Monleon y Torres, Rafael (1847-1900)

Creator details

Monleon y Torres, Rafael (1847-1900)

Assets (9 in total)

Defence of the Havana Promontory in 1762, c.1898 (oil on canvas)
Discovery of America 1885 (watercolour)
Representation of the fleet of King Olaf I of Norway, 1885 (w/c on paper)
Ancient Greece: Greek trireme (or triere), ancient combat galere, 19th century (drawing)
English, French and Spanish Ships, Cadiz (w/c on paper)
Combat between the Spanish ship 'Catalan' and the British ship 'Mary' in 1819, 1888 (oil on canvas)
the battle of Trafalgar, 21 october 1805, 1870 (oil on canvas)
The fregate Numancia, 19th century (watercolour)
Ancient Greece: Greek trireme (or triere), ancient combat galere, 19th century (drawing)

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