Varotari, Alessandro (Il Padovanino) (1588-1648)

Creator details

Varotari, Alessandro (Il Padovanino) (1588-1648)

Assets (15 in total)

Allegory of Married life depicting the Gods Vesta, Hymen, Mars and Venus
Orpheus and Eurydice
The Adulteress Woman in front of Christ
The Rape of Proserpine (oil on canvas)
The oracle of love, by Alexander known as Varotari Padovanino, 1620-1625, 17th century, oil on canvas.
Bathsheba bathing with her Maidservant
Virgin and Child with Saint Benedict and Saint Prosdocimus
Fame (oil on canvas)
Allegorical figure (oil on canvas)
Francisco Padovanino (engraving)
Self portrait
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine

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