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LSE4323510: Portrait of Queen Nathalie of Serbia, (1859-1941), nee Ketchko, wife of Milan IV Obrenovic, king of Serbia under the name of Milan I (1854-1901). Queen Nathalie, regained since the abdication of Milan I in 1889, was sent to exile in 1891 by her son Alexander I of Serbia (1876-1903). Engraving in “” Le petit journal”” 6/06/1891. Selva's collection., Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4150200: Portrait of the Queen of Romania Elisabeth Pauline Ottilie Louise de Wied, known as Carmen Sylva (1843-1916), wife of King Charles I - Engraving of 1893 - Elizabeth of Wied of Romania, late 19th-early 20th century - Portrait of Elizabeth (1843-1916), Queen Consort of King Carol I of Romania, Unknown Artist, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images