Raffet, Denis-Auguste-Marie (1804-1860)

Creator details

Raffet, Denis-Auguste-Marie (1804-1860)

Assets (22 in total)

'Enterprise Generale des Dames Blanches', omnibus from Madeleine to Porte Saint-Martin, c.1850 (colour litho)
The Trial of Marie Antoinette, 1845 (pencil & w/c on paper)
The Consular Guard at Marengo on 14 June 1800, c.1845 (pencil & w/c on paper)
'Entreprise Generale des Omnibus', coach from Monnaie to Jardin du Roi, c.1815 (colour litho)
Russian Retreat Episode. Napoleonic War (1812), 1856 (oil on canvas)
Parisian transport: omnibus known as
Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821) crossing the River Danube during the night of 4th July 1809, engraved by Abraham Girardet (1764-1823) (engraving) (b/w photo)
Soldiers of the Republic, 1849 (pencil, ink & w/c on paper)
Russian retreat episode. Napoleonic War (1812), 19th century (oil on canvas)
Crossing the River Niemen in June 1812, engraved by Beyer and Doherty (engraving) (b/w photo)
Wallachian Round, performed by the Tsiganes and danced by the Second Regiment musicians at the home of Prince Ghika, Ghospodar, Wallachia, 1839 (litho)
Le Capitaine de GĂ©nie, Th. Le Blanc, plate 9 from Prise de Constantine, 1838 (litho)

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