeen (engraving)
The Earl of Aberdeen (engraving)

LIP1044204: The Earl of Aberdeen (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

The King's Court at Buckingham Palace, Their Majesties leaving the Ballroom after the Presentations (litho)
The King's Court at Buckingham Palace, Their Majesties leaving the Ballroom after the Presentations (litho)

LIP1043850: The King's Court at Buckingham Palace, Their Majesties leaving the Ballroom after the Presentations (litho), Craig, Frank (1874-1918) / Bridgeman Images

British Annexations in New Guinea, Hoisting the Union Jack at Port Moresby (engraving)
British Annexations in New Guinea, Hoisting the Union Jack at Port Moresby (engraving)

LIP1044786: British Annexations in New Guinea, Hoisting the Union Jack at Port Moresby (engraving), Durand, Godefroy (1832-96) / Bridgeman Images

With the British Garrison at Suakim, Red Sea, the New Year Gymkhana Meeting (engraving)
With the British Garrison at Suakim, Red Sea, the New Year Gymkhana Meeting (engraving)

LIP1044836: With the British Garrison at Suakim, Red Sea, the New Year Gymkhana Meeting (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images

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