Invasion foces assemble off the Normandy coast before dawn on June 6th (pencil on paper), Lawrence, Sandra (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SLA5948927
Invasion foces assemble off the Normandy coast before dawn on June 6th (pencil on paper)
Lawrence, Sandra (b.1945)
Allied paratroopers land in France early on June 6th and in the afternoon the commandos are piped in (pencil on paper), Lawrence, Sandra (b.1945) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SLA5948928
Allied paratroopers land in France early on June 6th and in the afternoon the commandos are piped in (pencil on paper)
Lawrence, Sandra (b.1945)
Bossevig, after sunset, 1885, Kielland, Kitty Lange (1843-1914) / Bridgeman Images
ID: OVR5954332
Bossevig, after sunset, 1885
Kielland, Kitty Lange (1843-1914)
Idyll, 1886, Munthe, Gerhard Peter Frantz Vilhelm (1849-1929) / Bridgeman Images
Manchu ladies of the palace being warned to stop smoking, c.1915 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962892
Manchu ladies of the palace being warned to stop smoking, c.1915 (b/w photo)
'Find the range of your patriotism by enlisting in the Navy', 1918 (colour lithograph), Preissig, Vojtěch (1873-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962896
'Find the range of your patriotism by enlisting in the Navy', 1918 (colour lithograph)
Preissig, Vojtěch (1873-1944)
Harry Sumida, in hospital, Manzanar Japanese American Internment Camp, California, 1943 (b/w photo), Adams, Ansel (1902-84) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962924
Harry Sumida, in hospital, Manzanar Japanese American Internment Camp, California, 1943 (b/w photo)
Golda Meir, 1973 (b/w photo), Trikosko, Marion S. (fl.1964) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962937
Golda Meir, 1973 (b/w photo)
Trikosko, Marion S. (fl.1964)
Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, c.1914 (b/w photo), English Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962947
Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, c.1914 (b/w photo)
English Photographer, (20th century)
Charge of the Light Brigade under Major General the Earl of Cardigan, 1855 (lithograph), Simpson, William 'Crimea' (1823-99) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962949
Charge of the Light Brigade under Major General the Earl of Cardigan, 1855 (lithograph)
Simpson, William 'Crimea' (1823-99)
The Roman city of Gerasa at Jerash, Jordan, c.1900 (b/w photo), American Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5962950
The Roman city of Gerasa at Jerash, Jordan, c.1900 (b/w photo)
Relapse, 2017 (painting), Hill, Siris / Bridgeman Images
ID: APK5977324
Relapse, 2017 (painting)
Hill, Siris
Self portrait, 1895 (oil on canvas), Sohlberg, Harald Oscar (1869-1935) / Bridgeman Images
ID: OVR5937948
Self portrait, 1895 (oil on canvas)
Sohlberg, Harald Oscar (1869-1935)
Leo A. Dawson, testifying before the Dies Un-American Committee about communism in the Federal Theatre Project, 1938 (b/w photograph), Harris & Ewing (1905-45) / Bridgeman Images
ID: XOS5974326
Leo A. Dawson, testifying before the Dies Un-American Committee about communism in the Federal Theatre Project, 1938 (b/w photograph)