Stone, Marcus (1840-1921)

Creator details

Stone, Marcus (1840-1921)

Assets (63 in total)

In Love, 1907 (oil on canvas)
The Young James Watt Playing with Steam
By the Canal, Venice
The Book (oil on canvas)
Claudio, deceived by Don John, accuses Hero, from
Profile of a young girl
On the road from Waterloo to Paris, 1863 (oil on canvas)
The Royal Nursery, 1538 (oil on canvas) (detail of 5499)
The Royal Nursery, 1538 (oil on canvas)
A Prior Attachment, 1882 (oil on canvas)
Two's Company, Three's None, detail of the two lovers, 1892 (oil on canvas) (detail of 100479)
Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn observed by Queen Katherine, 1870 (oil on canvas)

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