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EVB2946473: Men Handling serpents at the Pentecostal Church of God. Snake handling was a test of the worshipper's faith, introduced to Appalachia in the early 20th century by George Went Hensley. Lejunior, Harlan County, Kentucky. Sept. 15, 1946. Photo by Russell Lee, Lee, Russell (1903-86) / Bridgeman Images
LSE4331105: Exercises of manipulating Taifourchi bulwark rifles, troops armed and trained by the Chinese military, drawing by Delort, to illustrate the memories of an English embassy in Kachgar (or Kashi, China) in 1873-74, by Mr. Chapman and Gordon. Engraving in Le tour du monde, 1878, directed by Edouard Charton, Paris. Selva Collection., Delort, Charles Edouard (1841-95) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5070727: Children Nurseries: 4 year old puppet prodigy. Bobby Francis age 4 is an expert manipulator of puppets. He belongs to the Westborough Nursery School, Guildford, Surrey, and performs with 12 dolls, including dragons and fairies. A clothes horse has been converted into a theatre and around it twice weekly the toddlers assemble and thoroughly enjoy the show. January 1945 P012143 / Bridgeman Images