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44824 Search Results for $Xle or $XLF or $XLA

Victor Hugo 's play
Victor Hugo 's play

XLA3775197: Victor Hugo 's play / Bridgeman Images

Jean Mounet-Sully as Job
Jean Mounet-Sully as Job

XLA3775201: Jean Mounet-Sully as Job / Bridgeman Images

Rupert Chawner Brooke
Rupert Chawner Brooke

XLA3775268: Rupert Chawner Brooke / Bridgeman Images

Furtive passion Caption reads
Furtive passion Caption reads

XLA3775322: Furtive passion Caption reads, Kinsella, Edward Parick (1874-1936) / Bridgeman Images

Thomas Carlyle - Portrait
Thomas Carlyle - Portrait

XLA3775399: Thomas Carlyle - Portrait / Bridgeman Images

Maurice Maeterlinck - Belgian
Maurice Maeterlinck - Belgian

XLA3775429: Maurice Maeterlinck - Belgian / Bridgeman Images

Courting couple on park
Courting couple on park

XLA3775448: Courting couple on park / Bridgeman Images

Israel Zangwill English writer
Israel Zangwill English writer

XLA3775549: Israel Zangwill English writer / Bridgeman Images

La Mode Illustrée -
La Mode Illustrée -

XLA3775588: La Mode Illustrée - / Bridgeman Images

Frederick William I King
Frederick William I King

XLA3775675: Frederick William I King / Bridgeman Images

Joseph Andrews'-('The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams')
Joseph Andrews'-('The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams')

XLA3775702: Joseph Andrews'-('The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams'), Hullet, T. (18th century) / Bridgeman Images

'The Vicar of Wakefield'
'The Vicar of Wakefield'

XLA3775719: 'The Vicar of Wakefield', Stewardson, Thomas (1781-1859) / Bridgeman Images

Matthew Arnold signature dated
Matthew Arnold signature dated

XLA3775957: Matthew Arnold signature dated / Bridgeman Images

'John Gilpin with wife
'John Gilpin with wife

XLA3776064: 'John Gilpin with wife / Bridgeman Images

Gulliver's Travels - by
Gulliver's Travels - by

XLA3776080: Gulliver's Travels - by, Cole, Herbert (1867-1930) / Bridgeman Images

Rosebud at her desk
Rosebud at her desk

XLA3776086: Rosebud at her desk, Wain, Louis (1860-1939) / Bridgeman Images

Compton Mackenzie, profile.
Compton Mackenzie, profile.

XLA3776094: Compton Mackenzie, profile. / Bridgeman Images

Hush-a-bye Baby by Edith Sitwell
Hush-a-bye Baby by Edith Sitwell

XLA3776328: Hush-a-bye Baby by Edith Sitwell, Austen, John (1886-1948) / Bridgeman Images

Dreams from Slumber Songs
Dreams from Slumber Songs

XLA3776484: Dreams from Slumber Songs / Bridgeman Images

Beecham's Music Portfolio -
Beecham's Music Portfolio -

XLA3776744: Beecham's Music Portfolio - / Bridgeman Images

Rudyard Kipling - Corrections
Rudyard Kipling - Corrections

XLA3776928: Rudyard Kipling - Corrections / Bridgeman Images

Arthur Conan Doyle - profile in silhouette
Arthur Conan Doyle - profile in silhouette

XLA3776934: Arthur Conan Doyle - profile in silhouette / Bridgeman Images

Baby's Bouquet - Old
Baby's Bouquet - Old

XLA3776952: Baby's Bouquet - Old, Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images

The Faerie Queen -
The Faerie Queen -

XLA3776963: The Faerie Queen -, Crane, Walter (1845-1915) / Bridgeman Images

Alexandre Dumas - père
Alexandre Dumas - père

XLA3776965: Alexandre Dumas - père / Bridgeman Images

Walt Whitman -
Walt Whitman -

XLA3776984: Walt Whitman - / Bridgeman Images

'The Art of Rhetoric' -
'The Art of Rhetoric' -

XLA3777168: 'The Art of Rhetoric' - / Bridgeman Images

The Turk's Head -
The Turk's Head -

XLA3777241: The Turk's Head - / Bridgeman Images

'Tragedies and Comedies' -
'Tragedies and Comedies' -

XLA3777263: 'Tragedies and Comedies' - / Bridgeman Images

Monument to Samuel Johnson
Monument to Samuel Johnson

XLA3777280: Monument to Samuel Johnson, Barry, James (1741-1806) / Bridgeman Images

Richard Brinsley Sheridan's play
Richard Brinsley Sheridan's play

XLA3777378: Richard Brinsley Sheridan's play, Thomson, Hugh (1860-1920) / Bridgeman Images

Walter de la Mare
Walter de la Mare

XLA3747570: Walter de la Mare, Rothenstein, William (1872-1945) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Philip Wilson Steer
Philip Wilson Steer

XLA3747584: Philip Wilson Steer, Rothenstein, William (1872-1945) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Arthur Stanley Eddington
Arthur Stanley Eddington

XLA3747593: Arthur Stanley Eddington, Rothenstein, William (1872-1945) (after) / Bridgeman Images

Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Thomas Cromwell
Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Thomas Cromwell

XLA3747602: Letter from Thomas Cranmer to Thomas Cromwell / Bridgeman Images

Jessie Lewers Thomson
Jessie Lewers Thomson

XLA3747628: Jessie Lewers Thomson / Bridgeman Images

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