Lepine, Stanislas Victor Edouard (1835-92)

Creator details

Lepine, Stanislas Victor Edouard (1835-92)

Assets (52 in total)

The Courtyard of the Museum of Cluny, c.1878-80 (panel)
Saint-Vincent Street, Montmartre (oil on canvas)
Le Bassin de la Villette, Paris (oil on canvas)
The Puits de Grenelle (oil on canvas)
The Bassin Saint-Pierre at Caen (oil on canvas)
The Canal Saint-Denis (oil on canvas)
Earthworks at Caen (oil on canvas)
Landscape with a Bridge, early 1870s (oil on canvas)
View of the outskirts of Caen, 1872-75 (oil on wood)
The Saint-Martin Canal at Moonlight; Le Canal Saint-Martin au Clair de Lune,  (oil on canvas)
The Seine from the Quai de la Rapee (oil on canvas)
The Coast of Normandy (oil on canvas)

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