Paris: Triumphal Arch of the Carrousel (b/w photo), Percier, Charles (1764-1838) & Fontaine, Pierre (1762-1853) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6007811
Paris: Triumphal Arch of the Carrousel (b/w photo)
Percier, Charles (1764-1838) & Fontaine, Pierre (1762-1853)
Paris: Entrance to the Palace of Justice (b/w photo), French Photographer, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6007839
Paris: Entrance to the Palace of Justice (b/w photo)
French Photographer, (19th century)
The Cerealia or Grain Plants (coloured engraving), Stewart, J. (19th century) (after) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005409
The Cerealia or Grain Plants (coloured engraving)
Stewart, J. (19th century) (after)
Australian Trees and Shrubs (coloured engraving), Le Keux, John (1783-1846) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005415
Australian Trees and Shrubs (coloured engraving)
Le Keux, John (1783-1846)
Decor pour le Theatre du Chateau de Versailles (chromolitho), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005418
Decor pour le Theatre du Chateau de Versailles (chromolitho)
French School, (19th century)
Acrobate faisant le saut perilleux; d'apres une gravure du XVIe siecle (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005420
Acrobate faisant le saut perilleux; d'apres une gravure du XVIe siecle (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Le Grand Salon de Frascati (chromolitho), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005425
Le Grand Salon de Frascati (chromolitho)
French School, (19th century)
Le Menuet (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005431
Le Menuet (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Affiche composee et lithographiee par Celestin Nanteuil, tiree de la collection d'Affiches illustrees de M Dessolliers (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005438
Affiche composee et lithographiee par Celestin Nanteuil, tiree de la collection d'Affiches illustrees de M Dessolliers (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Le Cirque d'ete, aux Champs-Elysees (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005487
Le Cirque d'ete, aux Champs-Elysees (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Reouverture du nouveau theatre de la Comedie-Italienne, restaure apres la mort de Dominique, le fameux Arlequin, en 1688 (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005497
Reouverture du nouveau theatre de la Comedie-Italienne, restaure apres la mort de Dominique, le fameux Arlequin, en 1688 (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Mlle Prevost, l'une des plus celebres danseuses de l'Opera, de 1705 a 1730 (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005500
Mlle Prevost, l'une des plus celebres danseuses de l'Opera, de 1705 a 1730 (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Decor du 2e acte d'Hamlet (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005501
Decor du 2e acte d'Hamlet (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Decor du 2e acte d'Hamlet (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005503
Decor du 2e acte d'Hamlet (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Une course de taureaux en Espagne (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005504
Une course de taureaux en Espagne (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Frontispice d'Armide, opera de Quinault et Lully, representant un decor de cet ouvrage, d'apres le dessin de Berain (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005507
Frontispice d'Armide, opera de Quinault et Lully, representant un decor de cet ouvrage, d'apres le dessin de Berain (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Festin d'apparat avec entremets, d'apres une gravure du seizieme siecle (engraving), French School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005516
Festin d'apparat avec entremets, d'apres une gravure du seizieme siecle (engraving)
French School, (19th century)
Entrance to London from Islington (engraving), Schnebbelie, Robert Blemell (fl.1803-1849) (after) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006133
Entrance to London from Islington (engraving)
Schnebbelie, Robert Blemell (fl.1803-1849) (after)
Wormley Bury, the seat of Sir Abraham Hume Baronet (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006148
Wormley Bury, the seat of Sir Abraham Hume Baronet (engraving)
English School, (19th century)
London: Church Row, Hampstead (b/w photo), English Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006159
London: Church Row, Hampstead (b/w photo)
English Photographer, (20th century)
London: 10, Downing Street (b/w photo), English Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006167
London: 10, Downing Street (b/w photo)
English Photographer, (20th century)
London: Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park (b/w photo), English Photographer, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006172
London: Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park (b/w photo)
English Photographer, (20th century)
The Lucifer Match Girl (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
The Mud-Lark (engraving), English School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006195
The Mud-Lark (engraving)
English School, (19th century)
London at night: Tower Of London (b/w photo), Burdekin, Harold (1899-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006206
London at night: Tower Of London (b/w photo)
Burdekin, Harold (1899-1944)
London at night: Landseer's Lions, Trafalgar Square, and Statue of Charles I (b/w photo), Burdekin, Harold (1899-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006210
London at night: Landseer's Lions, Trafalgar Square, and Statue of Charles I (b/w photo)
Burdekin, Harold (1899-1944)
London at night: St Paul's Churchyard, South Transept (b/w photo), Burdekin, Harold (1899-1944) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6006215
London at night: St Paul's Churchyard, South Transept (b/w photo)
Burdekin, Harold (1899-1944)
English Mediaeval Architecture; Westminster Abbey (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005282
English Mediaeval Architecture; Westminster Abbey (litho)
English School, (20th century)
English Mediaeval Architecture; Peterborough Cathedral (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005285
English Mediaeval Architecture; Peterborough Cathedral (litho)
English School, (20th century)
German Romanesque; Church of the Apostles, Cologne (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005289
German Romanesque; Church of the Apostles, Cologne (litho)
English School, (20th century)
German Romanesque; Worms Cathedral (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005290
German Romanesque; Worms Cathedral (litho)
English School, (20th century)
Egyptian Architecture; Great Pyramid of Cheops, Gizeh; Mastaba Tombs; Tombs, Beni-Hasan; Tombs of the Kings, Thebes (litho), English School, (20th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005302
Egyptian Architecture; Great Pyramid of Cheops, Gizeh; Mastaba Tombs; Tombs, Beni-Hasan; Tombs of the Kings, Thebes (litho)
English School, (20th century)
Peasant Girl from the Neighborhood of Buda-Pesth (engraving), European School, (19th century) / Bridgeman Images
ID: LLM6005303
Peasant Girl from the Neighborhood of Buda-Pesth (engraving)