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798188 Search Results

BEHANZIN (1841-1906). King of Dahomey (1890-1894). Kingdom of Dahomey (c19th). King Behanzin cowries distributing his troops. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving)
BEHANZIN (1841-1906). King of Dahomey (1890-1894). Kingdom of Dahomey (c19th). King Behanzin cowries distributing his troops. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving)

IBE5393939: BEHANZIN (1841-1906). King of Dahomey (1890-1894). Kingdom of Dahomey (c19th). King Behanzin cowries distributing his troops. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

MOROCCO (c19th). View of Fez. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving)
MOROCCO (c19th). View of Fez. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving)

IBE5393974: MOROCCO (c19th). View of Fez. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

MENDELEYEV, Dmitry Ivanovich (1834-1907). Russian chemist. The Principles of chemistry. Longmans, 1891. Periodic table of elements  (Engraving)
MENDELEYEV, Dmitry Ivanovich (1834-1907). Russian chemist. The Principles of chemistry. Longmans, 1891. Periodic table of elements  (Engraving)

IBE5393984: MENDELEYEV, Dmitry Ivanovich (1834-1907). Russian chemist. The Principles of chemistry. Longmans, 1891. Periodic table of elements (Engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

CHINA (c19th). Walls and streets of Pekin, 1880 (Engraving)
CHINA (c19th). Walls and streets of Pekin, 1880 (Engraving)

IBE5394000: CHINA (c19th). Walls and streets of Pekin, 1880 (Engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

FRANCE (c19th). Alsace. View of Strasbourg, 1880
FRANCE (c19th). Alsace. View of Strasbourg, 1880

IBE5394004: FRANCE (c19th). Alsace. View of Strasbourg, 1880 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

PANAMA (c19th). Panama Street. Illustration of 1880. Engraving. Private Collection
PANAMA (c19th). Panama Street. Illustration of 1880. Engraving. Private Collection

IBE5394009: PANAMA (c19th). Panama Street. Illustration of 1880. Engraving. Private Collection / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

INDIA (c19th). Pond of the Grand Mosque Bedjapoor, 1880. Engraving.
INDIA (c19th). Pond of the Grand Mosque Bedjapoor, 1880. Engraving.

IBE5394017: INDIA (c19th). Pond of the Grand Mosque Bedjapoor, 1880. Engraving. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

LUTHER, Martin (1483-1546). German religious reformer. Luther calling the nobles against the people. Illustration of Los Secretos del Protestantismo by Jose Hernandez del Mas, Barcelona 1858. Engraving
LUTHER, Martin (1483-1546). German religious reformer. Luther calling the nobles against the people. Illustration of Los Secretos del Protestantismo by Jose Hernandez del Mas, Barcelona 1858. Engraving

IBE5394022: LUTHER, Martin (1483-1546). German religious reformer. Luther calling the nobles against the people. Illustration of Los Secretos del Protestantismo by Jose Hernandez del Mas, Barcelona 1858. Engraving / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

France (1887). The earthquare on the Riviera (South coast of Francia). The ecole Maternelle, at St. Etienne, Nice, where madame Cheylon was killed (engraving)
France (1887). The earthquare on the Riviera (South coast of Francia). The ecole Maternelle, at St. Etienne, Nice, where madame Cheylon was killed (engraving)

IBE5394055: France (1887). The earthquare on the Riviera (South coast of Francia). The ecole Maternelle, at St. Etienne, Nice, where madame Cheylon was killed (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Lafayette, Marie Joseph Gilbert Motie Motier, marquis de (1757-1834).
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Gilbert Motie Motier, marquis de (1757-1834).

IBE5394058: Lafayette, Marie Joseph Gilbert Motie Motier, marquis de (1757-1834). / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

MATA HARI, Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, called (1876-1917). Dutch dancer and spy. Je sais tout, Paris, 1906 (engraving)
MATA HARI, Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, called (1876-1917). Dutch dancer and spy. Je sais tout, Paris, 1906 (engraving)

IBE5394067: MATA HARI, Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, called (1876-1917). Dutch dancer and spy. Je sais tout, Paris, 1906 (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Italy (c19th). woman from a village of the countryside of Rome. Illustration of 1880. (engraving)
Italy (c19th). woman from a village of the countryside of Rome. Illustration of 1880. (engraving)

