Rysbrack, Pieter Andreas (c.1684-1748)

Creator details

Rysbrack, Pieter Andreas (c.1684-1748)

Assets (11 in total)

The Water Gardens of Chiswick House (see also 176474)
View of the Orange Tree Garden, Chiswick House (oil on canvas)
View of the Temple by the water, with the basin and long canal, Chiswick Villa (oil on canvas)
View of the Bagnio and Comed Building alleys, Chiswick Villa (oil on canvas)
View of the new villa, old house and stables from across Burlington Lane, Chiswick Villa (oil on canvas)
The Gardens at Chiswick House (See also companion picture 18868)
A View of the Orangery, Lord Burlington's Garden at Chiswick (engraving)
View of the terrace looking across the canal to the side of the villa, Chiswick Villa (oil on canvas)
A View of Chiswick Gardens, Richmond, from across the New Gardens towards the Bagnio, c.1729-31 (oil on canvas)
Chiswick House and Garden, 1748 (hand-coloured etching)
View towards the rear of the Bagnio from south of the upper river, Chiswick House (oil on canvas)

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