Vivarini, Antonio (c.1415-1476/84)

Creator details

Vivarini, Antonio (c.1415-1476/84)

Assets (29 in total)

The Garden of Love, c.1465-70 (oil, tempera & gold on panel)
St. Nicholas (tempera & gold leaf on panel)
Martyrdom of St. Lucy (oil on panel)
Polyptych of St Jerome, 1441 (panel)
The Holy Family (coat of arms of Barbara de Brandeboug, Duchess of Mantua), c.1450-60 (oil on wood)
Polyptych of Saint Sabina
Madonna and Child, c.1450/60 (tempera on wood)
Polyptych of the Body of Christ
St. John the Baptist, panel from a polyptych removed from the church of St. Francesco in Padua, 1451 (panel) (see also 72516)
Head of a saint from the St. Jerome altarpiece, 1441 (tempera on panel) (detail)
Triptych of The Virgin and Child surrounded by Saints, detail of the left panel showing Saint Jerome and Saint Gregory, 1446 (tempera on canvas)
The Pesaro Polyptych, detail of two saints (oil on panel)

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