IBE5394074: Italy (c19th). woman from a village of the countryside of Rome. Illustration of 1880. (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

NORDENSKJOLD, Adolf Erik, baron (1832-1901). Finnish baron, botanist, geologist, mineralogist and arctic explorer of Finland-Swedish origin (engraving)
NORDENSKJOLD, Adolf Erik, baron (1832-1901). Finnish baron, botanist, geologist, mineralogist and arctic explorer of Finland-Swedish origin (engraving)

IBE5394084: NORDENSKJOLD, Adolf Erik, baron (1832-1901). Finnish baron, botanist, geologist, mineralogist and arctic explorer of Finland-Swedish origin (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Masonry. From left to right: Mason of 1st grade (apprentice) and 3rd grade mason (master). Illustration of 1889
Masonry. From left to right: Mason of 1st grade (apprentice) and 3rd grade mason (master). Illustration of 1889

IBE5394128: Masonry. From left to right: Mason of 1st grade (apprentice) and 3rd grade mason (master). Illustration of 1889 / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

CHILE (XVI century). Fort of Taun-Leuvu. Illustration of 1851. Engraving. Private Collection
CHILE (XVI century). Fort of Taun-Leuvu. Illustration of 1851. Engraving. Private Collection

IBE5394525: CHILE (XVI century). Fort of Taun-Leuvu. Illustration of 1851. Engraving. Private Collection / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Jules Crevaux (1847-1882). French doctor, soldier, and explorer. He is known for his multiple explorations into the interior of French Guiana and the Amazon. Illustration of 1880. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage
Jules Crevaux (1847-1882). French doctor, soldier, and explorer. He is known for his multiple explorations into the interior of French Guiana and the Amazon. Illustration of 1880. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage

IBE5394555: Jules Crevaux (1847-1882). French doctor, soldier, and explorer. He is known for his multiple explorations into the interior of French Guiana and the Amazon. Illustration of 1880. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

EGYPT (C19th). A bazaar in Cairo. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage
EGYPT (C19th). A bazaar in Cairo. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage

IBE5394560: EGYPT (C19th). A bazaar in Cairo. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

ENGLAND (s. XIX). Fields Coldbath prison. El Museo Universal. 1868. Engraving ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage
ENGLAND (s. XIX). Fields Coldbath prison. El Museo Universal. 1868. Engraving ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage

IBE5394574: ENGLAND (s. XIX). Fields Coldbath prison. El Museo Universal. 1868. Engraving ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

TURKEY (19th century). Guard body in Constantinople. Illustration of 1881. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage
TURKEY (19th century). Guard body in Constantinople. Illustration of 1881. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage

IBE5394576: TURKEY (19th century). Guard body in Constantinople. Illustration of 1881. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon's Burial Place on St. Helena, c.1826 (watercolour)
Napoleon's Burial Place on St. Helena, c.1826 (watercolour)

FIA5395488: Napoleon's Burial Place on St. Helena, c.1826 (watercolour), Brunton, Richard (active c.1820) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

RUSSIA (c19th). Stavropol Cathedral. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving)
RUSSIA (c19th). Stavropol Cathedral. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving)

IBE5395100: RUSSIA (c19th). Stavropol Cathedral. Illustration of 1880 (Engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Self -portrait, 20th Century (Serigraphic Ink on Canvas)
Self -portrait, 20th Century (Serigraphic Ink on Canvas)

FIA5392045: Self -portrait, 20th Century (Serigraphic Ink on Canvas), Warhol, Andy (1928-87) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe (1749-1792), 1889 (lithograph)
Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe (1749-1792), 1889 (lithograph)

IBE5392099: Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe (1749-1792), 1889 (lithograph) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Pedro de Moron fighting in the battle remains prisoner. (engraving)
Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Pedro de Moron fighting in the battle remains prisoner. (engraving)

IBE5392127: Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Pedro de Moron fighting in the battle remains prisoner. (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

PIZARRO, Gonzalo (1511-1548). Spanish military man and conqueror. PERU (1548). Gonzalo Pizarro going to the scaffold. Illustration of 1851(engraving)
PIZARRO, Gonzalo (1511-1548). Spanish military man and conqueror. PERU (1548). Gonzalo Pizarro going to the scaffold. Illustration of 1851(engraving)

IBE5392870: PIZARRO, Gonzalo (1511-1548). Spanish military man and conqueror. PERU (1548). Gonzalo Pizarro going to the scaffold. Illustration of 1851(engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

FRANCE (c19th). Le Puy, 1880 (engraving)
FRANCE (c19th). Le Puy, 1880 (engraving)

IBE5392885: FRANCE (c19th). Le Puy, 1880 (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

ATAHUALLPA (1502-1533). Inca king (1532-1533). Peru (1533). Death of the Inca Atahualpa. Illustration of 1851 (engraving)
ATAHUALLPA (1502-1533). Inca king (1532-1533). Peru (1533). Death of the Inca Atahualpa. Illustration of 1851 (engraving)

IBE5393264: ATAHUALLPA (1502-1533). Inca king (1532-1533). Peru (1533). Death of the Inca Atahualpa. Illustration of 1851 (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

ATAHUALLPA (1502-1533). Inca king (1532-1533). Conquest of Peru (16th century). Heroic defense of the Inca Atahualpa. Illustration of 1851 (engraving)
ATAHUALLPA (1502-1533). Inca king (1532-1533). Conquest of Peru (16th century). Heroic defense of the Inca Atahualpa. Illustration of 1851 (engraving)

IBE5393313: ATAHUALLPA (1502-1533). Inca king (1532-1533). Conquest of Peru (16th century). Heroic defense of the Inca Atahualpa. Illustration of 1851 (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

France (1887). The earthquare on the Riviera (South coast of Francia). Monaco (engraving)
France (1887). The earthquare on the Riviera (South coast of Francia). Monaco (engraving)

IBE5393358: France (1887). The earthquare on the Riviera (South coast of Francia). Monaco (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

IRELAND (19th century). The Claddagh of Galway. Illustration of 1880 (engraving)
IRELAND (19th century). The Claddagh of Galway. Illustration of 1880 (engraving)

IBE5393376: IRELAND (19th century). The Claddagh of Galway. Illustration of 1880 (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

ENGLAND (1887). A poultry farm. Field with poultry coops. (engraving)
ENGLAND (1887). A poultry farm. Field with poultry coops. (engraving)

IBE5393377: ENGLAND (1887). A poultry farm. Field with poultry coops. (engraving) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

AUBER, Daniel (1782-1871). Composer. El Museo Universal. 1868. Engraving ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage
AUBER, Daniel (1782-1871). Composer. El Museo Universal. 1868. Engraving ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage

IBE5393404: AUBER, Daniel (1782-1871). Composer. El Museo Universal. 1868. Engraving ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

SANDOVAL, Gonzalo de (1497-1527). Spanish conquistador in New Spain (Mexico). Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Sandoval. Illustration of 1851. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage
SANDOVAL, Gonzalo de (1497-1527). Spanish conquistador in New Spain (Mexico). Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Sandoval. Illustration of 1851. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage

IBE5393427: SANDOVAL, Gonzalo de (1497-1527). Spanish conquistador in New Spain (Mexico). Conquest of Mexico (1519-1521). Sandoval. Illustration of 1851. Engraving. Private Collection ©Lorio/Iberfoto/Leemage / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Buffalo Bill, also called William Frederick Cody (1846-1917). North American adventurer. Illustration of 1887. Engraving.
Buffalo Bill, also called William Frederick Cody (1846-1917). North American adventurer. Illustration of 1887. Engraving.

IBE5393456: Buffalo Bill, also called William Frederick Cody (1846-1917). North American adventurer. Illustration of 1887. Engraving. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Town and Harbor of Balaklava (Balaclava) from the Camp of the 93rd Highlanders, 1854 (colour lithograph)
Town and Harbor of Balaklava (Balaclava) from the Camp of the 93rd Highlanders, 1854 (colour lithograph)

FIA5395876: Town and Harbor of Balaklava (Balaclava) from the Camp of the 93rd Highlanders, 1854 (colour lithograph), O'Reilly, Montagu (active c. 1855) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

The Ural Cossacks Picket, 1812 (aquatint)
The Ural Cossacks Picket, 1812 (aquatint)

FIA5395896: The Ural Cossacks Picket, 1812 (aquatint), Karneyev, Yegor (19th century) / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

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